5 research outputs found


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    In Brazil, due to the urbanization of the rural diseases, the health services must be prepared to detect precociously the infections, control the propagation and attend these sick people. The authors did a bibliographic surveying about congenital Chagas' disease, presented a study with a good evolution, tried to determine the nursing care to these newborns and the respectives objectives.No Brasil, devido à urbanização das enfermidades rurais tornou-se importante que os serviços de saúde estejam preparados para detectar precocemente essas infecções, controlar a propagação e assistir esses doentes. As autoras fizeram um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a doença de Chagas congênita, apresentaram um caso com evolução positiva e descreveram os cuidadas de enfermagem e os respectivos objetivos

    Prospective cohort studies to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the 2013, 2014, and 2015 seasonal influenza vaccines produced by Instituto Butantan

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    Annual vaccination is the most effective way to prevent seasonal influenza illness. Instituto Butantan (IB) performed clinical studies with its 2013, 2014 and 2015 seasonal trivalent influenza vaccines (inactivated split-virion). Prospective cohort studies were carried out to describe the safety and immunogenicity of Instituto Butantan influenza vaccines, in healthy adults and elderly, from 2013 to 2015. Immediately after the informed consent was signed, participants underwent blood collection followed by vaccination. On study days 1, 2 and 3 post-vaccination participants were contacted by the staff to evaluate the occurrence of solicited (local and systemic) and non-solicited adverse reactions. On study day 21 (+7) subjects returned to the clinical site for final safety assessments and blood collection to evaluate post-vaccination immunogenicity. The immunogenicity analyses were performed by means of hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. The immunogenicity endpoints were: seroprotection (SPR) and seroconversion (SCR) rates and the geometric mean HI antibody titer ratio (GMTR). The 2013 study was conducted at the Centro de Referência para Imunobiológicos Especiais (CRIE) and at the Centro de Pesquisa Clínica do Instituto da Criança, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo while the 2014 and 2015 studies were conducted at CRIE. The vaccine composition followed the WHO recommendation for the Southern hemisphere seasonal influenza vaccine. Fortyseven healthy adults and 13 elderly participated in the 2013 study, 60 healthy adults and 60 elderly in the 2014 study, and 62 healthy adults and 57 elderly in the 2015 study. In the 2013, 2014 and 2015 studies, pain was the most frequent local adverse reaction and headache the most frequent systemic adverse reaction. All observed adverse reactions were classified as mild or moderate and none as severe. SPR >70% and SPR >60% were observed in adults and elderly, respectively, for the three vaccine viruses, in the 2013, 2014 and 2015 studies. SCR >40% was observed in adults, for the three vaccine viruses, only in the 2014 study and SCR >30% was observed in the elderly, for the three vaccine viruses, only in the 2013 and 2014 studies. GMTR >2.5 among adults, for the three vaccine viruses was only observed in the 2013 study and GMTR >2.0 was observed among elderly, for the three vaccine viruses, in the 2013, 2014 and 2015 studies. The 2013, 2014 and 2015 seasonal influenza vaccines produced by Instituto Butantan were safe and immunogenic according to the immunogenicity criteria defined by the European Medicines Agency (EMA)

    Percutaneously inserted central catheter in neonatal intensive care unit tertiary level: incidence of complications and associated risk factors

