87 research outputs found

    Immunoglobulin G-binding protein of Streptococcus suis

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    Immunoglubolin G (IgG) binding proteins on the surface of Streptococcus suis could be solubilized by heat treatment of the bacteria at an acid pH and also by mutanolysin treatment. The IgG binding proteins could be detected by Western blot using human IgG and peroxidase-labelled anti-human, and autoradiography analysis using 125I-labelled human IgG. Western blot and autoradiography analysis revealed numerous protein bands with IgG binding activities. In binding studies using Western blot and autoradipgraphy, S. suis P43, S. suis P143 and S. suis 2872, but none of the other S. suis isolates, showed a significant binding of the protein. The IgG binding proteins were also released into the culture supernatant of the bacteria. This could be detected for 52 of the 76 S. suis isolates. Keywords: Streptococcus suis immunoglobulin G - binding protei


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    Streptococcus suis telah diketahui menyebabkan meningitis, artritis dan septikemia pada babi, manusia dan hewanhewan lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fenotipe Streptococcus sins rneliputi sifat pertumbuhannyi dalam media cair, media soft agar, morfologi koloni dan sifat pelekatannya dalam uji heksadekan. Dari 34 isolat Streptococcus suis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdapat 5 isolat tumbuh jernih dalam media cair dengan sedimen tampalc pada dasar tabung, tumbuh kompak dalam media soft agar, dengan pewarnaan methylene blue koloni membentuk rantai panjang dan berdasar uji heksadekan bersifat hidrofob. Kultur Streptococcus suis yang lain (29 isolat) tumbuh keruh dalam media cair, tumbuh difus dalam media soft agar, membentuk koloni tunggal atau rantai pendek dan bersifat hidrofil. Kata kunci: Streptococcus suis, fenotip

    Identification of hemolysin associated with virulence of streptococcus suis

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    This study was designed to identify hemolysin of Streptococcus suis isolated from diseased and healthy pigs in Indonesia. Hemolysin of S. suis strain D282 has been isolated and purified from culture supernatant by ammonium sulphate precipitation, using filtration steps and Superose-12 column chromatography. All bacterial cultures used in this study were identified as S. suis. Serotyping of the S. suis isolates revealed capsular types 1, 2, 4, and 11 and several cultures were non typeable. The purified hemolysin of S. suis strain D282 had an apparent molecular mass of 31,000-55,000 and exhibited a specific activity of 890 U/ml. Hemolytic activity was reduced after incubation at 37°C for 3 hours and after the addition of proteinase K. Most of the different serotype strains appeared to secrete hemolysin. This study indicated that hemolysin could be found in the different serotypes of S, suis. This hemolysin might be used as a protective factor of S. suis. Keywords: Hemolysin - fast protein liquid chromatography - Streptococcus sui


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    ABSTRACT: Streptococcus suis hat eine besondere Bedeutimg Js 1nfektionserreger bei Schwein, anderen Tieren und such beim Menschen_ Die untersuchten Streptokokkenkultnren der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten aufgnmd kultureller, biochemischer und serologischer Untersuchungen als Streptococc-us\u27 suis identifiziert werden_ Die Serotypisieiung der Kulturen gelang nut 28 verschiedenen monospezifischen Typenaniiseren_ Die innerhalb der S. suis-Kulturen festellbaren Typenantigene waren fibetwiegend den Serotypen 2, 112 and 1 zatzuordnesi. Das Vorkommen der Typenantigenmia-okapsel stand in direkter Beziehtmg zu Oberflicherdadungen der Mittman_ Die Oberftichanhydrophobizitit konnte im llexadecanadlArenztest fesgestdlt werden. S. sibs-Kulturen mit hydrophoben Oberfitcheneigenschaften agghiliniertert Erythrozyten vom lk/fensch, Schwein und Kaninchen_ Die.Beitehungen zwischen Hydrophobizitat, Hinnaggkaination and adhirierenden Eigenschaften der Kulturen konnte mit 3 Zellmodellen gezeigt werden. S. suis-Kulturen, die eine Hamagglutination zeigten, wiesen eine deutliche Adhirenz an HeLaZellen, an Epithelzellen and an Ltmgenmakrophagen vom Kaninche

    Determination of intraspecies variations of the V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus isolated from pigs, monkeys and humans on the island of Bali Indonesia

