24 research outputs found

    Bahan Ajar Menulis Opini dan Esai dengan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek

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    The Instructional Writing Material of Opinion and Essays with Problem Based Learning. This study aims to describe the feasibility and effectiveness of writing articles of opinion and project-based essay articles. Teaching materials were developed using the ADDIE model at the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. The results showed that the developed teaching materials have been feasible and effectively used in the study of opinion writing and essay. The teaching materials are worthy of use because they meet the aspects of eligibility that are content feasibility, presentation feasibility, and language feasibility. Effective teaching materials are used because there are significant differences in student learning outcomes before using and after using teaching materials

    Strategi Nafkah (Livelihood) Masyarakat Pesisir Berbasis Modal Sosial

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    Growth) dan mengandalkan mekanisme pasar (market mechanism) untuk menghasilkan pertambahan nilai (surplus value). Proses akumulasi surplus dipengaruhi oleh proses globalisasi, masuknya industri pangantransnasional ke ekonomi nasional, dan oleh penekanan pada ekspor pertanian (dalam arti luas) sebagai motor akumulasi Perubahan. Seiring dengan hal tersebut, pemerintah mulai serius melirik pembangunan masyarakat pada wilayah pesisir yang sebelumnya kurang tersentuh. Untuk “mengenjot” pertumbuhan ekonomi dari sektor yang “kaya raya” ini dikembangkanlah modernisasi teknologi penangkapan berlabel “revolusi biru”. Namun sejak program itu bergulir, kehidupan nelayan justru mengalami polarisasi. Bagi nelayan yang memiliki modal cukup, kehadiran teknologi perikanan menjadi semacam berkah tersendiri. Namun bagi nelayan yang miskin dan tidak mampu membeli teknologi, kehadiran teknologi justru dirasakan seperti bencana. Sebab selama ini mereka hanya mengandalkan modal sosial sebagai basis nafkah agar tetap eksis sebagai sebuah komunitas.Tulisan ini merupakan hasil studi pustaka yang dipadu hasil observasi penulis terhadap masyarakat pesisir (nelayan) selama ini, dengan menggunakan analisa deskriptif yang didasarkan pada fakta mengenai strategi nafkah rumah tangga nelayan di Lamongan Jawa Timur.Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa strategi nafkah berbasis modal sosial bagi nelayan miskn menjadi sumberdaya nyata dalam pengembangan beragam pilihan strategi nafkah. Strategi nafkah dilakukan cenderung tersebar, mengikuti semua peluang mata pencaharian, atau pola nafkah yang berserak. Ini terjadi karena sifat modal alami utamanya adalah laut (open access), yang diperburuk oleh sangat terbtasannya akses bagi mereka terhadap teknologi penangkapan modern sehingga ketidakpastian penghasilan sangat tinggi. Kemiskinan sangat menuntut ketahanan rumahtangga nelayan untuk bertahan hidup, melalui pemanfaatan dan oftimalisasi peran modal sosial sebagai sumberdaya terakhir ketika rumahtangga nelayan kehabisan daya dan amunisi untuk bertahan hidup. Kekuatan modal sosial pada rumahtangga nelayan berupa bounding social capital rumahtangga dan kekerabatan sebagai modal sosial utama. Kemudian bridging social capital merujuk pada pemeliharaan hubungan nelayan dengan juragan dan bank titil/rentenir sebagai asuransi sosial, sementara linking social capital dilakukan kepada penyalur TKI sebagai pemberi modal kerja dan penjamin kepastian kerja. Modal sosial lain yang tak kalah pentingnya bagi mereka perankan adalah jaringan sosial, kepercayaan dan nilai/norma serta adanya resiprositas yang berlaku pada komunitas mereka

    The Impact of State Intervention on Social Capital of Fishermen Community in Small Islands

