108 research outputs found

    Bronze Age settlement patterns in Dorgali municipality (Sardinia)

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    This paper discusses settlement patterns in Dorgali municipality during Bronze Age based upon three analyses using the positional values of domestic sites. Different settlement classifications have been obtained by Multivariate Statistical Analysis. Some of our initial hypotheses have been tested through an examination of the differences among the settlements. The sites are always situated in places where territorial control is possible. However, while the location of some settlements enables the territory as a whole to be controlled, other settlements only attempt to control the fertile land, pastures and ways. This hierarchical system with centre and peripheries is found from the Early Bronze Age, as shown by the differences among the protonuraghi

    Psychoactive substances consumers among high school students: Detection and Intervention

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    Purpose: Identify and treat psychoactive substances consumers (PSC) among high school students at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL); México. Description: A two-phase program (detection and intervention) was designed. Phase one included urine drug testing (UDT) either from direct aleatory sampling or referrals from within university departments under informed consent. Phase two for positive PSC, included an interview for psychological needs identification and cognitive behavioral intervention planning. Between 2017 and 2019, 490 UDT were performed. Results showed 235 PSC (47.9%), 86.4% were males (203) and 13.6% females (32). Most detected substance was cannabis: 218 students (92.7%); less frequent substances detected were cocaine, benzodiazepine, amphetamine and methamphetamine. A mean of 8 intervention sessions per student performed equaled more than 1800 sessions. Tight collaboration in between diverse University Departments was a key. An early PSC detection and intervention offers socioemotional tools to improve academic performance and life project

    Vitamin D Deficiency Is Significantly Associated with Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Case-Control Study

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    Aim: Results from meta-analyses point to an association between vitamin D deficiency and the onset of diabetic retinopathy (DR). The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the association of vitamin D for the development of DR and to determine the levels of vitamin D associated with a greater risk of DR. Methods: Between November 2013 and February 2015, we performed a case-control study based on a sample of patients with diabetes in Spain. The study population comprised all patients who had at least one evaluable electroretinogram and recorded levels of 25(OH)D. We collected a series of analytical data: 25(OH)D, 1,25(OH)2D, iPTH, calcium, albumin, and HbA1c. Glycemic control was evaluated on the basis of the mean HbA1c values for the period 2009?2014. A logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the variables associated with DR. Results: The final study sample comprised 385 patients, of which 30 (7.8%) had DR. Significant differences were found between patients with and without DR for age (69.54 vs. 73.43), HbA1c (6.68% vs. 7.29%), years since diagnosis of diabetes (10.9 vs. 14.17), level of 25(OH)D (20.80 vs. 15.50 ng/mL), level of 1,25(OH)2D (35.0 vs. 24.5 pg/mL), treatment with insulin (14.9% vs. 56.7%), hypertension (77.7% vs. 100%), cardiovascular events (33.2% vs. 53.3%), and kidney failure (22.0% vs. 43.3%). In the multivariate analysis, the factors identified as independent risk factors for DR were treatment of diabetes (p = 0.001) and 25(OH)D (p = 0.025). The high risk of DR in patients receiving insulin (OR 17.01) was also noteworthy. Conclusions: Levels of 25(OH)D and treatment of diabetes were significantly associated with DR after adjusting for other risk factors. Combined levels of 25(OH)D < 16 ng/mL and levels of 1,25(OH)2D < 29 pg/mL are the variables that best predict the risk of having DR with respect to vitamin D deficiency. The risk factor with the strongest association was the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This was particularly true for patients receiving insulin, who had a greater risk of DR than those receiving insulin analogues. However, further studies are necessary before a causal relationship can be established

    Specific educational needs detection in Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in superior middle level students students

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    Purpose: Detection ASD and intervention in superior middle level students at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL), Mexico. Description: Upon admission to superior middle level at UANL, modified Gilliam Asperger\u27s disorder scale (GADS) was applied to parents in a Program to identify behavioral characteristics associated to ASD. Parents of students with positive GADS were informed and students were scheduled for standard psychological testing in order to evaluate cognitive process, study habits, social anxiety and self-esteem, prior to an intervention. From 2014 to 2020, 178 013 GADS were applied; there were 332 (0.19%) students with definite or suggestive pattern of ASD. Among them, 247 (74.4%) consented to continue in Program to receive psychologic and pedagogic intervention, according to found needs. During program, an intense collaboration of all superior middle level education Departments at UANL was shown. This Program promotes inclusive education in order to transform the learning process so that educational needs of ADS students are met. This implies a team effort with clear levels of responsibilities and fields of action

    La Edad del Bronce en el Alto Guadalquivir. El análisis del patrón de asentamiento

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    Un estudio del patrón de asentamiento existente durante la Edad del Bronce en el valle del Rumblar permite determinar la importancia del control de las rutas hacia los afloramientos mineros de Sierra Morena y el control visual hacia las zonas más occidentales de ésta.A study about the settlement pattern existing during the Bronze Age in the Rumblar valley allows us to determine the importance of controlling the routes to the mining outcrops of Sierra Morena and visual control towards the westernmost areas of it

