952 research outputs found

    Hydrophobically modified polyelectrolytes as potential drugs reservoirs of n-alkyl-nitroimidazoles

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    Indexación: ScieloThe solubilization of three commercial drugs (ornindazole, metronidazole and tinidazole) and model compounds (N-alkyl-2-methyl-4-nitroimidazoles) on aggregates formed by anionic polyelectrolytes, carrying alkyl side chains of different length, have been investigated in aqueous solution at pH 3.0, 7.0 and 11.0. Potassium salts of poly(maleic acid-co-1-olefins), PA-nK2 with n ranging from 8 to 18, were used as micelle-forming polymers. The partition of these drugs between water and the hydrophobic microdomains provided by PA-nK2 was studied by the pseudo-phase model to determinate the distribution coefficient KS, and the standard free energy of transfer Δμºt. The results indicate that solubility of alkyl-nitroimidazoles on these polymer micelles depends moderately on the length of the alkyl chain, and therefore is mainly determined by the heterocyclic group. On the other hand, the solubilization of 1-hexyl-2-methyl-4-nitroimidazole increase with decreasing length of the side alkyl chain; i.e. KS follows the order PA-8K2 > PA-10K2 > PA-12K2 > PA-14K2 > PA-16K2 >PA-18K2.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-97072007000100014&nrm=is

    Cultivos urbanos en un aula de matemáticas inclusiva

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    En el presente trabajo se describe un proyecto de aula en curso en un aula inclusiva-, el cual hace referencia a la realización de cultivos urbanos, este trabajo se describe en 4 fases en las cuales se desarrollan conceptos y nociones matemáticas

    Evidence for power-law frequency dependence of intrinsic dielectric response in the CaCu3_{3}Ti4_{4}O12_{12}

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    We investigated the dielectric response of CaCu3_3Ti4_4O12_{12} (CCTO) thin films grown epitaxially on LaAlO3_3 (001) substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD). The dielectric response of the films was found to be strongly dominated by a power-law in frequency, typical of materials with localized hopping charge carriers, in contrast to the Debye-like response of the bulk material. The film conductivity decreases with annealing in oxygen, and it suggests that oxygen deficit is a cause of the relatively high film conductivity. With increase of the oxygen content, the room temperature frequency response of the CCTO thin films changes from the response indicating the presence of some relatively low conducting capacitive layers to purely power law, and then towards frequency independent response with a relative dielectric constant ϵ102\epsilon'\sim10^2. The film conductance and dielectric response decrease upon decrease of the temperature with dielectric response being dominated by the power law frequency dependence. Below \sim80 K, the dielectric response of the films is frequency independent with ϵ\epsilon' close to 10210^2. The results provide another piece of evidence for an extrinsic, Maxwell-Wagner type, origin of the colossal dielectric response of the bulk CCTO material, connected with electrical inhomogeneity of the bulk material.Comment: v4: RevTeX, two-column, 9 pages, 7 figures; title modified, minor content change in p.7, reference adde

    The Deficit of Distant Galaxy Clusters in the RIXOS X-ray Survey

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    Clusters of galaxies are the largest gravitationally bound systems and therefore provide an important way of studying the formation and evolution of the large scale structure of the Universe. Cluster evolution can be inferred from observations of the X-ray emission of the gas in distant clusters, but interpreting these data is not straightforward. In a simplified view, clusters grow from perturbations in the matter distribution: their intracluster gas is compressed and shock-heated by the gravitational collapse1^{1}. The resulting X-ray emission is determined by the hydrostatic equilibrium of the gas in the changing gravitational potential. However, if processes such as radiative cooling or pre-collapse heating of the gas are important, then the X-ray evolution will be strongly influenced by the thermal history of the gas. Here we present the first results from a faint flux-limited sample of X-ray selected clusters compiled as part of the ROSAT International X-ray and Optical Survey (RIXOS). Very few distant clusters have been identified. Most importantly, their redshift distribution appears to be inconsistent with simple models based on the evolution of the gravitational potential. Our results suggest that radiative cooling or non-gravitational heating of the intracluster gas must play an important role in the evolution of clusters.Comment: uuencoded compressed postscript. The preprint is also available at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/preprint/PrePrint.htm

