113 research outputs found

    Histological Analysis of Failed Cartilage Repair after Marrow Stimulation for the Treatment of Large Cartilage Defect in Medial Compartmental Osteoarthritis of the Knee

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    Bone marrow-stimulating techniques such as microfracture and subchondral drilling are valuable treatments for full-thickness cartilage defects. However, marrow stimulation-derived reparative tissues are not histologically well-documented in human osteoarthritis. We retrospectively investigated cartilage repairs after marrow stimulation for the treatment of large cartilage defects in osteoarthritic knees. Tissues were obtained from patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty (TKA) after arthroscopic marrow stimulation in medial compartmental osteoarthritis. Clinical findings and cartilage repair were assessed. Sections of medial femoral condyles were histologically investigated by safranin O staining and anti-type II collagen antibody. Marrow stimulation decreased the knee pain in the short term. However, varus leg alignment gradually progressed, and TKA conversions were required. The grade of cartilage repair was not improved. Marrow stimulations resulted in insufficient cartilage regeneration on medial femoral condyles. Safranin O-stained proteoglycans and type II collagen were observed in the deep zone of marrow-stimulated holes. This study demonstrated that marrow stimulation resulted in failed cartilage repair for the treatment of large cartilage defects in osteoarthritic knees. Our results suggest that arthroscopic marrow stimulation might not improve clinical symptoms for the long term in patients suffering large osteoarthritic cartilage defects

    Comparison between normal and loose fragment chondrocytes in proliferation and redifferentiation potential

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    Loose fragments in osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the knee require internal fixation. On the other hand, loose fragments derived from spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (SONK) are usually removed. However, the difference in healing potential between OCD- and SONK-related loose fragments has not been elucidated. In this study, we investigated proliferative activity and redifferentiation potential of normal cartilage-derived and loose fragment-derived chondrocytes. Cells were prepared from normal articular cartilages and loose fragment cartilages derived from knee OCD and SONK. Cellular proliferation was compared. Redifferentiation ability of pellet-cultured chondrocytes was assessed by real-time PCR analyses. Mesenchymal differentiation potential was investigated by histological analyses. Positive ratio of a stem cell marker CD166 was evaluated in each cartilaginous tissue. Normal and OCD chondrocytes showed a higher proliferative activity than SONK chondrocytes. Chondrogenic pellets derived from normal and OCD chondrocytes produced a larger amount of safranin O-stained proteoglycans compared with SONK-derived pellets. Expression of chondrogenic marker genes was inferior in SONK pellets. The CD166-positive ratio was higher in normal cartilages and OCD loose fragments than in SONK loose fragments. The OCD chondrocytes maintained higher proliferative activity and redifferentiation potential compared with SONK chondrocytes. Our results suggest that chondrogenic properties of loose fragment-derived cells and the amount of CD166-positive cells may affect the repair process of osteochondral defects

    Antioxidant Activity and Oxidation Products of 1,2,3,4- Tetrahydroquinoxalines in Peroxyl Radical Scavenging Reactions, Part I

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    This paper studies the antioxidant activity of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines, 3,4-dihydro-2H-benzo[1,4]thiazines and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoxalines in the inhibition of the peroxidation of tetralin induced by an azo initiator. Neither 1,2,3,4- tetrahydroquinoline nor 3,4-dihydro-2H-benzo[1,4]thiazine alone acted as an antioxidant, but when they have an electron-donating group at the para position to the NH group, they act as potent antioxidants. On the other hand, 1,2,3,4- tetrahydroquinoxaline on its own showed good antioxidant activity. However, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoxalines with methyl and methoxy groups in the phenyl ring have reactivities similar to or less than that of unsubstituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoxaline. The induction periods of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoxalines with an alkyl group or phenyl group at the 2-position were all longer than the value for the unsubstituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoxaline, except for a compound with a t-butyl group. The oxidation of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoxalines by peroxyl radicals generated from an azo initiator in tetralin or benzene yields quinoxalines and a dimer product of quinoxalines, 6-(1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoxalin-1-yl)-quinoxaline

