16 research outputs found

    Modern Museum Communications as a Means of Visitors Attracting

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the websites of museums in Russia in the European context. The Fine Arts museums in five regional centers of Russia and European Union, namely, in France, Germany, Poland, Croatia, and Lithuania were chosen for the assessment of their websites by four criteria: design, content, usability, and dynamism. A rating of the target Russian museum websites was compiled based on a comparative analysis of their compliance with these criteria. The findings allow concluding that some of the web resources of Russian regional museums meet the European standards, which let them powerfully join the modern virtual space and win both Russian and foreign audiences. The scienсe-based approach to a single virtual cultural space, which is currently on the focus of the museum institutions, supports the assumption of the museum websites to be a potent tool for the art communication with society. The practical value of the study is determined by possible uses of the results in streamlining and upgrading the museum sites, as well as in courses and training programs on museology, management, and marketing of social and cultural activities

    Reduction of power consumption during arc welding operation

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    The work is devoted to energy saving during arc manual welding operations. Power sources for arc manual welding are rectifiers with slow or steeply falling current-voltage characteristics. The paper considers two ways of energy saving during arc welding operations. The first way is to increase the efficiency of welding by replacing the ballast rheostat with a special electronic device that regulates the welding current instead of the ballast rheostat. The second way is to increase the efficiency of the welding equipment by replacing a traditional one-bridge rectifier with the two-bridge economical rectifier. An approximate calculation of the annual economic effect from the replacement of a ballast rheostat by the electronic regulating device is given on the example of welding operations in a typical assembly shop

    Reduction of power consumption during arc welding operation

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    The work is devoted to energy saving during arc manual welding operations. Power sources for arc manual welding are rectifiers with slow or steeply falling current-voltage characteristics. The paper considers two ways of energy saving during arc welding operations. The first way is to increase the efficiency of welding by replacing the ballast rheostat with a special electronic device that regulates the welding current instead of the ballast rheostat. The second way is to increase the efficiency of the welding equipment by replacing a traditional one-bridge rectifier with the two-bridge economical rectifier. An approximate calculation of the annual economic effect from the replacement of a ballast rheostat by the electronic regulating device is given on the example of welding operations in a typical assembly shop

    Bounds for the Tail Distributions of Suprema of Sub-Gaussian Type Random Fields

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    The paper presents bounds for the distributions of suprema for particular classes of ϕ-sub-Gaussian random fields. Results stated depend on representations of bounds for increments of the fields in different metrics. Several examples of applications are provided to illustrate the results, in particular, to random fields related to stochastic partial differential equations and partial differential equations with random initial conditions

    Study of prospects of creating track membranes from polycyanurates on the radiation complex of INR of NAS of Ukraine

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    International audienceThe results of the experiments on the creation of heat-resistant track nuclear membranes of increased strength from original domestic polymer films are discussed. The structure of the radiation technology complex created at the Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (INR) for the study of technology of nuclear track membrane from the newest polymeric materials of the polycyanurate group is described. The complex meets the basic requirements for solving the problems of production, improvement and development of new types of track membranes. At the radiation complex of the INR the original methods of producing heat-resistant nanoporous films of increased thickness and strength the newest polymers of Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IMC), promising for use in industry, have been successfully implemented. By bombing of polymer films by a-particles with energy of 27,2 MeV the first samples of nanoporous materials, which fully meet the requirements of track membranes in terms of shape and pore size have been produced. The results of study of the structure of the nuclear membranes obtained are presented. The first tests have shown that polycyanurate track membranes can be used for filtration of gases. The results of testing the nanoporous films obtained for gas separation are presented from as well. It has been experimentally proven that it is possible to produce nanoporous materials of the nuclear filter group from the film polycyanurates. As the prospect of progress in the technology of nanoporous films from polycyanurates, the possibility of involvement of radiation polymerization mechanisms to obtain filter materials with desired physicochemical properties and structure is considered. Following the results of the first experiments, a complex of scientific and technical measures for the organization of further research was developed. It includes the adaptation of the radiation technology of the INR for production of nuclear filters using track technologies, the development of new structures of polymeric materials, further searches for economically advantageous track formation technologies, optimization of material sensitization methods in tracks by photons of different energies

    Study of prospects of creating track membranes from polycyanurates on the radiation complex of INR of NAS of Ukraine

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    International audienceThe results of the experiments on the creation of heat-resistant track nuclear membranes of increased strength from original domestic polymer films are discussed. The structure of the radiation technology complex created at the Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (INR) for the study of technology of nuclear track membrane from the newest polymeric materials of the polycyanurate group is described. The complex meets the basic requirements for solving the problems of production, improvement and development of new types of track membranes. At the radiation complex of the INR the original methods of producing heat-resistant nanoporous films of increased thickness and strength the newest polymers of Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IMC), promising for use in industry, have been successfully implemented. By bombing of polymer films by a-particles with energy of 27,2 MeV the first samples of nanoporous materials, which fully meet the requirements of track membranes in terms of shape and pore size have been produced. The results of study of the structure of the nuclear membranes obtained are presented. The first tests have shown that polycyanurate track membranes can be used for filtration of gases. The results of testing the nanoporous films obtained for gas separation are presented from as well. It has been experimentally proven that it is possible to produce nanoporous materials of the nuclear filter group from the film polycyanurates. As the prospect of progress in the technology of nanoporous films from polycyanurates, the possibility of involvement of radiation polymerization mechanisms to obtain filter materials with desired physicochemical properties and structure is considered. Following the results of the first experiments, a complex of scientific and technical measures for the organization of further research was developed. It includes the adaptation of the radiation technology of the INR for production of nuclear filters using track technologies, the development of new structures of polymeric materials, further searches for economically advantageous track formation technologies, optimization of material sensitization methods in tracks by photons of different energies