    Recuperación de la experiencia docente para la optimización de la enseñanza del psicólogo en la FES Iztacala

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    Nuestra facultad en particular y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en general, esta pasando por una etapa de cambios sustanciales, como es el caso del proceso de recambio de la población docente en edad de jubilación y paralelamente la actualización y replanteamiento de los planes de estudio de las distintas carreras. Con este telón de fondo el presente trabajo recupera el discurso de los profesores de psicología en torno a los fines de la formación disciplinar, las características de la enseñanza y sus juicios en torno a las técnicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje pertinentes en los alumnos del pregrado, con la finalidad de no perder la experiencia acumulada en años de trabajo docente y poder mantenerla en el diseño de los nuevos planes de estudio.Eje temático: Enseñanza de la psicologíaFacultad de Psicologí

    Las murallas urbanas de Porcuna (Andalucía, España): la poliorcética desde las fuentes escritas y la arqueología en el estudio de la evolución de la ciudad

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    En los últimosse is años(2004-2009)sehan realiza do una veinte nadeinterven ci on e s arq ueológicasurban as e n e l CascoHistór icodePorcuna.la mayoríaintegradaen elprogramade investigació nde ARQV IPO. Sus magníficosresultadosha n permiti docarac -ter izar restos poli o rcét icos conoci dos(Castillo. M uralladela Villa.Puertade Martos.etc.)y descubrirnue vosrestos(Pue rtaMeridio na l. Torre juntoa la Plaz a . etc.). Tamb ié n se haconstatadola existe ncia de una murall a de ÉpocaRo man aRepublican a.de la murall ade la M edin a Med ieval.etc . La conjugación de los estudiosar queológicosy arquitec tó nicoscon lasfuen tes escri-tas.ha ayud ad o aesclarecere l or ige n.evoluc ión. uso yaband on o delasde fen sas. cam bia ndo múl tipleshipót esish istóric as. Losdatossobre la creac ió n delJuzgad o deIgl es ias. el Terrem otode Lisboa ola Gue rraC iv ilso n rese ñables por la luz que hanapo r-tad o en as pec tos deldete rioro oladesapariciónde ele me ntos, hast a ahoradescono cidos. Laaparició ndenuevalegi slaci ón (Ley14/2007,PHA ) Y el nuevo plan eam ient o (CartaArqueo lóg ic ay PG O U) cam b ia la pro tecc ió n dellllO Se le me ntos, queempie zan aconocersey prot eger se . En es taci uda dse estácomenza ndo ae nta bla r un diál ogo entre losrestosde fen siv os y sus habit ant es,hast a2003inex iste nte.Inthe last six ycars(2004- 2009) .twcntyarcbaeo logical urban intcrventionshavebeencarriedout inPo rcun a'sHistoricalU rba nArea, most of w hic hareintegra ted in A RQV IPO rese ar ch gro up.T he irextraord ina ry result shave allowcd usto de fin e and knowne w fortifiedre mai ns(Castle,To w n Walls.MartosG ate. etc.). A not herseriesofne wremains (Northe rnGatc .Towerne xt10theSqua re,and so on) ha sbeenalso discovercd. Besides.it has been discoveredthe existe nceofaRoman Rep ubli canPeriod citywall . a wall fromtheMedieval Medina. etc. Theunionbetweenarchaeolog icalandarchitecturalstud ie s and thea nc ien tliteraryre feren ces. has config urednew documents abouttheoriginocvolu tionanduse and abandonmentofthedefensesystc m, c hanging.therefore.manyhistor icaltheories . T hedataaboutthecreationof the "JuzgadodeIgl esias ". LisbonEarthq uake .or theSpanishCivil War arenot eworthybecau seoftheligh t theyshe don theravagesor disappearanceof. sofarounkn own elements .T heissueofthe ne w Law (Ley14/2007. P HA) a ndthe ne w pla nni ng pro gralll me(Archaeolog ica l plan andPG O U ) cha nged the protectionofthere mai ns,w hic hare nowpro tec te d andknow n, Thisto wn is witnessingno w ad ialogu ebetweenits defen siveremainsandits inhabit an ts. some th ing that was comp lete lyinex iste nt until2003

    Recuperación de la experiencia docente para la optimización de la enseñanza del psicólogo en la FES Iztacala

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    Nuestra facultad en particular y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en general, esta pasando por una etapa de cambios sustanciales, como es el caso del proceso de recambio de la población docente en edad de jubilación y paralelamente la actualización y replanteamiento de los planes de estudio de las distintas carreras. Con este telón de fondo el presente trabajo recupera el discurso de los profesores de psicología en torno a los fines de la formación disciplinar, las características de la enseñanza y sus juicios en torno a las técnicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje pertinentes en los alumnos del pregrado, con la finalidad de no perder la experiencia acumulada en años de trabajo docente y poder mantenerla en el diseño de los nuevos planes de estudio.Eje temático: Enseñanza de la psicologíaFacultad de Psicologí