2,719 research outputs found

    Simulating How Think Tanks Work: Lessons from the Metropolitan Policy Classroom

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    Through a partnership with the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C., the University of Nevada, Las Vegas offers students a curriculum based on the day-to-day environment of think tanks in the Brookings Public Policy Minor. This presentation explores the use of simulation pedagogy in one particular course: “Brookings: Metropolitan Policy.” In the 16-week class, each student plays the role of “policy analyst” and produces a comprehensive report on a metropolitan policy issue relevant to the Las Vegas metro region. Through guided, multi-part assignments, students build their knowledge of the policy problem. These include assignments to: draft a research project proposal for a funder to consider; write an opinion editorial for a newspaper; attend a local governance meeting where their policy topic is discussed; produce a localized fact sheet from national-level data sets; and author a comprehensive policy report. In the final report, students offer their recommendation for evidence-based solutions to be considered in the upcoming Nevada legislative session.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1111/thumbnail.jp

    South East Career Technical Academy (SECTA) High School 2015 College & Career Aspirations Survey

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    In partnership with GoToCollegeNevada.org and the American College Application Campaign, this research project aims to provide key data on the college-going culture in Nevada. The purpose of this research project is to collect survey data aimed at examining a group of Nevada high schools and their students’ aspirations, college plans, and perceptions of school and family support and encouragement. Survey results are available in the form of aggregate reports and individual school data for 2014 and 2015

    Preliminary Findings – 2015 College & Career Aspirations Survey

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    In partnership with GoToCollegeNevada.org and the American College Application Campaign, this research project aims to provide key data on the college-going culture in Nevada. The purpose of this research project is to collect survey data aimed at examining a group of Nevada high schools and their students’ aspirations, college plans, and perceptions of school and family support and encouragement. Survey results are available in the form of aggregate reports and individual school data for 2014 and 2015

    Economic Innovation Group (EIG) 2018 Distressed Communities Index (DCI): Nevada Counties

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    This Fact Sheet highlights the Economic Distress Indicators (EDI) for the 17 counties within Nevada. Using the Economic Innovations Group1 DCI (Distressed Communities Index),2 the Tables that follow report EDI for each of the 17 counties in Nevada, grouped within two time-frames (2007-2011 and 2012-2016), and showing change over time. The data provides the opportunity to compare how the Great Recession affected communities across the nation and how the ongoing recovery is reshaping the economies and social networks of our nation

    Praxis liberacionista de Enrique Dussel: la concepción del indio

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    Enrique Dussel es uno de los forjadores de la filosofía de la liberación cuya impronta estriba en desplegar una crítica radical de carácter anticapitalista. Toda vez que en su amplia y rica obra existen diversas referencias al indio americano, me pareció pertinente sistematizar sus reflexiones al respecto. Lo corroboran dos de sus obras: su tesis doctoral en la década de los años sesenta y otro texto de los años noventa, que apareció con dos títulos diferentes. En sus planteamientos se bordan tópicos para construir la explicación de la génesis del problema del indio latinoamericano, su ubicación como colonizado y las posibilidades acerca de la necesaria superación de esa situación


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    En este artículo se explica la génesis de la filosofía del latinoamericanismo, entendida ésta como praxis descolonizadora. Para el efecto se valora el impacto de la lucha de hombres y mujeres en la fundamentación de la identidad del ser del latinoamericano y de América Latina desde una posición libertaria. Para sustentar esta perspectiva libertadora primero se presentan los argumentos justificadores del colonialismo, luego, la crítica al colonialismo, el reconocimiento de América como matria y el respaldo al ejercicio de la soberanía, todo ello amparado en los datos de la historia latinoamericana y en el inventario de nuestros aportes a la cultura mundial

    Miguel Hidalgo: Ilustrado Consumado

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    En este artículo se explica la génesis del proceso independista en México con base en el análisis del documento mediante el cual Miguel Hidalgo argumentó y justificó su proceder político. Para el efecto, se dilucida la identificación de las ideas ilustradas apropiadas y cultivadas por el padre de la patria mexicana, para explicar su fomento y praxis en su loable propósito de separar la Nueva España del dominio de la metrópoli, al generar el diseño de la nueva nación fundada en un espacio territorial específico y en el despliegue de una cultura propia para alumbrar la consolidación de la autoconciencia de la comunidad mexicana; aspectos con los cuales se construiría el Estado-nación mexicano

    Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada Renter Migration

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    This Fact Sheet summarizes and expands upon the findings of Apartment List’s Renter Migration Report. The data presented herein focuses on renter search inquiries (both inbound and outbound) regarding Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada

    The Mountain West: Affordable Housing Opportunities

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    This fact sheet provides selected data pertaining to the Mountain West region from, The Gap: A Shortage of Affordable Homes, a 2018 report by the National Low Income Housing Coalition. The report includes statistics “based on data from the 2016 American Community Survey (ACS) Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS). THE ACS is an annual nationwide survey of approximately 3.5 million addresses.