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    The 16S rRNA gene of 15 Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus isolated from pigs, monkeys, and humans was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and subsequently digested with the restriction enzyme HincIl. A restriction profile with two fragments size of 1250 by and 200 by could be observed for all S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus isolated from pigs and monkeys indicating a sequence variable within the V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene of the remaining S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus human isolates. The sequence of the V2 region of S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus isolated from pigs and monkeys revealed an identical (100 per cent similarity) sequence with the V2 region of S. equi subsp. equi ATCC (reference strains). The sequence of the S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus isolated from humans appeared to be similar (88.5 per cent similarity) to the S. equi subsp. equi reference stains. A single amplicon of the spacer region gene encoding the 16S-23S rRNA of 950 by could be observed for S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus isolated from pigs and monkeys, and an amplicon of 650 by for S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus human isolates. Keywords: Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus â 16S rRNA gene â V2 region â 16-23S rRNA intergenic spacer regio

    Immunomodulatory Effect of Virgin Coconut Oil in Wistar Rats Infected with Staphylococcus aureus

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    Virgin coconut oil (VCO) contains bioactive that induce immunity against infectious diseases. This study aim to determine the immunomodulatory effects of VCO based on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD), lymphocyte proliferation, and histopathological examination in liver and kidney of rats infected with Staphylococcus aureus. The VCO was given intragastrically to rats with a dose of 250 µL for one week. The rats were infected with S. aureus at 5x102 bacterial cells intraperitoneally. Twenty (20) female Wistar rats of one month old were divided into four groups. The negative control group (C-): without treatment, AV group: infected with S. aureus followed by VCO treatment; VA group: pretreated with VCO followed by S. aureus infection, and positive control group (C+): were infected with S. aureus without VCO. All rats were euthanized and necropsied based on the animal ethic standard. Plasma samples were taken to evaluate SOD activity, and lymphocytes were isolated from the spleen to determine their proliferative ability. Livers and kidneys were collected for a histopathology examination. Results showed that the VA group had the highest SOD activity on the 4th week (41.50 ± 3.56 %) and lymphocyte proliferation (0.3018) compared to all treatments, indicating immunomodulatory effects of VCO. Liver of treatments group showed leucocytes infiltration, no hemorrhages (VA); the hepatocytes with normal cells (VA). Kidney of treatments group showed leucocytes infiltration (AV); normal epithelial glomerulus and tubulus cells, still found hemorrhage (VA). These studies indicated that VCO has a potential role as an immunomodulator, hepatoprotectant, and nephroprotectant

    Distribution of cap5 and cap8 genes of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from subclinical mastitis cows in central Jawa, Indonesia

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    Mastitis is one of the major problems challenging the dairy industry worldwide. Among the various organisms causing mastitis, Staphylococcus aureus is considered to be one of the main pathogens causing this disease. More effective therapeutic or preventive approaches are sorely needed. The predominance of staphylococcal capsular polysaccharide type 5 and 8 among isolates from cows seems to be a greater variation in the distribution of capsular serotypes. In the present study 32 S. aureus isolated from milk samples of subclinical mastitis cows from different farms in Central Java, were identified by using conventional methods and by molecular analysis amplifying the gene encoding 23S rRNA. The isolates were further characterized for the genes encoding capsular polysaccharide type 5 (cap5) and type 8 (cap8). Based on cultural and biochemical properties as well as by amplification of a S. aureus specific section of the 23S rRNA gene, all 32 isolates were identified as S. aureus. The PCR amplification of the gene segment encoding the capsular polysaccharide yielded cap5 with a size of 880 by for most (93.75%) of the isolates investigated. However, the capsular polysaccharide cap8 with an amplicon size of 1147 by were observed only of 6.25% from the isolates Keywords: Staphylococcus aureus, capsular polysachharide, mastiti

    Respon Neutrofil, Adesi Pada Sel Epitel, Aglutinasi Eritrosit Terhadap Staphylococcus aureus : Kajian Hidrofobisitas In Vitro = Response of neutrophils, epithelial cells adhesion, erythrocytes agglutination of Staphyloco

