62 research outputs found

    Geo-electrical investigation for groundwater potential of Ihievbe Ogben, Edo North, south western Nigeria

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    This study was carried out within Ihiebe Ogben community in Akoko Edo LGA, Nigeria to investigate the ground water potential of the Basement Complex rocks using Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) that deploys Schlumberger Array configuration. Evaluation of hydrogeological parameters shows fractured/ weathered basement thickness, resistivity values of the fractured basement, overburden thickness and basement relief having values between 1.5-7.9m, 64.5-503.9 Ωm, 5.2-15.7m and 136.8-160.7m respectively. Prospectivity ranking map was generated from these parameters and was used to rank the area around the VES stations. The results show that the most prospective areas with the highest ranking of 8,7 and 6 correspond to areas around VES station 6,1 and 2 respectively, restricted to the Eastern – Northwestern region of the study area.Keywords: Groundwater, Vertical Electrical Sounding, Fractured basement, prospectively rankin

    Neural Network Prediction of P-wave Log for Reservoir Characterization in the Niger Delta Basin

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    This study present a new technique that integrates several logs for P-wave prediction to minimize some errors and uncertainties associated with most estimation methods. The adopted method involves application of an artificial neural network technique that integrates density, resistivity and gamma ray logs for data training and the prediction of P-wave log. The results obtained gave correlation coefficient of 0.77, 0.24 and 0.42 between the acquired P-wave log and the acquired density, resistivity and gamma ray logs respectively, to demonstrate the relationship between P-wave log and the selected logs for the prediction process. The correlation coefficient of the estimated P-wave from Gardner and Faust methods with the acquired P-wave log are 0.64 and 0.59 respectively, while that of the neural network derived P-wave gave a better correlation coefficient of 0.81. Cross plot validation of P-wave derive Acoustic Impedance against density for both lithology and fluid discrimination revealed clusters for neural network derived P-wave parameter similar to the acquired P-wave derived parameters. Results of the presented neural network technique have been demonstrated to be more effective than results of the two conventional techniques. Keywords: Sonic log, Gardner’s method, Faust method, Neural network, Cross plot

    Attenuation of impaired uterine contractile activity by ascorbic acid supplementation during early gestational variable stress exposure in Wistar rats

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    Background: This study investigates the effect of ascorbic acid supplementation during early gestational variable stress exposure on stress markers and in-vitro contractile responses of the uterus. Methods: Twenty nulliparous pregnant rats (180-200 g) were randomly divided into 4 groups of 5 each. Stressed animals were variably exposed to 6 non-habituating and painless stresses (sleep deprivation, predator exposure, immobility, rapid cage changes, noise, and foreign object). Treated groups received ascorbic acid supplementation orally (10 mg/kg bwt) with or without stress exposure while control group received normal saline only. Stress exposure and ascorbic acid treatment was during gestation days (GD) 1-8. Serum cortisol, oxidative biomarkers and in-vitro contractile responses of excised uterine tissue to acetylcholine, oxytocin, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, diclofenac, and magnesium were assessed. Statistical significance was taken at p<0.05. Results: Ascorbic acid supplementation in stressed pregnant group significantly deceased (p < 0.05) MDA activity. Catalase activity was enhanced in ascorbic acid supplemented stressed group while serum cortisol levels were significantly (p < 0.05) reduced in ascorbic acid supplemented stressed group when compared to stress only exposed group. Concentration dependent contraction responses to acetylcholine, oxytocin, calcium chloride, and potassium chloride were significantly reduced in stressed only pregnant rats. Ascorbic acid supplementation in stressed group reversed these reductions. However, doses of diclofenac and magnesium showed no significant effect on relaxation responses across all groups. Conclusion: Ascorbic acid supplementation during early gestational variable stress exposure attenuated impaired contractile functions of the uterus. Enhanced antioxidant enzymes and suppressed MDA activity appear to play a role in the modulation Keywords: Variable stress, early gestation, uterine contractility, ascorbic acid, oxidative stres

    The Effect of Noise Pollution Exposure during Pregnancy on Long Term Potentiation Induction in Pyramidal Neurons of Hippocampus CA1 area in Male Rat Offsprings

