41 research outputs found

    Risk factors for peripartum hysterectomy among women with postpartum haemorrhage: analysis of data from the WOMAN trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Peripartum hysterectomy can cause significant morbidity and mortality. Most studies of peripartum hysterectomy are from high income countries. This cohort study examined risk factors for peripartum hysterectomy using data from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. METHODS: We used data from the World Maternal Antifibrinolytic (WOMAN) trial carried out in 193 hospitals in 21 countries. Peripartum hysterectomy was defined as hysterectomy within 6 weeks of delivery as a complication of postpartum haemorrhage. Univariable and multivariable random effects logistic regression models were used to analyse risk factors. A hierarchical conceptual framework guided our multivariable analysis. RESULTS: Five percent of women had a hysterectomy (1020/20,017). Haemorrhage from placenta praevia/accreta carried a higher risk of hysterectomy (17%) than surgical trauma/tears (5%) and uterine atony (3%). The adjusted odds ratio (AOR) for hysterectomy in women with placenta praevia/accreta was 3.2 (95% CI: 2.7-3.8), compared to uterine atony. The risk of hysterectomy increased with maternal age. Caesarean section was associated with fourfold higher odds of hysterectomy than vaginal delivery (AOR 4.3, 95% CI: 3.6-5.0). Mothers in Asia had a higher hysterectomy incidence (7%) than mothers in Africa (5%) (AOR: 1.2, 95% CI: 0.9-1.7). CONCLUSIONS: Placenta praevia/accreta is associated with a higher risk of peripartum hysterectomy. Other risk factors for hysterectomy are advanced maternal age, caesarean section and giving birth in Asia

    The role of the environment in formation of practical skills of pupils with medium serious and serious mental developmental disturbances

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    Diplomdarbā „Vides nozīme praktisko iemaņu veidošanā skolēniem ar vidēji smagiem un smagiem garīgās attīstības traucējumiem” tiek teorētiski un praktiski pētīts praktisko iemaņu veidošanās process skolēniem ar vidēji smagiem un smagiem garīgās attīstības traucējumiem un vides vai dabas ietekme uz to. Diplomdarba autore uzskata, ka praktisko iemaņu apgūšana ir būtiski svarīga visai dzīvei un veicina skolēnu ar garīgās attīstības traucējumiem patstāvības un neatkarības veidošanos, un vide – daba piedāvā daudz iespēju praktisko iemaņu apgūšanai, kā arī nodrošina cilvēku ar iztikas līdzekļiem. Īpašu uzmanību autore pievērš dabas un izziņas darbības procesu nozīmei praktisko iemaņu veidošanā. Pētījuma mērķis ir teorētiski un praktiski pētīt praktisko iemaņu veidošanās likumsakarības un vides ietekmi uz tām skolēniem ar vidēji smagiem un smagiem garīgās attīstības traucējumiem. Diplomdarba praktiskajā daļā tiek analizēti 40 skolotāju anketu rezultāti, kuros atspoguļojas vides un praktisko iemaņu veidošanās likumsakarības. Diplomdarbu raksturo šādi vārdi: garīgās attīstības traucējumi, praktiskās iemaņas, vide, vispusīga attīstība, daba.The diploma work „The role of the environment in developing practical skills for students with moderate and severe mental disabilities” contains theoretical and practical research of practical skills formation process for children with moderate and severe mental disabilities and the kind of impact the environment or nature plays in this process. The author of the diploma work is convinced that the formation of practical skills is essential for life and enables students with mental disabilities to develop independence, and the environment – nature offers many possibilities of forming practical skills and offers means for living. The author is particularly focusing on the importance of nature and cognitive processes in developing practical skills. The main objective of the research is to investigate practically and theoretically the conformity to natural laws and the impact of the environment on the development of practical skills for students with moderate and severe mental disabilities. The practical part of the diploma paper contains the analysis of 40 surveys filled in by teachers. This survey displays conformity to natural laws of the development of practical skills and the environment. The diploma paper can be characterized by the following terms: mental disabilities, practical skills, environment, overall or versatile development, nature

    The CISS Effect

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    The promotion of communications skills in movement games for 3 - 4 year old kids

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    Kvalifikācijas darba temats: „3 – 4 gadus vecu bērnu pozitīvas saskarsmes prasmju veicināšana kustību rotaļās” Kvalifikācijas darba autore: Agrita Sakse Kvalifikācijas darba apjoms: ievads, 2 nodaļas, 7 attēli, 2 tabulas, secinājumi, izmantotā literatūra un avoti, 2 pielikumi, darba apjoms 45 lapas. Kvalifikācijas darba mērķis: izzināt saskarsmes prasmju veicināšanu kustību rotaļās 3 – 4 gadus veciem bērniem. Uzdevumi: •Analizēt pedagogu un psihologu atziņas par saskarsmi, tās struktūru; •Izzināt pedagoģisko un psiholoģisko literatūru par kustību rotaļām; •Pētīt kustību rotaļu kā saskarsmes veicinātāju 3 – 4 gadus veciem bērniem. Pētījuma teorētiskajā daļā tiek izzināta un pētīta dažādu pedagogu un psihologu teorētiskā literatūra kā, piemēram, I. Stangaines, D. Dzintares, I. Dravnieces, A. Šponas, S. Omārovas, V. Reņģes, kā arī citu autoru literatūra un izteiktās atziņas par saskarsmi, sadarbības prasmēm, kustību rotaļu kā saskarsmes prasmju sekmētāju un 3-4 gadus vecu bērnu attīstības likumsakarībām. Empīriskajā daļā tiek izmantotas tādas metodes, kā bērnu novērošana, pedagoģiskā izmēģinājuma darbība, analīze un pedagogu aptauja. Tika novēroti 10 bērni (3 zēni un 7 meitenes) 3- 4 gadus veci, kā arī veikta aptauja, kurā piedalījās 46 pirmsskolas pedagogi. Atslēgas vārdi: pirmsskola, saskarsme, sadarbība, kustību rotaļas, bērnu attīstība.Theme of the qualification work: „The promotion of communications skills in movement games for 3 - 4 year old kids.” The author: Agrita Sakse The amount of qualification work: introduction, 2 chapters, 7 pictures, 2 tables, observation, sources of literature, the amount of qualification work is 45 pages. The purpose of the qualification work: to find out communication skills in movement games for children aged 3 to 4 years. Tasks: •Analyze teachers and psychologists quotes about communication and communication structure; •To learn pedagogical and psychological literature about movement games; •Research movement games as communication promoting for children aged 3 to 4 years. Theoretical part of the research: is based on conclusions of acknowledged different authors: I. Stangaine, D. Dzintare, I. Dravniece, A. Špona, S. Omārova, V. Reņģe, and the other authors literature of communication and co-operation skills, movement games as communication promoting for children aged 3 to 4 years. Empirical part of the research: used methods are children observation, practical work with children, analysis and teachers poll. 10 children were observed (3 boys and 7 girls) aged 3 to 4 years, as well as a poll of 46 pre-school teachers. Keywords: preschool, communication, cooperation, movement games, children development.

    Theory of Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity

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