112 research outputs found

    Peran Strategis Ulama Dalam Sosialisasi Bank Syariah

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    Clerics is a leader who has the charisma in the eyes of society. What is said, exemplified by clerics be an interesting thing for the community. He holds a very glorious and special viz as the inheritors of the Prophet. As the inheritors of the Prophet. As heir of the Prophet, Clerics have the roles, functions, and strategic position in delivering a moral message to the nation due to its position this glorious, people glorify and personifying them. All the words and actions of the clerics bocome a role model of its community. One of functions of the clergy is to preach (suggest to do good deeds / merits) and away from the prohibitions of Allah ((nahi-munkar) in the affairs of religious, social, political, cultural, and others. In the field of economics known as Muamalah Maliyah rarely this role functionalized and submitted to societies. Aspects of material / study propaganda theologian still struggling in the field of fiqh be only, not much touching economics. Therefore, Clerics are expected to maximize their role in the community with a way to invite people carry out economic activities in accordance with Islamic law through the dissemination of Syari'a Banking which is one of many Syari'a Transactions. This aspect has not been widely communicated to the public

    Pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Dan Struktur Modal Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan Pada Perusahaan Pertambangan Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and capital structure on the value of the company in Mining companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Ratio of Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as independent variable using Corporate disclosure corporate social responsibility disclosure index. The ratio of capital structure used as independent variable is debt to equity ratio (DER) and debt to asset ratio (DAR). While the value of the company as a dependent variable is measured by the ratio of price book value (PBV) and price earnings ratio (PER). The method used to observe the effect of corporate social responsibility and capital structure on company value is by using multiple linear regression.The data used in this research are secondary data, financial report and annual report annual report. The data are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for 3 years from 2012 to 2014. Sampling is done by purposive sampling, which is used is 16 companies from 42 mining companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data analysis using simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, t test, f test and coefficient of determination test. Data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 21.The result of the analysis shows that corporate social responsibility variable has no significant effect on corporate social responsibility towards the value of mining companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. While the variable of capital structure does not affect the value of mining companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Results of simultaneous testing no significant influence of corporate social responsibility and capital structure variable to the value of mining companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Software Macromedia Flash 8 dan Power Point pada Materi Pokok Asam Basa

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran yang dilakukan di Pesantren/Madrasah Aliyah Madani Pao-Pao Gowa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (i) mengetahui proses pengembangan media pembelajaran; (ii) mengetahui kualitas media pembelajaran yang meliputi kevalidan, keefektifan, dan kepraktisan. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan yaitu; (i) Menuliskan tujuan pembelajaran umum berupa SK/KD; (ii) Melakukan analisis instruksional; (iii) Mengidentifikasi tingkah laku awal/karakteristik siswa kelas XI IPA; (iv) Merumuskan tujuan instruksional khusus; (v) Menyusun tes acuan patokan; (vi) Menyusun strategi pembelajaran; (vii) Mengembangkan media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan aplikasi macromedia flash dan power point; (viii) Merancang dan melaksanakan evaluasi formatif berupa validasi media; (ix) Melakukan revisi; (x) Melakukan ujicoba. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (i) Proses pengembangan media pembelajaran meliputi beberapa tahap, yaitu: tahap identifikasi, tahap pengembangan media, dan tahap uji coba dan evaluasi; (ii) Kriteria perangkat pembelajaran yang dicapai yaitu: (1) valid berdasarkan penilaian validator, (2) praktis berdasarkan kemampuan guru mengelola pembelajaran berada dalam kategori tinggi dan respon siswa, dan (3) efektif berdasarkan ketuntasan klasikal telah tercapai dimana sebesar 85% siswa mengalami ketuntasan dan aktivitas siswa dan guru sudah terlaksana

    Pengaruh Seleksi dan Pelatihan terhadap Prestasi Kerja pada PT. Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera Cabang Jambi

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    This experiment in doing to analyze the influence of selection and training to work performance on pt .Indonesian welfare nutricia the branch of JambiType of reserach is quantitive survey research properties for descriptive purposes and explanatory. This study using the population with the employees as many as 30 people . data analysis technique used is multiple regressing analysys with path analysis by using SPSS.The influence of selection on work performance on pt .Indonesia nutricia prosperous the branch of Jambi in partial influential positive and significance , namely the influence of directly to 7.07 % , while indirect effect is of 18.78 % and the influence of direct and indirect leadership is on the performance of 25.85 % 3 .The influence of training on work performance on pt .Indonesia nutricia prosperous the branch of Jambi partial influential positive and significant , which is directly to 61.46 % , while indirect effect is of 18.78 % and the influence of total direct and indirect leadership is on the performance of 80.24 % 4 .The result of testing simultaneously influence the selection of ( x1 and x2 pelatihankerja ( ) on work performance y in together is of 106,09

    Perilaku dalam Pencegahan Filariasis di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Muara Kumpeh Kabupaten Muaro Jambi Tahun 2014

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    Filariasis atau penyakit kaki gajah adalah penyakit yang disebabkan infeksi cacing filaria melaluigigitan nyamuk, 1,3 miliar penduduk dunia berisiko tertular filariasis. Hampir seluruh wilayahIndonesia adalah endemis filariasis. Data Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi diketahuidari 18 Puskesmas yang ada, kasus kronis filariasis terbesar ada di Puskesmas Muara Kumpeh,dengan jumlah 42 kasus (MF Rate = 0,11%). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuihubungan pengetahuan, peran tokoh masyarakat dan peran petugas kesehatan dengan perilakudalam pencegahan penyakit filariasis di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Muara Kumpeh KabupatenMuaro Jambi tahun 2014.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalampenelitian ini adalah seluruh masyarakat yang berada di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Muara Kumpehdengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 96 orang yang diambil secara proporsional random sampling.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner danobservasi.Hasil penelitian didapatkan sebagian (54,2%) responden di wilayah kerja Puskesmas MuaraKumpeh berperilaku kurang baik dalam pencegahan filariasis, sebagian (59,4%) responden diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Muara Kumpeh pengetahuannya tentang pencegahan filariasis masihrendah, sebagian (57,3%) responden menyatakan bahwa di wilayah kerja Puskesmas MuaraKumpeh tokoh masyarakatnya tidak aktif dalam pencegahan filariasis dan sebagian (56,3%)responden menyatakan bahwa di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Muara Kumpeh petugaskesehatannya tidak aktif dalam pencegahan filariasis.Adapun simpulan penelitian adalah terrdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan (p=0,006) (p < 0,05), peran tokoh masyarakat p = 0,005 (p < 0,05), peran petugas kesehatan p =0,003 (p < 0,05) dengan perilaku dalam pencegahan filariasis
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