506 research outputs found

    Older persons and malaria treatment in Nigeria

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    This study examined the prevalence and pattern of health-seeking behavior of older people on malaria fever among the elderly in Nigeria.  Data from the Nigeria Malaria Indicator Survey were used with a weighted sample of 1819 older persons aged 60 and above across the six geopolitical regions in Nigeria. The odds of fever as well as treatment seeking were predicted using logistic regression models. The prevalence rate of fever among the aged in Nigeria is 28%. About half of the respondents did not receive treatment in a standard health facility. There is high patronage of chemist/patient medicine vendor/shops for malaria fever treatment among older people in Nigeria. Findings suggest that older people may use healthcare facility if it is affordable. The lifelong approach that can reduce poverty and illiteracy is recommended since the rural-urban differences in treatment seeking reduced with the inclusion of other socio-demographic variables in the model

    Impulsivity and Reasons for Living Among African American Youth: A Risk-Protection Framework of Suicidal Ideation

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    This study aims to explore the impact of specific facets of impulsivity as measured by the UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale (UPPS), as well as reasons for living in predicting suicidal ideation among African American college-aged students. The incremental validity of each facet of the UPPS interacting with reasons for living, a construct meant to buffer against risk for suicide, was explored in a sample of African American students (N = 130; ages 18–24). Results revealed significant interactions between reasons for living and two factors of impulsivity, (lack of) premeditation and sensation seeking. Higher levels of sensation seeking and lack of premeditation in conjunction with lower reasons for living was associated with increased suicidal ideation. Neither urgency nor (lack of) perseverance significantly interacted with reasons for living in association with suicidal ideation. These results suggest including elements of impulsivity, specifically sensation seeking and (lack of) premeditation, when screening for suicidal ideation among African American youth. Future investigations should continue to integrate factors of both risk and protection when determining risk for suicide

    Analysis of Independence of Available Infrastructure on Geographical Location of Public Secondary Schools in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    This paper has attempted to study the availability of infrastructural facilities in public secondary schools in Ondo State, Nigeria. Six local government areas (LGAs) were randomly selected with due consideration to the geo-political set-up of the State. Quantitative methods of analysis that were used include both descriptive and inferential statistics. The descriptive statistical techniques were tabular presentation and bar chart while the inferential statistical technique applied is chi-square analysis. The inferential statistics revealed that enrollment of students in secondary schools depends on gender and on Local Government Area. Also, the level of equipping of laboratories, availability of information technology facilities,  portable water supply and supply of electricity depend on Local Government Area while availability of library in secondary schools is independent of Local Government Area. Conclusively, much still need to be done in the area of infrastructural development in public primary and secondary schools in Ondo State towards the achievement of the vision 20: 2020 goal of Nigeria as one of the 20 most developed economy of the world in terms of education. Keywords:  education, infrastructure, information technology, chi-square, enrollment


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    This study was designed to discover the entrepreneurial administrative skills needed by self-employed motor vehicle mechanics in the North-Central States of Nigeria. The researchers formulated a research question and a null hypothesis guided the study. A descriptive survey research design was employed for the study. The study was carried out in the North-Central States of Nigeria. The targeted population for the study was 22,523 respondents comprising of 21,340 registered self-employed motor vehicle mechanics, 1,016 managers of micro firms in motor vehicle mechanics and 167 entrepreneurship lecturers. A multi-stage sampling technique was employed for the study. The purposive sampling procedure was employed to select three states including Federal Capital Territory, Abuja out of seven states that constitute the North-Central geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The sample for the study was 2,019 respondents comprising of 1,435 registered self-employed motor vehicle mechanics, drawn through the use of Taro Yamane formula for finite population, 475 managers of micro firms in motor vehicle mechanics and 109 entrepreneurship lecturers. A structured questionnaire titled: Self-Employed Motor Vehicle Mechanics Entrepreneurial Administrative Skills Needed Questionnaire (SEMVMEASNQ) developed by the researchers was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by five Lecturers in the Department of Industrial and Technology Education, the Federal University of Technology, Minna and the reliability coefficient of instrument was 0.84 through Cronbach Alpha Statistics. Mean and standard deviation were the statistical tools used to analyze the data for answering the research question; while One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistics was employed to test the null hypothesis for the study at .05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed among others that all the 31 items entrepreneurial administrative skills are highly needed by motor vehicle mechanics for self-employment in the North Central States of Nigeria. Based on the findings it was recommended among others that: the National Council on Automotive (NCA) should in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity incorporate the identified entrepreneurial skills into their training and re-training programs so that motor vehicle mechanics can be made to acquire the needed entrepreneurship management skills that will assist them to sustain and secure their employment

    Abundance and Distribution of Large Mammals in the Upper Ogun Game Reserve, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    In this study, three indirect methods [counts of animal droppings, footprints, and tracks) were used as indices to estimate the abundance and distribution of large mammals in the Upper Ogun Game Reserve, which is located in a typical Southern Guinea savanna zone of Nigeria. Thirteen animal species were recorded; kob, bushbuck, hartebeest, roan antelope and duicker were the most abundant. The distribution of large mammals appears to be controlled by several factors: accessibility to the River Ogun [the main source of water in the reserve), availability of food and cover, and the extent of illegal hunting. An analysis of questionnaires distributed to various people living in villages around the reserve revealed that these people depend heavily on bushmeat for their animal protein requirements. They also use other wildlife products to meet their economic, social, and cultural needs. It is recommended that adequate protection should be accorded to the game reserve for at least 5 years. After that time, the area could be opened up to tourism, and controlled hunting could be permitted in the buffer zone around the reserve