    On the Optimization of Broad-Band Photometry for Galaxy Evolution Studies

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    We have derived the uncertainties to be expected in the derivation of galaxy physical properties (star formation history, age, metallicity, reddening) when comparing broad-band photometry to the predictions of evolutionary synthesis models. We have obtained synthetic colors for a large sample (9000) of artificial galaxies assuming different star formation histories, ages, metallicities, reddening values, and redshifts. The colors derived have been perturbed by adopting different observing errors, and compared back to the evolutionary synthesis models grouped in different sets. The comparison has been performed using a combination of Monte Carlo simulations, a Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Principal Component Analysis. After comparing the input and derived output values we have been able to compute the uncertainties and covariant degeneracies between the galaxy physical properties as function of (1) the set of observables available, (2) the observing errors, and (3) the galaxy properties themselves. In this work we have considered different sets of observables, some of them including the standard Johnson/Cousins (UBVRI) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) bands in the optical, the 2 Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) bands in the near-infrared, and the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) bands in the UV, at three different redshifts, z=0.0, 0.7, and 1.4. This study is intended to represent a basic tool for the design of future projects on galaxy evolution, allowing an estimate of the optimal band-pass combinations and signal-to-noise ratios required for a given scientific objective.Comment: 20 pages, 9 postscript figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A

    The host galaxy of GRB010222: The strongest damped Lyman-alpha system known

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    Analysis of the absorption lines in the afterglow spectrum of the gamma-ray burst GRB010222 indicates that its host galaxy (at a redshift of z=1.476) is the strongest damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) system known, having a very low metallicity and modest dust content. This conclusion is based on the detection of the red wing of Lyman-alpha plus a comparison of the equivalent widths of ultraviolet Mg I, Mg II, and Fe II lines with those in other DLAs. The column density of H I, deduced from a fit to the wing of Lyman-alpha, is (5 +/- 2) 10^22 cm^-2. The ratio of the column densities of Zn and Cr lines suggests that the dust content in our line of sight through the galaxy is low. This could be due to either dust destruction by the ultraviolet emission of the afterglow or to an initial dust composition different to that of the diffuse interstellar material, or a combination of both.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS 12 page

    B3 0003+387: AGN Marked Large-Scale Structure at z=1.47?

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    We present evidence for a significant overdensity of red galaxies, as much as a factor of 14 over comparable field samples, in the field of the z=1.47 radio galaxy B3 0003+387. The colors and luminosities of the brightest red galaxies are consistent with their being at z>0.8. The radio galaxy and one of the red galaxies are separated by 5" and show some evidence of a possible interaction. However, the red galaxies do not show any strong clustering around the radio galaxy nor around any of the brighter red galaxies. The data suggest that we are looking at a wall or sheet of galaxies, possibly associated with the radio galaxy at z=1.47. Spectroscopic redshifts of these red galaxies will be necessary to confirm this large-scale structure.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX2e/AASTeX v5.0.2. The full photometric catalog is included as a separate deluxetable file. To appear in the Astronomical Journal (~Nov 00

    Climate change and growing megacities: hazards and vulnerability

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    This paper is a review of geophysical and climatic trends associated with extreme weather events and natural hazards, their implications for urban areas and the effects of continued environmental modification due to urban expansion. It discusses how urban design, technological development and societal behaviour can either ameliorate or worsen climate-induced hazards in urban areas. Pressures – ranging from excessive rainfall causing urban flooding to urban temperature extremes driving air pollution – require more attention to understand, model and predict changes in hazards in urban areas. It concludes that involving different techniques for data analysis and system modelling is more appropriate for practical decision-making than a purely reductionist approach. Successfully determining the future environment of megacities will, however, require joint action with societally informed decision makers, grounded in sound scientific achievements

    Morfología nominal del rromané, lengua de los gitanos de Chile(l)

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    Study of the interaction between fog and turbulence

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    Póster elaborado para la European Geosciences Union General Assembly, celebrada en Viena del 3 al 8 de abril de 2011.This researchh as been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (projects CGL2006-12474-C03-03 and CGL2009-12797-C03-03).The GR58/08 program (supported by BSCH and UCM) has also partially financed whis work through the Research Group “Micrometeorology and Climate Variability” (nº910437)