    Perihilar or (Hilar) Cholangiocarcinoma: Interventional to Surgical Management

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    Peri-hilar cholangiocarcinoma (PHC) or hilar cholangiocarcinoma (HCCA) characterizes a critical effort to assess significantly sick patients. The existing scenery and proof to the diagnosis and treatments for hilar cholangiocarcinoma are improving day by day. Patients with HCCA encounter numerous obstacles in acquiring efficient therapies. The condition is uncommon, and the majority patients don’t have any distinct risk factors, doing selection process inadequate. The initial signs and symptoms in many cases are non-specific, and in many patients the tumors are not resectable because of involvement of the perihilar structures. MRI with MRCP offers further information about the extent of biliary involvement. Furthermore, endoscopic stenting and percutaneous drain could be useful for intricate hilar strictures. Surgical resections with negative margins are related to good likelihood of survival for patients representing with HCCA. Regardless of the accessibility of curative treatment strategies such as operative resection and liver transplantation, most sufferers with HCCA shows with repeated, metastases or locally advanced disease with a poor prognosis. Within this chapter, we have tried to elaborate the modalities of treatment from intervention to surgical approach for HCCA

    Cystic Artery Variations and Associated Vascular Complications in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

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    Substantial knowledge of the arterial supply and its anatomical variations of the gall bladder and liver are important in all the hepatobiliary surgical procedures. The arterial supply of gallbladder called cystic artery (CA) is a vital structure required to get ligated or clipped in the path of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The possible concerns like intra-operative bleeding or adjoining accidental injuries will almost always be focused on the research consisting of dissection and clipping with cystic artery. Pseudoaneurysm of the cystic artery has additionally been belonging to the presence of acute cholecystitis or pancreatitis. An original supply of CA is usually assessed depending on the existence of hepatic artery variants. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is really a recent and arduous noninvasive procedure and might even result in substantial unintended effects possibly iatrogenic or in the form of post-procedural complications. The perfect knowledge of anatomy in addition to feasible variation of cystic artery is mandatory. An efficient operative strategy and consciousness are probably the key components with all the results and marginal likelihood of complications, which often can be ultimately attainable. Within this chapter, we have attempted to explore some variations of cystic artery, complications and management

    Environmental DNA preserved in marine sediment for detecting jellyfish blooms after a tsunami

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    堆積物の環境DNAで探る過去の出来事 --津波直後のクラゲ大発生を検知--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-08-23.Environmental DNA (eDNA) can be a powerful tool for detecting the distribution and abundance of target species. This study aimed to test the longevity of eDNA in marine sediment through a tank experiment and to use this information to reconstruct past faunal occurrence. In the tank experiment, juvenile jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) were kept in flow-through tanks with marine sediment for two weeks. Water and sediment samples from the tanks were collected after the removal of fish. In the field trial, sediment cores were collected in Moune Bay, northeast Japan, where unusual blooms of jellyfish (Aurelia sp.) occurred after a tsunami. The samples were analyzed by layers to detect the eDNA of jellyfish. The tank experiment revealed that after fish were removed, eDNA was not present in the water the next day, or subsequently, whereas eDNA was detectable in the sediment for 12 months. In the sediment core samples, jellyfish eDNA was detected at high concentrations above the layer with the highest content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, reflecting tsunami-induced oil spills. Thus, marine sediment eDNA preserves a record of target species for at least one year and can be used to reconstruct past faunal occurrence

    An increased expression of oral Candida in patients with head and neck cancer during radiotherapy