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    Abstract: Background: It is believed that cognitive processing is easily disturbed by incompatible environmental stimulations. Many studies have shown that prenatal stress affects fetal brain development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of noise pollution exposure during conception period on neural activity of hippocampus CA1 area in male rat offspring. Methods: Four groups of rats including a control group with natural pregnancy and without any stress and three groups of pregnant rats exposed to daily noise stress (intensity >95 dB, between 8 A.M - 2 P.M) with durations of 1, 2 and 4 hour (s) in the last week of pregnancy were included in the study. Then, in male offsprings of these groups, fEPSP resulted from Schaffer collateral neurons of CA1 were recorded and evaluated in baseline state and after LTP induction with tetanic stimulation. Results: Our results showed that prenatal exposure to traffic noise pollution at 3rd gestational week, reduces amplitude (P<0.0001) and slope of baseline synaptic activity in hippocampus CA1 area (P<0.0001) and furthermore interferes in hippocampal LTP in comparison with control group. The serum level of corticostrone in the two stressed groups (2 and 4 hours) of rats in comparison to the control showed significant increase. But, prenatal exposure to 1- hour noise pollution caused no significant difference in serum corticostrone level. Conclusions: Based on the obtained results, daily exposure to noise pollution in the third trimester of pregnancy for 1, 2 and 4 hour (s), attenuates fEPSP features of hippocampus CA1 area pyramidal neurons of offsprings. Keywords: Noise pollution, Pregnancy, Long-term potentiation, Hippocampus, Offspring, Ra

    Effects of continuous light exposure on testicular structure and function of the African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus)

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    The aim of this investigation was to study the effects of continuous lighting exposure on the testes of the African giant rats (AGR). Samples of testes from twelve (12) healthy AGR were investigated under two groups. The rats were divided into two groups of 6 rats each as follows: Group I - Control rats (12 h light/12 h darkness); Group II - Rats exposed to continuous light (24 h). The indices of the testes were length, width, and weight of the organ, estimation of serum levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormones, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) by radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique and histological studies of the testes. The mean body weight of the rats exposed to continuous light was 1.086 ± 0.034 kg which was reduced by 3.9 % from the control (1.131 ± 0.02 kg). The mean weight of the testes in rats, exposed to continuous light was 4.549 ± 0.30 g, which was significantly reduced by 17.8 %, when compared to the control (5.534 ± 0.16 g). The mean length and width of testes of rats exposed to continuous lighting was 0.294 ± 0.71 cm and 0.143 ± 0.48 cm, respectively. The mean serum level of testosterone in control rats was 1.225 ± 0.08 miu/ml and that in rats exposed to lighting, 0.275 ± 0.10 miu/ml. This result showed that the serum level of testosterone in male rats exposed to continuous lighting was reduced by 77.6 % from 1.225 ± 0.08 miu/ml in the control rats to 0.275 ± 0.10 miu/ml. Histological observations showed that the testes of rats exposed to light displayed elongated to round seminiferous tubules each with wide lumen lined by low germinal epithelium, and had wide interstitial spaces. Disruption of spermatogenesis and vacuolization of epithelial cells were evident. This study has shown that exposure of AGR for four (4) weeks of continuous lighting will result in disruption of spermatogenesis and decreased testosterone serum level.Keywords: Light; Testes; African giant ra

    Efficient health care service delivery using network analysis: a case study of Kwara State, Nigeria

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    This paper addresses challenges with prompt health care delivery using Network Analysis of Critical Path Model (CPM) to plan the hospital capacity with a view to achieving prompt health care service delivery. Hospital activities were identified as either critical and non critical, time or cost consideration was factored in. In all, 16 state health institutions were purposively selected on the basis of most equipped from 55 state health institutions. Data on patients’ arrival and departure were observed and recorded for a period of six months. This was subjected to further analysis to identify the most important activities (critical path) and less important together with their time duration. The average total time spent in the hospital was 43 minutes but with effective capacity planning using network analysis the total time was reduced to 18 minutes and the critical path (activities) were identified to be: A - Card section, F - Medical Doctor and H – Medical Team.Keywords: Critical Path Model (CPM), Capacity Planning (CP), Hospital Services, Network Analysi

    Bilateral ganglionic haemorrhagic stroke complicating suspected meningococcaemia: A case report

