13 research outputs found

    Molecular Beam Epitaxy of Wurtzite (Ga,Mn)N Films on Sapphire(0001) Showing the Ferromagnetic Behaviour at Room Temperature

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    Wurtzite (Ga,Mn)N films showing ferromagnetic behaviour at room temperature were successfully grown on sapphire(0001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy using ammonia as nitrogen source. Magnetization measurements were carried out by a superconducting quantum interference device at the temperatures between 1.8K and 300K with magnetic field applied parallel to the film plane up to 7T. The magnetic-field dependence of magnetization of a (Ga,Mn)N film at 300K were ferromagnetic, while a GaN film showed Pauli paramagnetism like behaviour. The Curie temperatures of a (Ga,Mn)N film was estimated as 940K.Comment: 5 page

    High TC ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconducting GaN:Mn films

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    Wurtzite GaN:Mn films on sapphire substrates were successfully grown by use of the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system. The film has an extremely high Curie temperature of around 940 K, although the Mn concentration is only about 3 ~ 5 %. Magnetization measurements were carried out in magnetic fields parallel to the film surface up to 7 T. The magnetization process shows the coexistence of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic contributions at low temperatures, while the typical ferromagnetic magnetization process is mainly observed at high temperatures because of the decrease of the paramagnetic contributions. The observed transport characteristics show a close relation between the magnetism and the impurity conduction. The double exchange mechanism of the Mn-impurity band is one of the possible models for the high-TC ferromagnetism in GaN:Mn.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physica

    Polisemija ‘skupnega jezika’ in moderni japonski narod: ‘standardni jezik’, ‘narečja’ in univerzalizacija

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    In this paper, the term futsūgo (common language) was viewed over two periods. The first period (1880s-1894) was concerned with education but aimed to establish everyday, commonplace language and script that was familiar to the populace. However, by the 1890s, the policy of Europeanization was being reconsidered, and national consciousness was on the rise. The second period (1894-early 1900s), with the start of the Sino-Japanese War, saw an increase in the national consciousness in strengthening both literary and military arts, with a desire for the establishment of an artificially unified language with artificial rules that would unify the populace and the nation. The natural shift from the populace’s everyday commonplace language to a unified national language became possible through the linguistic logic, or mediation of terminology, seen in the single (but ambiguous) word futsūgo.V tem prispevku je izraz futsūgo (skupni jezik) obravnavan v dveh obdobjih. Prvo obdobje (pribl. 1880-1894) se je ukvarjalo z izobraževanjem, vendar je bilo namenjeno vzpostavitvi vsakdanjega, običajnega jezika in pisave, ki so bili ljudem poznani. Toda v devetdesetih letih 19. stoletja je bila politika evropeizacije ponovno preučena in nacionalna zavest je bila v vzponu. V drugem obdobju (1894 - začetek 19. stoletja) se je z pričetkom kitajsko-japonske vojne povečala nacionalna zavest pri krepitvi tako literarne kot vojaške umetnosti in posledično želja po vzpostavitvi umetno poenotenega jezika s pravili, ki naj bi poenotili prebivalstvo in narod. Naravni prehod iz vsakdanjega, običajnega jezika prebivalstva v poenoten nacionalni jezik je postal mogoč z jezikovno logiko ali posredovanjem terminologije, ki je vidna v eni (vendar dvoumni) besedi futsūgo

    Polysemy of ‘Common Language’ and the Modern Japanese Nation: The Universalization of a ‘Standard Language’ to correct ‘Dialects’?

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    In this paper, the term futsūgo (common language) was viewed over two periods. The first period (1880s-1894) was concerned with education but aimed to establish everyday, commonplace language and script that was familiar to the populace. However, by the 1890s, the policy of Europeanization was being reconsidered, and national consciousness was on the rise. The second period (1894-early 1900s), with the start of the Sino-Japanese War, saw an increase in the national consciousness in strengthening both literary and military arts, with a desire for the establishment of an artificially unified language with artificial rules that would unify the populace and the nation. The natural shift from the populace’s everyday commonplace language to a unified national language became possible through the linguistic logic, or mediation of terminology, seen in the single (but ambiguous) word futsūgo


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    The geological and geophysical surveys off Queen Maud Land, East Antarctica were carried out during the 1985-1986 season using R/V HAKUREI-MARU. The survey covered areas of Gunnerus Ridge and the upper continental rise to the abyssal plain off Syowa Station. The basement of Gunnerus Ridge is supposed to be continental crust by magnetic data, gravity data, sonobuoy data and dredged rocks. The oceanic basement is confirmed in seismic and gravity data to have a deepening trend and to form a thickening sedimentary basin toward the foot of the continental slope. The maximum depth and thickness exceed 9.0s in two-way time from sea level and 3.0s in two-way time between sea bottom and acoustic basement, respectively on seismic lines. The age difference of the oceanic crust is discussed using seismic character difference of the top of acoustic basement. The sediment section of the basin is divided into three prominent sequences and discussed in terms of seismic stratigraphy. The heat flow data show slightly lower values than a world ocean average value, and this may suggest that the age of the oceanic basement in this area is relatively old