196 research outputs found

    Synthesis, reactivity studies, and cytotoxicity of two trans-Iodidoplatinum(II) complexes. Does photoactivation work?

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    trans-Platinum complexes have been the landmark in unconventional drugs prompting the development of innovative structures that might exhibit chemical and biological profiles different to cisplatin. Iodido complexes signaled a new turning point in the platinum drug design field when their cytotoxicity was reevaluated and reported. In this new study, we have synthesized and evaluated diodidoplatinum complexes trans-[PtI2(amine)(pyridine)] bearing aliphatic amines (isopropylamine and methylamine) and pyridines in trans configuration. X-ray diffraction data support the structural characterization. Their cytotoxicity has been evaluated in tumor cell lines such as SAOS-2, A375, T-47D, and HCT116. Moreover, we report their solution behavior and reactivity with biological models. Ultraviolet-a (UVA) irradiation induces an increase in their reactivity towards model nucleobase 5′-GMP in early stages, and promotes the release of the pyridine ligand (spectator ligand) at longer reaction times. Density Functional calculations have been performed and the results are compared with our previous studies with other iodido derivatives.MINECO CTQ-2015-68779

    Bioorthogonal catalytic activation of Platinum and Ruthenium anticancer complexes by FAD and flavoproteins

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    Recent advances in bioorthogonal catalysis promise to deliver new chemical tools for performing chemoselective transformations in complex biological environments. Herein, we report how FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide), FMN (flavin mononucleotide), and four flavoproteins act as unconventional photocatalysts capable of converting PtIV and RuII complexes into potentially toxic PtII or RuII-OH2 species. In the presence of electron donors and low doses of visible light, the flavoproteins mini singlet oxygen generator (miniSOG) and NADH oxidase (NOX) catalytically activate PtIV prodrugs with bioorthogonal selectivity. In the presence of NADH, NOX catalyzes PtIV activation in the dark as well, indicating for the first time that flavoenzymes may contribute to initiating the activity of PtIV chemotherapeutic agents

    A Distributed IoT Infrastructure to Test and Deploy Real-Time Demand Response in Smart Grids

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. In this paper, we present a novel distributed framework for real-time management and co-simulation of demand response (DR) in smart grids. Our solution provides a (near-) real-time co-simulation platform to validate new DR-policies exploiting Internet-of-Things approach performing software-in-the-loop. Hence, the behavior of real-world power systems can be emulated in a very realistic way and different DR-policies can be easily deployed and/or replaced in a plug-and-play fashion, without affecting the rest of the framework. In addition, our solution integrates real Internet-connected smart devices deployed at customer premises and along the smart grid to retrieve energy information and send actuation commands. Thus, the framework is also ready to manage DR in a real-world smart grid. This is demonstrated on a realistic smart grid with a test case DR-policy

    Dynamic origin of chirality transfer between chiral surface and achiral ligand in Au38 clusters

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    The transfer of chirality between nanomolecules is at the core of several applications in chiral technology such as sensing and catalysis. However, the origin of this phenomenon and how exactly nanoscale objects transfer chirality to molecules in their vicinity remain largely obscure. Here, we show that the transfer of chirality for the intrinsically chiral gold cluster Au38(SR)24 is site dependent; that is, it differs depending on the ligand-binding sites. This is closely related to the dynamic nature of the ligands on the cluster surface. Using a combination of NMR techniques and molecular dynamics simulations, we could assign the four symmetry- unique ligands on the cluster. The study reveals largely different conformational dynamics of the bound ligands, explaining the diverse diastereotopicities observed for the CH2 protons of the ligands. Although chirality is a structural property, our study reveals the importance of dynamics for the transfer of chirality

    Landomycins as glutathione-depleting agents and natural fluorescent probes for cellular Michael adduct-dependent quinone metabolism

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    Landomycins are angucyclines with promising antineoplastic activity produced by Streptomyces bacteria. The aglycone landomycinone is the distinctive core, while the oligosaccharide chain differs within derivatives. Herein, we report that landomycins spontaneously form Michael adducts with biothiols, including reduced cysteine and glutathione, both cell-free or intracellularly involving the benz[a]anthraquinone moiety of landomycinone. While landomycins generally do not display emissive properties, the respective Michael adducts exerted intense blue fluorescence in a glycosidic chain-dependent manner. This allowed label-free tracking of the short-lived nature of the mono-SH-adduct followed by oxygen-dependent evolution with addition of another SH-group. Accordingly, hypoxia distinctly stabilized the fluorescent mono-adduct. While extracellular adduct formation completely blocked the cytotoxic activity of landomycins, intracellularly it led to massively decreased reduced glutathione levels. Accordingly, landomycin E strongly synergized with glutathione-depleting agents like menadione but exerted reduced activity under hypoxia. Summarizing, landomycins represent natural glutathione-depleting agents and fluorescence probes for intracellular anthraquinone-based angucycline metabolism