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    O cateter central de inserção periférica (PICC) é um dispositivo com utilização crescente nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN). Objetivos Caracterizar a incidência de complicações e os fatores de risco associados à passagem do PICC em recém-nascidos pré-termo (RNPT) internados em uma UTIN de nível terciário. Casuística e Métodos: Foram estudados 128 recémnascidos pré-termo internados na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatal (UCINE) do Instituto da Criança do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo no período de janeiro de 2004 a julho de 2007. O estudo foi prospectivo tipo coorte não comparado realizado através da coleta de dados dos RNPT obtidos dos prontuários e pela coleta de informações de um formulário preenchido pelo profissional responsável pela inserção do cateter. A média da idade gestacional foi de 32,2 semanas e o peso médio dos RNPT foi de 1336 gramas (g). Resultados: Dos 128 pacientes estudados, 68 (53,1%) eram do sexo feminino. Com relação ao diagnóstico admissional dos RNPT, a doença das membranas hialinas esteve presente em 44 (34,4 %), desconforto respiratório não classificado em 28 (21,9%), risco infeccioso em 23 (18%), malformação digestiva em 18 (14%) foram os mais comuns. O número total de PICC inseridos foi de 148, sendo que 114 (89%) dos neonatos receberam um cateter, nove (7%) dois, quatro (3%) receberam três cateteres e um recebeu quatro cateteres. A proporção de sucesso da punção venosa em uma tentativa foi de 49,3%, duas tentativas 27,7% e três tentativas 12,8 %. A veia safena magna foi a mais utilizada (70,9%) para as inserções. O tempo médio de permanência do cateter foi de 19,8 dias com um mínimo de um dia e o máximo de 65 dias. As principais complicações observadas foram colonização do cateter(17,3%), quebra do conector e deslocamento(17,7%) (obstrução (6,8%), edema/infiltração (10,1%) ; Os principais preditores de complicações foram: idade gestacional e indicação do cateter pela necessidade de politerapia; O principal motivo da retirada do PICC foi término do tratamento em 47(31,8%), complicações em 75(50,6%) ou devido a morte do paciente em 26(17,6%). Conclusões: O número de cateteres insertados funcionou como indicador de experiência. Quando se excluiu das complicações a quebra mecânica do cateter, não relacionado aos cuidados, a probabilidade de complicação mostrou-se 1,64 vez mais provável antes da habilitação do que após a mesma. A idade à inserção, ou idade cronológica, mudou significantemente do primeiro (2004-5) para o segundo período de estudo (2006-7): 13,2 para 4,8 dias, respectivamente. A diferença de 8,4 dias na indicação do cateter pelos médicos neonatologistas provavelmente se deveu a maior segurança com o procedimento e a competência dos enfermeiros envolvidos com a passagem do cateterThe percutaneously inserted central catheter (PICC) is a device with increased use in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU). Objectives Describe the incidence of complications and associated risk factors with the insertion of the PICC in preterm infants (PTI) admitted to NICU. Material and Methods: This was a non comparative prospective cohort study by collecting data from PTI hospitalized in a referral Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Child\'s Institute of the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Data were obtained from information registered in patients medical records and from a filled form by the professional in charge the insertion of the catheter. From January 2004 to July 2007, 128 preterm newborns hospitalized in NICU were included in this study. The average gestational age was 32.2 weeks and the average weight was 1336 grams. Results: Of the 128 patients studied, 68 (53.1%) were female. The most prevalent admission diagnoses were the hialine membrane disease in 44 (34.4%), unclassified respiratory distress in 28 (21.9%), infectious risk in 23 (18%), gastrointestinal malformation in 18 (14%). The total number of PICC inserted was 148, 114 neonates (89%) received just one catheter, nine (7%) two, four (3%) three catheters and one received four catheters. The average frequency of successful first venipuncture attempt was 49.3%, two attempts in 27.7% and three attempts in 12.8%. The saphenous vein was the most frequently used (70.9%) for the insertions. The mean duration time of catheters was 19.8 days and the minimum time was one day and maximum time was 65 days. The most frequent complications observed were colonization of the catheter (17,3%), break the connector and dislocation (17.7%) obstruction (6.8%), edema / infiltration (10.1%). The most probable predictors of complications were gestational age and indication of catheter by the need for polytherapy. The main reason for catheter removal were end complication in 68 (46,1%), end of treatment, 54 (36,4%) or death in 26 (17.5%). Conclusion: The number of catheters inserted was an indicator of work experience. When were excluded the complications of mechanical breakage of the catheter, not related to care, but the possible poor quality of the product, the likelihood of complications proved to be 1.64 times more frequent than after it. The age at insertion, or chronological age, changed significantly in the first (2004-5) for the second study period (2006-7): 13.2 to 4.8 days, respectively. The difference of 8.4 days in the indication of the catheter by doctors is probably due to their confidence with the procedure and competence of nurses involved with the insertion of the cathete

    Prospective cohort studies to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the 2013, 2014, and 2015 seasonal influenza vaccines produced by Instituto Butantan

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    ABSTRACT Annual vaccination is the most effective way to prevent seasonal influenza illness. Instituto Butantan (IB) performed clinical studies with its 2013, 2014 and 2015 seasonal trivalent influenza vaccines (inactivated split-virion). Prospective cohort studies were carried out to describe the safety and immunogenicity of Instituto Butantan influenza vaccines, in healthy adults and elderly, from 2013 to 2015. Immediately after the informed consent was signed, participants underwent blood collection followed by vaccination. On study days 1, 2 and 3 post-vaccination participants were contacted by the staff to evaluate the occurrence of solicited (local and systemic) and non-solicited adverse reactions. On study day 21 (+7) subjects returned to the clinical site for final safety assessments and blood collection to evaluate post-vaccination immunogenicity. The immunogenicity analyses were performed by means of hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. The immunogenicity endpoints were: seroprotection (SPR) and seroconversion (SCR) rates and the geometric mean HI antibody titer ratio (GMTR). The 2013 study was conducted at the Centro de Referência para Imunobiológicos Especiais (CRIE) and at the Centro de Pesquisa Clínica do Instituto da Criança, Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo while the 2014 and 2015 studies were conducted at CRIE. The vaccine composition followed the WHO recommendation for the Southern hemisphere seasonal influenza vaccine. Forty-seven healthy adults and 13 elderly participated in the 2013 study, 60 healthy adults and 60 elderly in the 2014 study, and 62 healthy adults and 57 elderly in the 2015 study. In the 2013, 2014 and 2015 studies, pain was the most frequent local adverse reaction and headache the most frequent systemic adverse reaction. All observed adverse reactions were classified as mild or moderate and none as severe. SPR >70% and SPR >60% were observed in adults and elderly, respectively, for the three vaccine viruses, in the 2013, 2014 and 2015 studies. SCR >40% was observed in adults, for the three vaccine viruses, only in the 2014 study and SCR >30% was observed in the elderly, for the three vaccine viruses, only in the 2013 and 2014 studies. GMTR >2.5 among adults, for the three vaccine viruses was only observed in the 2013 study and GMTR >2.0 was observed among elderly, for the three vaccine viruses, in the 2013, 2014 and 2015 studies. The 2013, 2014 and 2015 seasonal influenza vaccines produced by Instituto Butantan were safe and immunogenic according to the immunogenicity criteria defined by the European Medicines Agency (EMA)


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    No Brasil, devido à urbanização das enfermidades rurais tornou-se importante que os serviços de saúde estejam preparados para detectar precocemente essas infecções, controlar a propagação e assistir esses doentes. As autoras fizeram um levantamento bibliográfico sobre a doença de Chagas congênita, apresentaram um caso com evolução positiva e descreveram os cuidadas de enfermagem e os respectivos objetivos.In Brazil, due to the urbanization of the rural diseases, the health services must be prepared to detect precociously the infections, control the propagation and attend these sick people. The authors did a bibliographic surveying about congenital Chagas' disease, presented a study with a good evolution, tried to determine the nursing care to these newborns and the respectives objectives