    Abundance and Distribution of Large Mammals in the Upper Ogun Game Reserve, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Three different methods for estimating wild animal populations were used to assess the density of different species in a game reserve in the Sahel region of Nigeria. Hunting for bushmeat by local communities living around the reserve was identified as one of the threats to wildlife populations. Bushmeat was an essential resource for communities around the reserve

    A review: Intelligent controllers for tropical food storage system

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    Food security can be assured by improving on post harvest storage methods. Food stored under improper storage conditions are prone to increased respiration and transpiration processes which often result in depletion and weight loss of edible material. Storage temperature and relative humidity are major factors that ultimately determine product quality and quantity. This paper presents a survey on methods of post harvest storage systems. The indigenous methods of tropical food storage common to the West African region are discussed. The attendant problems associated with these methods are highlighted. Intelligent control methods are also discussed. A novel intelligent controller is proposed to sustain product quality and quantity by optimizing the storage process

    Angiotensin Converting Enzyme- Inhibitors Associated Cough: A Prospective Evaluation in Hypertensives

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    Background/Objective: To determine the prevalence of ACE-Is induced cough among Nigerian hypertensives and evaluate any association with patients' age or sex. Methods: A prospective case-control study.One hundred and sixty-eight hypertensive patients on angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibitors (ACE-Is; captopril and lisinopril) were matched in age and sex with controls that were on anti-hypertensives that excluded ACE-Is (nifedipine, aldomet and moduretic). Both groups of patients were followed up on either drug as a monotherapy over an average of 9 months. Results: The prevalence of ACE-Is induced cough was 20.2%, while that of the alternative group was 0.6%. There was a significant statistical difference between ACE-Is and the alternatives medications-induced cough: OR=42.37(95%CI; 6.11-843.32), P< 0.0001.There was however, no significant statistical difference between captopril and lisinopril-induced cough, OR=1.30 (95%CI;0. 6-2.81), P value=0.587 and no significant age or sex differences were observed in the occurrence of cough; OR=0.97 (95%CI; 0.52-1.81), P value= 0.95 and OR=0.79(95%CI; 0.27-2.28), P value=0.808 respectively. Conclusion: Cough complicating ACE-Is therapy is not uncommon; however, it has no link with the patients' age or sex.Fond/Objectif : Pour d\ue9terminer la pr\ue9dominance de la toux induite de ACE-Is parmi des hypertensifs nig\ue9rians et \ue9valuer n'importe quelle association avec l'\ue2ge ou le sexe des malades. La m\ue9thode : une \ue9tude \ue9ventuelle de cas commande.cent et soixante-huit de malades hypertensifssur inhibiteurs de l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine(ACE-Is : captopril et lisinopril) ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9gal\ue9 en l'\ue2ge et en sexe avec les contr\uf4les qui \ue9taient sur anti-hypertensifs excluant l'ACE-Is (nif\ue9dipine, aldomet et modulatoire). Les deux groupes de malades ont \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9s sur la drogue comme une monoth\ue9rapie par-dessus une moyenne de 9 mois. R\ue9sultats : la pr\ue9dominance de la toux induite d'ACE-Is \ue9tait 20,2 %, pendant que celle du groupe alternatif \ue9tait 0,6 %. Il y avait une diff\ue9rence statistique significative entre l'ACE-Is et la toux induite m\ue9dications alternatives : OR=42.37 (95%CI; 6.11-843.32), P <0.0001. Il y avait pourtant, aucune diff\ue9rence statistique significative entre captopril et latoux induite lisinopril, OR=1.30 (95%CI; 0. 6-2.81), P valeur=0,587 et aucun \ue2ge significatif ou diff\ue9rences sexuelles n'a \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9 dans l'occurrence de toux; OR=0.97 (95%CI; 0.52-1.81), P valeur = 0.95 et OR=0.79 (95%CI; 0.27-2.28), P valeur=0.808 respectivement. La conclusion : la Toux compliquant de la th\ue9rapie d'ACE-Is n'est pas rare ; cependant, il n'a pas de lien avec l'\ue2ge ou le sexe des malades


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    The development of people at work beyond level at which they assumed duty when appointed has been a source of concern to all stakeholders including Psychologist. The public sector is made up of civil service and parastatals with which the government executes its programmes. Getting the best out of any employee in the public sector in Nigeria in Nigeria requires adequate training However, the possibility of this training has been an herculean task due to lack of adequate training policy and provi- sion of fund for the required training. This research investigates the human resources development situation in the public sector of Nigeria by conducting a survey of one thousand and two hundred hu- man resource officers to ascertain their perception of human resource development. Data were col- lected with a structured questionnaire and analyzed with descriptive statistics while hypothesis formu- lated was tested with t-test. The study revealed that human resources development is not just for indi- vidual, but also for the organization as it improves performance

    Hardware design, development and evaluation of a pressure-based typing biometrics authentication system

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    The hardware design of a pressure based typing biometrics authentication system (BAS) is discussed in this paper. The dynamic keystroke is represented by its time duration (t) and force (F) applied to constitute a waveform, which when concatenated compose a complete pattern for the entered password. Hardware design is the first part in designing the complete pressure-based typing (BAS) in order to ensure that the best data to represent the keystroke pattern of the user is captured. The system has been designed using LabVIEW software. Several data preprocessing techniques have been used to improve the acquired waveforms. An experiment was conducted to show the validity of the design in representing keystroke dynamics and preliminary results have shown that the designed system can successfully capture password patterns
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