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    Haemorrhagic stroke in pyogenic meningitis is a rare complication accounting for about 2% of all complications1,2. It often results from disseminated intravascular coagulation, which is a complication of bacterial meningitis and portends a poor prognosis. A superimposed intracranial haemorrhage, although extremely rare, is associated with high mortality rate. We report a child who had haemorrhagic stroke during the acute phase of bacterial meningitis. The diagnosis was made during post mortem examination. It wasdiscovered that she had suffered haemorrhagic necrosis of both basal ganglion nuclei. Early imaging is advised in meningitis patient presenting with altered levels of consciousness to detect cerebrovascular complications

    Evaluation of the effects of morphine consumption during lactation period on learning and memory of rat�s offspring

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    Background and Aim: The frequent use of opioids changes function and plasticity of neural circuits. Exposing the immature nervous system to opioids can have deeper and more extensive impacts. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of morphine consumption during lactation period on learning and memory of rats offspring. Material and Methods: This experimental study included 40 male Wistar rats with age range of 45-50 days. Animals were divided into control group (CO) and 3 experimental groups of rats whose mothers had received subcutaneous injections of 5 (M5), 10 (M10) or 20 (M20) mg/kg morphine every 12 hours during lactation period. Spatial learning was evaluated by Morris water maze (MWM) on 4 consecutive days (4 trials/day). Spatial memory retrieval was also evaluated on the last day. Results: Our results indicated that the rats whose mothers had received morphine during lactation period spent more time and traveled more distance to find the hidden platform than the controls in the learning stage. These differences were statistically significant when doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg morphine (P<0.001) were used. Also, they spent less time and passed less distance in the target quadrant in probe trial (P<0.001). Conclusion: Morphine consumption during lactation period impairs spatial learning and memory of the rats' offspring in a dose dependent manner. © 2018, Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Effect of dietary inclusion of Pleurotus tuber-regium on performance and intestinal morphology of growing rabbits

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    The Pleuroteus mushroom has immense growth and health promoting potentials. However, reports on its utilization in the diet of the rabbit is sparse. Therefore, a 56-day feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary inclusion of Pleurotus tuber-regium sclerotium powder (PTRSP) in growing rabbits. Forty–eight crossbred rabbits aged between 7 and 9 weeks with average initial weight of 700±25 g were used for the study. The rabbits were allotted to 4 experimental diets containing 0.0, 25.0, 50.0 and 75.0 g/kg PTRSP, respectively. Each treatment had 4 replicates with three rabbits each in a completely randomised design. Growth performance, serum biochemistry and intestinal morphology were determined. The weight gain and feed conversion ratio were better (P&lt;0.05) in rabbits fed diet containing 50.0g/kg PTRSP. Rabbits fed diet containing 75.0 g/kg PTRSP had lower (P&lt;0.05) serum cholesterol, creatinine and alanine transaminase and higher (P&lt;0.05) total glucose concentration compared to those receiving other experimental diets. Rabbits fed diet with 50.0g/kg PTRSP had higher (P&lt;0.05) caecal apical width than those fed diet containing 0.0 g/kg. Inclusion of 50.0 g/kg of PTRSP in the diets of rabbits is beneficial for improved growth, cholesterol metabolism and intestinal morphology without any adverse effects

    Behavioral and electrophysiological aspects of cognition in neonate rats lactated by morphine addicted mothers

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    Objective(s): In addition to genetic factors, environmental phenomena during postnatal age highly affect development and, in turn, function of the brain. The present work evaluates if morphine consumption during lactation period influences the spatial performances and synaptic plasticity in rats at neonatal period of age. Materials and Methods: Three groups of mothers were subcutaneously administered by 5 (M5), 10 (M10) or 20 (M20) mg/kg morphine every 12 hours during the lactation period. At 45 days old, their offspring were introduced to Morris water maze for assessment of spatial learning and memory. Basic field excitatory post-synaptic potentials (fEPSPs) were recorded in the CA1 area of hippocampus and, then, long term potentiation (LTP) was induced by tetanic stimulation. Results: We found that the M10 and M20 rats spent more time and traveled longer distance to find the hidden platform of maze when compared to the control animals (P<0.05 for all comparisons). Similarly, these two morphine-exposed groups were inferior in the memory consolidation compared to their control counterparts. Comparing control and M20 rats revealed that morphine exposure decreases the mean amplitude and slope 10-90 of fEPSPs about 30 percent (P<0.001 for both comparisons) and inhibits the LTP induction in the CA1 area circuits. Conclusion: The present study provides behavioral and electrophysiological proofs for negative effect of morphine on the hippocampal-related function in the neonatally morphine-exposed rats. © 2019, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved
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