3 research outputs found

    Association of lipoprotein lipase gene with coronary heart disease in Sudanese population

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    AbstractCardiovascular disease is stabilizing in high-income countries and has continued to rise in low-to-middle-income countries. Association of lipid profile with lipoprotein lipase gene was studied in case and control subject. The family history, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking and alcohol consumption were the most risk factors for early-onset of coronary heart disease (CHD). Sudanese patients had significantly (P<0.05) lower TC and LDL-C levels compared to controls. Allele frequency of LPL D9N, N291S and S447X carrier genotype was 4.2%, 30.7% and 7.1%, respectively. We conclude that lipoprotein lipase polymorphism was not associated with the incidence of CHD in Sudan

    حدوث اصابات مكتسبة بجرثومة Pseudomonas aeruginosa في مستشفى البصرة العام مدينة البصرة / العراق

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    One thousand and two hunderd twenty six specimens were obtained from patients and 516 swabs from different surfaces of environments Basrah General Hospital were collected. Sixty five patients were suffering from Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection as shown by the following percentages (5.3%), 44.6% from wound infections, 23.0% from ear infections 18.4% from urinary tract infections and 15.3% from blood stream infections. The incidence rate off. aeruginosa was 0.1 (60/516). Antibiotic susceptibility was completely resistant 100% to Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Trimethoprine, Lincomycin and Clindomycin. The minimum inhibitory concentration of dittol solution was found to be 1%. The use of UV light as a sterilizing agent in laboratory experiment was shown to be effective and reduced the number of bacteria from 1.0 x 107 to O^xU^CFU/mlتم جمع الف ومائتين وستا وعشرين عينة من المرضى الراقدين في مستشفى البصرة العام وخمسمائة وستة عشر مسحة من مواقع مختلفة في المستشفى خلال سنة واحدة وسجلت اصابات بجرثومة P. aeruginosa‏ في كل اشهر السنة كان عدد الاصابات خمس وستون اصابة (5.3%) منها 44.6% التهاب جروح 23.0% التهاب اذن و 18.4% التهاب مجاري بولية و 15.3% تجرثم الدم . وكانت نسبة الحدوث 0.1 incidence rate (60/516)‏ في بيئة المستشفى ومن خلال عمل الحساسية الدوائية اظهرت عزلات جرثومة P. aeruginosa ‏مقاومة عالية للمضادات الحياتية حيث كانت المقاومة 100% لكل من الامبسلين والاموكسسلين أو السبترين واللنكومايسين والكلنومايسين وكان الهدف هو معرفته التشابه على المستوى الوراثي بين العزلات المعزولة من بيئة المستشفى والمرضى . كما تم التحري عن اقل تأثير مثبط للمحاليل المطهرة المستخدمة في المستشفى وظهر ان 1% لمحلول محضر انيا يثبط نمو هذه الجرثومة وعند استخدام الاشعة فوق البنفسجية كعامل تعقيم اختزل النمو الجرثومي من (107*10 الى 101*0.2 مستعمرة / مل

    The first survey of the Saudi Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry Program: Main results and long-term outcomes (STARS-1 Program).

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    BACKGROUND:Prior acute coronary syndrome (ACS) registries in Saudi Arabia might not have accurately described the true demographics and cardiac care of patients with ACS. We aimed to evaluate the clinical characteristics, management, and outcomes of a representative sample of patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Saudi Arabia. METHODS:We conducted a 1-month snap-shot, prospective, multi-center registry study in 50 hospitals from various health care sectors in Saudi Arabia. We followed patients for 1 month and 1 year after hospital discharge. Patients with AMI included those with or without ST-segment elevation (STEMI or NSTEMI, respectively). This program survey will be repeated every 5 years. RESULTS:Between May 2015 and January 2017, we enrolled 2233 patients with ACS (mean age was 56 [standard deviation = 13] years; 55.6% were Saudi citizens, 85.7% were men, and 65.9% had STEMI). Coronary artery disease risk factors were high; 52.7% had diabetes mellitus and 51.2% had hypertension. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) was utilized in only 5.2% of cases. Revascularization for patients with STEMI included thrombolytic therapy (29%), primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI); (42.5%), neither (29%), or a pharmaco-invasive approach (3%). Non-Saudis with STEMI were less likely to undergo primary PCI compared to Saudis (35.8% vs. 48.7%; respectively, p <0.001), and women were less likely than men to achieve a door-to-balloon time of <90 min (42% vs. 65%; respectively, p = 0.003). Around half of the patients with NSTEMI did not undergo a coronary angiogram. All-cause mortality rates were 4%, 5.8%, and 8.1%, in-hospital, at 1 month, and at 1 year, respectively. These rates were significantly higher in women than in men. CONCLUSIONS:There is an urgent need for primary prevention programs, improving the EMS infrastructure and utilization, and establishing organized ACS network programs. AMI care needs further improvement, particularly for women and non-Saudis