8 research outputs found

    Study on the reusability of fluorescent nuclear track detectors using optical bleaching

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    Fluorescent nuclear track detectors (FNTDs) based on Al2{_2}O3{_3}:C,Mg crystals are luminescent detectors that can be used for dosimetry and detection of charged particles and neutrons. These detectors can be utilised for imaging applications where a reasonably high track density, approximately of the order of 1 ×\times 10410^4 tracks in an area of 100 ×\times 100 μ\mum2^2, is required. To investigate the reusability of FNTDs for imaging applications, we present an approach to perform optical bleaching under the required track density conditions. The reusability was assessed through seven irradiation-bleaching cycles. For the irradiation, the studied FNTD was exposed to alpha-particles from an 241^{241}Am radioactive source. The optical bleaching was performed by means of ultraviolet laser light with a wavelength of 355 nm. Three dedicated regions on a single FNTD with different accumulated track densities and bleaching conditions were investigated. After every irradiation-bleaching cycle, signal-to-noise ratio was calculated to evaluate FNTD performance. It is concluded that FNTDs can be reused at least seven times for applications where accumulation of a high track density is required

    A novel laser melting sampler for discrete, sub-centimeter depth-resolved analyses of stable water isotopes in ice cores

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    We developed a novel laser melting sampler (LMS) for ice cores to measure the stable water isotope ratios (δ18O and δD) as temperature proxies at sub-centimeter depth resolutions. In this LMS system, a 2 mm diameter movable evacuation nozzle holds an optical fiber through which a laser beam irradiates the ice core. The movable nozzle intrudes into the ice core, the laser radiation meanwhile melts the ice cylindrically, and the meltwater is pumped away simultaneously through the same nozzle and transferred to a vial for analysis. To avoid isotopic fractionation of the ice through vaporization, the laser power is adjusted to ensure that the temperature of the meltwater is always kept well below its boiling point. A segment of a Dome Fuji shallow ice core (Antarctica), using the LMS, was then demonstrated to have been discretely sampled with a depth resolution as small as 3 mm: subsequent analysis of δ18O, δD, and deuterium excess (d) was consistent with results obtained by hand segmentation within measurement uncertainties. With system software to control sampling resolution, the LMS will enable us to identify temperature variations that may be detectable only at sub-centimeter resolutions in ice cores

    Unique characteristics of new complete blood count parameters, the Immature Platelet Fraction and the Immature Platelet Fraction Count, in dengue patients

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    The advanced platelet parameters Immature Platelet Fraction and Immature Platelet Fraction Count have been implemented in clinical practice as measures of thrombopoietic activity, mainly in hematologic disorders that cause thrombocytopenia. The purpose of this observational study was to examine thrombopoiesis as reflected by these 2 new CBC parameters in patients infected with dengue. The study was conducted in infectious disease referral hospital in Metro Manila, the Philippines. We enrolled hospitalized patients at admission who were diagnosed with acute dengue or community acquired bacterial infection (CABI). Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) and Immature Platelet Fraction Count were evaluated at admission and during hospitalization. A total of 606 patients were enrolled from May 1, 2017 to June 1, 2018. The participants consisted of 152 patients with dengue infection, 180 confirmed CABI, and 274 suspected CABI patients. At admission, the percent IPF (IPF%) of the patients with dengue was significantly higher than that of the confirmed CABI patients (median 3.7% versus 1.9%; p <0.001). In a time course evaluation, there was no significant difference of IPF% between the patients with dengue infection and the confirmed CABI patients in the febrile phase (median 1.9% versus 2.4%; p = 0.488), however, the IPF% of the patients with dengue infection increased to be significantly higher than that of the confirmed CABI patients in the critical phase (median 5.2% versus 2.2%; p <0.001). Our study elucidated the unique characteristics and time-course trends of IPF percent and number (IPF#) in the patients with dengue infection. IPF% and IPF# are potentially valuable parameters in dengue and further investigation is required for the optimal use in clinical practice

    A prospective observational study of community-acquired bacterial bloodstream infections in Metro Manila, the Philippines

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    Community-acquired bacterial bloodstream infections are caused by diverse pathogens with changing antimicrobial-resistance patterns. In low-middle income countries in Southeast Asia, where dengue fever is endemic and a leading cause of fever, limited information is available about bacterial bloodstream infections due to challenges of implementing a blood culture service. This study describes bacterial bloodstream pathogens and antimicrobial-resistance patterns in Metro Manila, the Philippines. We aimed to identify the proportion of patients with a positive blood culture, the bacteria isolated and their antimicrobial resistance patterns, and the clinical characteristics of these patients, in this dengue endemic area. We conducted a prospective observational study in a single hospital enrolling febrile patients clinically suspected of having a community-acquired bacterial bloodstream infection between 1st July 2015 and 30th June 2019. Each patient had a blood culture and additional diagnostic tests according to their clinical presentation. We enrolled 1315 patients and a significant positive blood culture was found in 77 (5.9%) including Staphylococcus aureus (n=20), Salmonella enterica Typhi (n=18), Escherichia coli (n=16), Streptococcus pneumoniae (n=3) and Burkholderia pseudomallei (n=2). Thirty-four patients had meningococcal disease diagnosed by culture (n=8) or blood PCR (n=26). Additional confirmed diagnoses included leptospirosis (n=177), dengue virus infection (n=159) and respiratory diphtheria (n=50). There were 79 (6.0%, 95%CI 4.8%−7.4%) patients who died within 28 days of enrollment. Patients with a positive blood culture were significantly more likely to die than patients with negative culture (15.2 % vs 4.4 %, P<0.01). Among S. aureus isolates, 11/20 (55%) were methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and ST30 : USA1100 was dominant sequence type (88.9%). Antimicrobial-susceptibility was well preserved in S. enterica Typhi. Among hospitalized patients with clinically suspected community-acquired bacterial bloodstream infection in Metro Manila, the Philippines, 5.9% had a blood culture confirmed infection of whom 15.6% died. S. aureus, including a significant number of MRSA (USA1100 clones), S. enterica Typhi, E.coli and Neisseria meningitidis were frequently identified pathogens