3 research outputs found

    Gas turbine reliability model based on tangent hyperbolic reliability function

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    The present work deals with the exploration of a new model proposed for the reliability analysis of industrial production systems. This proposed model is mainly based on the tangent hyperbolic function, where the survival function is determined and used in the lifetime distribution modeling taking into account of estimation the parameters of the proposed function. On the other side, tests validation is performed using the real data of a gas turbine installation. The obtained results allow the modeling of damage effects, hence the prediction of the performance of the examined gas turbine using the proposed model gives good results in terms of validity

    Razrada i mehaničko-elektrokemijska karakterizacija antimon-olovnih pjena s otvorenim ćelijama izrađenim “Metodom prekomjerne replikacije soli” za moguću primjenu u proizvodnji olovno-kiselih baterija

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    In this study, open cell 25 % antimony-lead alloy foams are fabricated for possible use to lighten thick plates of lead-acid batteries. A new inexpensive and simple variant of the salt replication process is developed and explored. Different morphology and shapes have been successfully obtained with “excess salt replication” method (abbreviated as ESR method). Best porosity of about 68 % is obtained with salt particles size of about 3 mm. SEM and EDXS investigation of the composite salt/antimony alloy before NaCl leaching revealed the presence of the lead oxides microfilm coating cell walls and becoming lead carbonates after salt removal. Uniaxial compressive behaviour of the resulting cellular materials is studied for foams with porosities between 45 % and 70 %, and salt grain size ranging between 2.5 and 5 mm. A higher plateau stress is reached compared to the results obtained in the literature working on the aluminium foams. The reproducibility of the process is proved along samples. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.U ovom istraživanju izrađene su otvorene ćelije od 25 % antimon-olovnih pjena za moguću primjenu u osvjetljavanju debelih ploča olovno-kiselih baterija. Razvijena je i istražena nova jeftina i jednostavna varijanta procesa repliciranja soli. Različite morfologije i oblici uspješno su dobiveni metodom “prekomjerne replikacije soli” (ESR metodom). Najbolja poroznost od oko 68 % dobivena je pri veličini čestica soli od oko 3 mm. SEM i EDXS ispitivanje kompozitne legure soli/antimona prije ispiranja s NaCl otkrilo je prisutnost mikrofilma olovnih oksida koji oblažu zidove ćelije i nakon uklanjanja soli postaju olovni karbonati. Jednoosno tlačno ponašanje dobivenih materijala ćelije proučava se za pjene s poroznošću između 45 % i 70 % i za veličine zrna soli između 2,5 i 5 mm. Postignuta je veća granica stlačivanja u usporedbi s rezultatima o aluminijskim pjenama dobivenim u literaturi. Ponovljivost postupka dokazana je na uzorcima. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna