Proyecto de evaluación para la creación de un insecticida ecológico a base de la planta neem para el cultivo de arroz en el cantón Daule.


This project is an assessment for the creation of an insecticide-based Eco Neem plant for growing rice in Daule canton of Guayas province, this insecticide called Arro-Ally is made from the plant Neem (Azadirachta indica), a product that will help: maintain ecological balance (soil, air, water), reduce dependence on chemicals, avoid collateral damage in occupational health and direct costs in growing this grass remain, encouraging the farmer who considers that his business is profitable, preventing migration. The study includes a financial feasibility analysis to determine the costs involved in the creation and marketing of insecticide-Allied Arro, I foresee achieving revenue and thus considering criteria based on financial and market research, project feasibility

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