    Le plurilinguisme Ă  l’épreuve de la traduction

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    Le prĂ©sent recueil d’articles explore certaines marges de la traduction, des domaines pĂ©riphĂ©riques oĂč tant le traduire que le traduit posent problĂšme. C’est le cas textes oĂč la langue Ă©trangĂšre se prĂ©sente comme un objet, une image reprĂ©sentative de l’Autre. La situation linguistique particuliĂšre de certains pays et aires culturelles peut rendre possible l’écriture de textes mettant deux ou plusieurs langues en contact. Il importe de rendre ce plurilinguisme, c’est‑à‑dire ne pas traduire ce qui se prĂ©sente comme un corps Ă©tranger dans le texte d’origine. Mais comment faire lorsque le lecteur de l’Ɠuvre de la langue cible ne possĂšde pas potentiellement les mĂȘmes compĂ©tences linguistiques que le lecteur de la langue source ? Les mots Ă©trangers peuvent ĂȘtre transcrits fidĂšlement, phonĂ©tiquement ou encore ĂȘtre mĂ©langĂ©s Ă  la langue du locuteur, ce qui dĂ©note des attitudes diffĂ©rentes envers l’Autre, sa communautĂ© linguistique ou, plus largement, envers l’univers Ă©tranger, et peut se prĂ©senter comme un jugement. Les articles qui suivent examinent les questions de la restitution de la langue mĂȘlĂ©e Ă  des ancrages culturels spĂ©cifiques dans la traduction. Ils s’interrogent Ă©galement sur la possibilitĂ© de restituer l’effet de la lecture produit dans une culture cible, la possibilitĂ© d’imiter une situation de diglossie ou encore reprĂ©senter l’étrangetĂ© avec ses spĂ©cificitĂ©s d’origine

    Thermally stable nanoporous cyanate ester resin/linear polyurethane hybrid networks created by nuclear technologies

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    International audienceThermally stable nanoporous polymer films have been created as promising materials for membrane technologies. Thermosetting Cyanate Ester Resins (CERs) and linear polyurethane (LPU) were combined by stepwise thermal curing, and the films of resulting hybrid polymers were irradiated with α-particles followed by chemical etching. Well-defined highly regular nanoporous structures were developed in the films as evidenced by using SEM. No significant changes in chemical structure of the polymer systems obtained after α-irradiation were observed by FTIR spectroscopy measurements. The polymer films obtained on the basis of hybrid networks with the CER/LPU composition equal to 90/10 wt.% had quite narrow pore diameter distribution with average pore diameters around 12 nm. DSC and TGA measurements showed that the thermal characteristics of the nanoporous films were sufficiently high (Đąg ~ 167 °C to ~199 °C, Đąd5% ~ 293-359 o C, and Đąd max ~ 429-457 o C). The CER/LPU nanoporous thermosetting materials demonstrated effective gas transport properties tested with gases, such as О2, СО2, N2, and СН4. The combination of an additional sensitization step using -rays and longer time of chemical etching improved the properties of the nanoporous systems developed. Such materials open the way to numerous applications, for example, as ultrafiltration membranes for advanced technologies, especially under extreme conditions

    Propos sur l'intraduisible

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    Alors que l’activitĂ© de traduction est universelle, se pose la question de la part du traduisible et de l’intraduisible et, surtout, celle de la nature de ce dernier. La traductologie (Jakobson, Mounin, Meschonnic, Berman) a thĂ©orisĂ© de diverses maniĂšres la traduction, ses processus et ses acteurs, de l’auteur en langue source jusqu’au lecteur en langue d’accueil, le possible, le nĂ©cessaire et l’impossible Ă  traduire. Dans la pratique, tout traducteur littĂ©raire est confrontĂ© Ă  des Ă©lĂ©ments qu’il juge « intraduisibles », mais les textes traduits proposĂ©s Ă  la lecture se prĂ©sentent implicitement comme les Ă©quivalents exacts des originaux et comportent rarement la trace des hĂ©sitations et interrogations des traducteurs, le plus souvent sous la forme de notes explicatives en bas de page. L’intraduisible peut ĂȘtre d’ordre rĂ©fĂ©rentiel : l’inexistence dans la langue d’une culture donnĂ©e d’une entitĂ© quelconque, matĂ©rielle ou notionnelle, peut aller de pair avec une existence de moyen lexical. Ce fait a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crit Ă  propos des traductions de la Bible, dans la confrontation du vocabulaire liĂ©e Ă  la neige chez les Inuits, etc. L’intraduisible est ici tout relatif et relĂšve encore du domaine de l’explicable. L’intraduisible peut ĂȘtre plus proprement linguistique : les jeux de mots, mais aussi certains traits grammaticaux, faits de morphologie ou tournures syntaxiques peuvent gĂȘner, voire empĂȘcher la traduction, ou au contraire, contraindre le traducteur Ă  prendre des dĂ©cisions que l’auteur n’a pas eu Ă  prendre. Est-il possible et nĂ©cessaire d’expliquer une assonance, l’emploi d’une structure syntaxique ? Il s’agit d’étudier l’intraduisible dans la pratique du traducteur, la nature de l’intraduisible, les « techniques » d’évitement ou d’affrontement mises en Ɠuvre pour produire un texte cohĂ©rent et lisible. Les langues mises en prĂ©sence seront le français, l’allemand et les langues slaves