5 research outputs found

    Proyecto de evaluación para la creación de un insecticida ecológico a base de la planta neem para el cultivo de arroz en el cantón Daule.

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    This project is an assessment for the creation of an insecticide-based Eco Neem plant for growing rice in Daule canton of Guayas province, this insecticide called Arro-Ally is made from the plant Neem (Azadirachta indica), a product that will help: maintain ecological balance (soil, air, water), reduce dependence on chemicals, avoid collateral damage in occupational health and direct costs in growing this grass remain, encouraging the farmer who considers that his business is profitable, preventing migration. The study includes a financial feasibility analysis to determine the costs involved in the creation and marketing of insecticide-Allied Arro, I foresee achieving revenue and thus considering criteria based on financial and market research, project feasibility

    Proyecto de creación de un canal de televisión ESPOL tv para Guayaquil

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    In the present project took place technical, marketing and financial feasibility studies for the creation of a television channel ESPOL TV in Guayaquil, due to the great need to disseminate a programming purely cultural not only commercial, with presentations of local events, social documentaries, consulting programs, educational and training programs for children and adults. The main basis of the project are the knowledge and experience that we have about the production of quality programs, it is the reason of the project name (ESPOL TV), this ensures a product of great quality the name “ESPOL” is a top-of-mind for “perfection”, this is the main reason that encouraged us to develop such a program planning that are best suited to increase the level of culture in the city. For this our main challenge is to reach every home in the city and attract the attention of all television watchers from the smallest to the adults who unfortunately are accustomed to a programming empty of cultural richness and with context that do not belong to our cultural environment. In the market survey the purpose was to collect information about the needs and preferences of the viewers on what types of programs and events are the ones they like to watch the most on television. The financial feasibility study includes a complete detail of the projection of sale incomes, expenses and production costs that we will have to incur for the implementation of the television channel. All this information will be used to determine the financial feasibility of the project by means of the evaluation methods of NPV and IRR

    Proyecto de evaluación sobre la creación de una maestría en administración tecnológica para la facultad iche

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    En el presente proyecto se realiza un estudio de mercado y factibilidad financiera para la implementación de una maestría en administración tecnológica en la Facultad ICHE de la ESPOL, la cual otorgaría a los estudiantes graduados en ramas técnicas un título de cuarto nivel -Maestría en Administración Tecnológica (MAT)-, dentro de una modalidad de clases presenciales, siguiendo los esquemas ya planteados por el departamento de postgrados del ICHE. La motivación de este estudio radica en que la implementación de una maestría de esta clase, logre formar en los estudiantes que cursen este programa de postgrado, criterios administrativos. Así, se espera contribuir al crecimiento de los profesionales de nuestro país, ya que estos contarían con una visión más amplia en un ambiente donde la competitividad y el desarrollo continuo son primordiales. El estudio abarca un análisis de viabilidad financiera para detallar los costos que implica la creación y desarrollo de una maestría de este tipo, los ingresos que se prevé obtener y de esa forma, con criterios financieros y tomando como base el estudio de mercado, la conveniencia del proyecto

    Proyecto de eval uaci ón para l a exportaci ón de fl ores ecuatori anas a la ciudad de mi ami – eeuu

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    In the present project it is realized a study of market and financial feasibility for the creation of an export and trading company of various types of flowers from various locations of Ecuador such as heliconias, ave de paraiso, Ginger, Anturio, maraca, mirto, roses and carnations in the Miami market. It includes the purchase of these species to domestic producers, brought to our warehouse, located in Guayaquil city, where the classification is carried out and then the packaging process starts at temperatures between 0 to 6 degrees Celsius; in order to be sent to Miami from José Joaquín de Olmedo International Airport in Guayaquil, using as transportation special aircrafts of Iberia airline. The motivation for this study lies in that the creation of this company achieves the many benefits of the ATPDEA treaty that have Ecuador with the US. This study includes a financial viability analysis to detail the costs involved in starting a business of this type and the expected income and thus, with financial criteria and based on market research, the convenience of the project

    Proyecto de rediseño de la cámara de molienda en molinos de martillos para la industria de alimentos balanceados acuícola.

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    The project's goal is to provide technology at a reasonable cost for the benefit of balanced food manufacturers and consumers of them. This means we will provide a better alternative with little investment and with results that benefit the stakeholders. Problem analysis is based on the parameters of balanced food quality the market demands, to get needed equipment with the latest technology and represents a major investment, then we present a good alternative for improving grinding processes within plant manufacturers and the quality of feed. The project is based on modifying certain elements of the inner chamber of a hammer mill, reducing the open area and placing greater area of impact both fixed and rotating. These changes are aimed at improving the texture of ground without losing products to equipment capacity. In summary provides a project to improve an existing equipment (mills) to achieve results in the milling process with a small initial investment and only be achieved with new equipment or different principle of operation (pulverizers) which is very costly