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    Staphylococcus aureus merupakan salah satu bakteri potensial sebagai penyebab utama mastitis pada sapi perah. Mastitis dapat menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi peternak akibat turunnya produksi susu. Infeksi bakteri dapat terjadi melalui kemampuan bakteri memasuki hospes, berkembang biak, merusak jaringan inang dan mampu bertahan dalam tubuh hospes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan sifat hidrofobisitas S. aureus dan kemampuannya terhadap aglutinasi eritrosit, pelekatan dengan sel epitel dan kemampuan bertahan terhadap fagositosis sel polimorfonuklear. Dari 10 isolat S. aureus yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, terdapat 8 isolat bersifat hidrofob dan 2 isolat bersifat hidrofil. Diantara isolat yang bersifat hidrofob terdapat 2 isolat mempunyai kemampuan mengaglutinasi eritrosit sapi perah, kambing, domba. Staphylococcus aureus yang bersifat hidrofob dan hemaglutinasi positif, lebih banyak melekat pada sel-sel epitel bukalis dan lebih banyak difagosit oleh sel-sel PMN dibanding isolat yang bersifat hidrofob tetapi hemaglutinasi negatif maupun isolat yang bersifat hidrofil. Isolat yang bersifat hidrofil tidak mampu mengaglutinasi eritrosit dan lebih sedikit melekat pada sel-sel epitel dan lebih sedikit difagosit oleh sel-sel PMN. Kata kunci: Staphylococcus aureus, hidrofobisitas, hemaglutinasi, adesi, fagositosis Staphylococcus aureus is recognized as a major pathogen causing mastitis in dairy cows. The disease causes a significant economic loss due to decreasing of milk production, The bacteria could infect the host through their ability to interact with the host, spreading in the host, damaging tissues, and their ability to survive in the host. The research was done to determine the relationship between hydrophobicity properties of S. aureus with hemagglutination, adhesion to epithelial cells and phagocytic activities of polymorphonuclear cells. Among the 10 S. aureus isolates used in this study, showed that 8 isolates were hydrophobic and 2 isolates were hydrophilic. Two cultures with hydrophobic surfaces agglutinated erythrocytes of cow, goat, and sheep. These cultures adhered in high numbers to epithelial cells and were more prone to be phagocytosed by polymorphonuclear leucocytes. The cultures with hydrophilic surfaces showed no comparable reaction. Key words: Staphylococcus aureus, hydrophobicity, hemagglutination, adhesion, phagocytos

    Characterization of Haemolysin of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Food of Animal Origin

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    Staphylococcus aureus is an important pathogen bacteria causing food poisoning and various infection in animals and humans. Haemolysin is one of the virulence factors of Staphylococcus aureus. The aims of the research were to characterize haemolysins of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from various food of animal origin, phenotypic- and genotypically. In the present study, eleven Staphylococcus aureus isolated from various food of animal origins from traditional markets and supermarkets in Yogyakarta, Sidoarjo, Jakarta, and Bandung were characterized for haemolysin, pheno- and genotypically. Characterization of haemolysin phenotypically based on haemolysis pattern of Staphylococcus aureus on sheep blood agar plate. Genes encoding hemolysin were amplified with specific primers by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The results of the studies showed that Staphylococcus aureus on sheep blood agar plates revealed an alpha haemolysis pattern (18,18%), beta haemolysis (27,27%) and gamma haemolysis (54,55%). Based on amplification of the gene encoding haemolysin of Staphylococcus aureus with specific primers showed hla genes (81,81%), and hla combined with hlb genes (18,18%). The amplification of gene hla and hlb had a single amplicon with a size of approximately 534 bp and 833 bp, respectively. The haemolysin characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus from various food of animal origin could be used as important information to control staphylococcal food poisoning.Keywords : Staphylococcus aureus, haemolysin, PCR, food of animal origin

    Studi Hematologi Ikan Air Tawar

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    ABSTRACT: Nilai normal gambaran darah ikan diperlukan untuk menentukan status kesehatan dan membantu diagnosis penyakit pada ikan. Data mengenai gambaran darah normal spesies ikan air tawar di Indonesia belum banyak diinformasikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data darah ikan air tawar di Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 40 ekor ikan yang terdiri atas ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio), Nila (Oreochromis niloticus), Kowan (Ctenopharyngodon idella) dan Lele Dumbo (Clarias gariepinus), dengan berat badan antara 40,8-427,4g, secara klinis sehat. Sebelum diteliti, ikan terlebih dahulu diadaptasikan dengan lingkungan laboratorium dengan menggunakan air bersih dan aerator. Masing-masing ikan diambil darahnya melalui vena caudalis untuk diperiksa meliputi jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin (Hb), nilai packed cell volume (PCV), kadar total protein plasma (TPP), ukuran eritrosit, jumlah leukosit dan diferensial leukosit. Hasil pemeriksaan darah ikan menunjukkan bahwa jumlah eritrosit berkisar antara 40,76-94,37 (106/mm3), kadar Hb 5,05-8,33 g/dl, nilai PCV 28,00-35,13%, kadar TPP 3,32-5,10 g/dl, ukuran eritrosit 8,10x8,25-14,94x10,06 mm, jumlah leukosit 3390-14200 (/mm3) dengan neutrofil 3,25-8,40%, eosinohl 2,40-8,00%, limfosit 60,20-81,00% dan inonosit 7,75-29,20%. Jumlah eritrosit, kadar Hb dan nilai PCV ikan Nila jantan cenderung lebih banyak dengan ukuran eritrosit lebih kecil bila dibandingkan dengan betina, sedangkan ikan Mas, Kowan dan Lele Dumbo jantan cenderung lebih sedikit dengan ukuran eritrosit lebih besar bila dibandingkan dengan betina. Kata kunci: Hematologi, ikan air tawa