5 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Proses Penyampaian KIE Pencegahan HIV/AIDS yang Dilakukan ASA PKBI Jawa Tengah Bagi Remaja di Kota Semarang

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    Background : The ASA IPPA Central Java has been conducting a series of IEC activities of HIV prevention programmes for young people regularly. These activities are conducted by ASA volunteers by providing a lecture to middle and high school students. Unfortunately, these activities have never been evaluated in terms of the methods, the materials and theoutputs of the lecture. This study observes the IEC process of HIV prevention for young people conducted by ASA volunteers.Method : An observation technique using check lists has been used to observe the process of the IEC activities which were conducted by the ASA volunteers. The performance of the communicators, the curriculum provided, the responses of the target group and the media used, were observed directly during the IEC activities. Focus group discussions with students and indepth interviews with coordinators of IEC activities in each school, were also conducted to obtain more detail information. Two middle schools and three high schools which selected purposively have been participated in this study.Results : The study shows that the performance of the communicators during the IEC activities were relatively good, particularly in terms of language, skills of communication technique and relationship with the audiences. Although not all questions asked by the audiences, havebeen answered by the communicators, particularly unrelated topics to HIV/AIDS and drugs, using new terminology during a lecture has made many students interested to listen and provided some good responses. In terms of the IEC materials, the middle schools were more focused on drugs, whereas the high schools were more concerned in HIV/AIDS prevention. Each lecture provides an additional programmes such as HIV/AIDS film and drug user cases in VCD format. This study suggests that the skills of communicators and the materials of the IEC, should be improved regularly in order to increase the fit between the IEC activities and the audience needs. The usage of audio visual aids during the IEC process should be optimized to make it easier for the audiences to understand the materials being provided. The output assessments should also be conducted in order to obtain direct feed back from the audiences.Keywords: IEC process, HIV/AIDS, Students

    Penggunaan Natrium Siklamat Pada Es Lilin Berdasarkan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Produsen Di Kelurahan Srondol Wetan Dan Pedalangan Kota Semarang (Natrium Cyclamate on the Ice Candle Based on the Producer's Knowledge in Srondol Wetan and Pedalangan, Semarang)

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    Sodium Cyclamate is an artificial sweetener that is often used. Sodium cyclamate could be carcinogenic. The use of sodium cyclamate in Indonesia regulated in a No 722/MenKes/Per/IX/88 Permenkes RI and RI Permenkes no.208/MenKes/Per/IV/85 about USAge limits for each food product. The data of BBPOM Semarang in 2007 found sodium cyclamate in food snacks (student of primary school) including ice candle. The purpose of this study is to measure the use of sodium cyclamate at ice candle producers based on knowledge and attitudes about the content of sodium cyclamate.. This research is explanatory with the survey method. The population is all the ice candle producers in Srondol Wetan and Pedalangan, as many as 25 producers. Samples were tested in the laboratory ice candle BB POM Semarang. Data analysis using Spearman rank correlation test. The results showed the level of knowledge of respondents 'good' by 16.0%, the category of "enough" of 52.0% and "less" of 32.0%. Respondents who have the attitude of "support" of 64.0% and 36.0% "no support". The content of sodium cyclamate in 17 samples (68.0%) positive and 8 samples (32.0%) negative. Positive samples containing sodium cyclamate, there were 14 samples (82.35%) that concentration is still below the maximum limit and 3 samples (17.65%) which exceeds the maximum limit. There is a relationship between knowledge and attitude of the ice candle producers with the use of sodium cyclamate in Srondol Wetan and Pedalangan of Semarang

    Pengaruh Program Pelatihan Pengolahan Sampah Padat Organik Menggunakan Metode Composting terhadap Pengetahuan dan Ketrampilan Ibu-Ibu PKK di RW III Kelurahan Boja Kabupaten Kendal

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    Background: Garbage is discard materials as a result of human life. The amount of garbage yielded by human being is increased progressively that require to be handled to prevent from one way to handled garbage especially organic garbage is by processing them to become compost.. Composting is process decomposition of garbage biologically either in aerobic or anaerobic condition. Many people do not understand how to process solid waste becomes compost. This study aims to know the effects of training in composting garbage at PKK's member at Kendal District.Method: The study is action research using Pre Test Post Test Design. 30 women were selected purposively using certain criteria. The data analyzed using Paired t-test and Wilcoxon test to compare the result before and after training.Result: The study shows that there were significant differences between level of knowledge of women before and after training. However the significant differences between before and after training in terms of the level of knowledge and attitudes 1 month after training whereasthe skills after training increase significantly.Keywords: training, knowledge, skilled, composting, garbag

    Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang Kecacingan terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An Nur Kelurahan Pedurungan Kidul Kota Semarang

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    Latar belakang : Anak usia SD sangat rentan terkena kecacingan. Hasil studi pendahuluan diMadrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) An Nur di Kelurahan Penggaron Kidul, Kecamatan Pedurungan,Kota Semarang menunjukkan adanya faktor risiko yang memungkinkan siswa-siswa tersebutterinfeksi kecacingan. Selanjutnya banyak dari siswa yang tidak mengetahui tentang penyakitkecacingan. Untuk membantu mencegah terjadinya infeksi kecacingan di MI tersebut, makadiperlukan penyuluhan kesehatan dengan media yang tepat agar mudah dipahami sehinggaberpengaruh pada pengetahuan dan sikap siswa. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui pengaruhpenyuluhan kesehatan terhadap pengetahuan dan sikap tentang kecacingan. Metode : jenispenelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu, dengan menggunakan rancangan pre test post test design.Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa MI An Nur Kelurahan Penggaron Kidul. Sampel diambilsecara purposive pada siswa kelas IV, V, VI yaitu berjumlah 44 siswa, kemudina dibagi menjadi2 kelompok secara random. Kelompok pertama diberi penyuluhan kesehatan melalui ceritabergambar, dan kelompok kedua melali ceramah. Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji tberpasangan Wilcoxon, sedangkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara dua kelompokmenggunakan uji t independen dan Man Whitney. Hasil : Hasil : Ada perbedaan secara signifikanantara pengetahuan dan sikap sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada masing-masing kelompok.Selanjutnya ada perbedaan secara signifikan antara peningkatan pengetahuan dan sikap antarakelompok yang diintervensi menggunakan cerita bergambar dengan ceramah.Kata Kunci : Kecacingan, Pengetahuan, Sikap, Cerita bergambar, Ceramah Background : School-age children are very susceptible to worms infection. the result ofpreliminary study at An Nur Islamic Elementary School showed there are risk factors ofoccurrence of diseases of intestinal worms. Furthermore many of the students at An Nur Islamicelementary School do not know about worms infection. Purpose: to determine the effect ofhealth education on knowledge and attitudes about worms infection among students at An NurIslamic Elemntary School. Methods: This research type is Quasi experimental, by using pre testpost test design. Amount of samples are 44. The data analyzed by using paired t-Test. Results:There is a sigficant different between knowledge and attitudes before and after intervention ineach group. Furthermore there are significant different between the increase in knowledge andattitudes between the intervention group using a picture story than a lecture