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    放射線治療を治療する頭頸部がんの患者は、口腔および咽頭における粘膜損傷や乾燥をもち、そのことがカンジダ症の危険因子となる。研究では、頭頸部がん患者の放射線療法における口腔健康状態および機能に対する口腔カンジダコロニーと臨床症状との間の関係を評価するものである。 2008年10月から2009年6月、福岡大学病院において頭頸部がん治療ため総放射線量10〜60 Gyを受けた患者25例を対象とした。菌学的検査のためのサンプルは、頬粘膜、硬口蓋、口腔底、舌領域および歯肉部位からスワブした。回収したサンプルはインキュベートし、カンジダ·コロニー数を48時間後に計測した。累積照射量によって引き起こされるカンジダ種の変化と臨床症状を検討した。OAGは、この研究における口腔健康状態および機能に臨床症状を評価するツールであった。カンジダコロニーの数、累積照射量との相関は、OAGとの合計スコアにより確認した。カンジダ性病変は、放射線療法の終了前にすべての患者で検出された。高頻度に検出された分離菌は、カンジダ·アルビカンスであった。混合感染率は放射線治療の前後では、それぞれ12%および40%であった(p = 0.03)。 OAG合計スコアは、カンジダコロニー数と累積照射で相関した。この研究は、カンジダ菌が直接臨床症状に影響を与えると結論付けることはできなかったが、頭頸部癌に対する放射線治療が、口腔内の臨床状態を変化させ、カンジダの成長に関与している可能性があることを示唆した

    Environmental detection of eumycetoma pathogens using multiplex real-time PCR for soil DNA in Sennar State, Sudan

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    Background: Mycetoma is a chronic disease affecting the skin and subcutaneous tissue endemic in the tropical and subtropical regions. Several bacteria and fungi can cause mycetoma, but fungal mycetoma (eumycetoma) is challenging because the treatment requires a combination of a long-term antifungal agent and surgery. Although the transmission route has not yet been elucidated, infection from the soil is a leading hypothesis. However, there are few soil investigation studies, and the geographical distribution of mycetoma pathogens is not well documented. Here, we used multiplex real-time PCR technology to identify three fungal species from soil samples. Methods: In total, 64 DNA samples were extracted from soil collected in seven villages in an endemic area in Sennar State, Sudan, in 2019. Primers and fluorescent probes specifically targeting the ribosomal DNA of Madurella mycetomatis, Falciformispora senegalensis, and F. tompkinsii were designed. Results: Multiplex real-time PCR was performed and identified the major pathogen, M. mycetomatis that existed in most sites (95%). In addition, two other pathogens were identified from some sites. This is the first report on the use of this technique for identifying the eumycetoma causative microorganisms. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that soil DNA investigation can elucidate the risk area of mycetoma-causative agents. The results will contribute to the design of prevention measures, and further large-scale studies may be effective in understanding the natural habitats of mycetoma pathogens.</p

    Environmental detection of eumycetoma pathogens using multiplex real-time PCR for soil DNA in Sennar State, Sudan

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    Background: Mycetoma is a chronic disease affecting the skin and subcutaneous tissue endemic in the tropical and subtropical regions. Several bacteria and fungi can cause mycetoma, but fungal mycetoma (eumycetoma) is challenging because the treatment requires a combination of a long-term antifungal agent and surgery. Although the transmission route has not yet been elucidated, infection from the soil is a leading hypothesis. However, there are few soil investigation studies, and the geographical distribution of mycetoma pathogens is not well documented. Here, we used multiplex real-time PCR technology to identify three fungal species from soil samples. Methods: In total, 64 DNA samples were extracted from soil collected in seven villages in an endemic area in Sennar State, Sudan, in 2019. Primers and fluorescent probes specifically targeting the ribosomal DNA of Madurella mycetomatis, Falciformispora senegalensis, and F. tompkinsii were designed. Results: Multiplex real-time PCR was performed and identified the major pathogen, M. mycetomatis that existed in most sites (95%). In addition, two other pathogens were identified from some sites. This is the first report on the use of this technique for identifying the eumycetoma causative microorganisms. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that soil DNA investigation can elucidate the risk area of mycetoma-causative agents. The results will contribute to the design of prevention measures, and further large-scale studies may be effective in understanding the natural habitats of mycetoma pathogens.</p