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    This paper aims to discuss the impact of state intervention on social capital of fishermen community in small islands. The research was conducted in Barrang Lompo Island, Makassar. The data was collected through in-depth interview and limited observation from twelve informants determined by snowball sampling. Questionnaires were also spread to about 40 respondents. The data was then analyzed qualitatively to explain research's data and facts. The results of the research show that state intervention for the last ten years on small islands communities has impact on various aspects such as the diminishing loyalty and trust among locals to the government. Therefore, the intervention reduce the community's participation, individually and collectively, in development activities. The situation, in turn, could affect the diminishing political capacity of the locals and government in the implementation of development in the islands. The state intervention, however, strengthened social solidarity, local value practices and the enthusiasm to understand religious values which in turn could tighten the internal bond of a community. This bond can become a potential strength to build communities in small islands. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan dampak intervensi negara pada kapital sosial komunitas nelayan di pulau-pulau kecil. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pulau Barrang Lompo, Makassar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan observasi terbatas dari dua belas informan ditentukan oleh snowball sampling. Kuesioner juga menyebar ke 40 responden. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif untuk menjelaskan data penelitian dan fakta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi negara selama sepuluh tahun terakhir pada masyarakat pulau-pulau kecil memiliki dampak pada berbagai aspek seperti, mengurangi loyalitas dan kepercayaan di antara penduduk setempat kepada pemerintah. Oleh karena itu, partisipasi mereka, secara individu dan kolektif, dalam kegiatan pembangunan kurang. Ini akan berakibat pada berkurangnya kapasitas politik penduduk setempat dan kapasitas pemerintah dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan pulau. Kendati demikian intervensi negara juga memperkuat solidaritas sosial, praktek nilai lokal dan semangat untuk memahami nilai-nilai agama yang pada gilirannya dapat memperkuat ikatan internal masyarakat. Ikatan ini selanjutnya dapat menjadi kekuatan potensial untuk membangun masyarakat di pulau-pulau kecil

    Septic arthritis of a native knee joint due to Corynebacterium striatum

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    We report a case of septic arthritis of a native knee joint due to Corynebacterium striatum, a rare and unusual cause of septic arthritis of native joints. The isolate was identified by a combination of phenotypic, mass spectrometric, and nucleic acid-based assays and exhibited high-level resistance to most antimicrobials

    Authentic Assessment: Portfolio-Based Assessment in Literacy Learning in Indonesian Schools

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    Comprehensive evaluation and emphasis on the student activity process as well as providing broad wiggle room for students is needed in learning    assessment. Literacy assessment with such a model is necessary to improve students' literacy skills.  One assessment model that puts pressure on student activity and provides ample space for everyone to respond to an assignment in its own way is the assessment of portfolio. This paper aims to explore portfolio assessments as part of an authentic assessment for use in literacy assessments.  This research uses literart research study method to provide an overview of the use of portfolios in literacy assessments in Indonesian schools. Portfolio assessment on students' literacy skills is carried out through Indonesian language learning, especially on the efficacy of writing. The portfolio assessment adopted uses models offered by Hamp-Lyons and Condon (2000) consisting of collection, selection, and reflection. Assessments are carried out by combining formative and summative assessments. To balance the summative aspects of portfolio assessment, several formative strategies can be adopted (Lee & Lam, 2009), including (1) ongoing teacher feedback, (2) conferences, and (3) peer reviews. &nbsp

    The impact of early orthodontic intervention on dental and skeletal development in children with mixed dentition

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    Background: The mixed dentition stage in children is a critical period for orthodontic assessment and intervention. This study investigates the effects of interceptive orthodontics on dental and skeletal development in children with mixed dentition, aiming to evaluate the potential benefits of early orthodontic treatment. Materials and Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on a cohort of 150 children with mixed dentition (aged 7–11 years), who received interceptive orthodontic treatment. Dental and skeletal records, including cephalometric radiographs and dental cast models, were collected before and after treatment. A control group of 150 untreated children with mixed dentition was also assessed for comparison. Various dental and skeletal parameters, such as dental alignment, overjet (OJ), overbite (OB), and cephalometric measurements, were recorded and analyzed. Results: The results of this study indicate significant improvements in dental alignment and occlusion in the group of children who received interceptive orthodontic treatment. The average reduction in OJ was 3.5 mm, and the OB correction averaged 2.1 mm. Cephalometric analysis showed positive changes in skeletal relationships, with a mean reduction in the angle formed by point A, nasion (N) and point B. (ANB) angle of 2.8 degrees. These improvements were statistically significant compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Early orthodontic intervention, such as interceptive orthodontics, has a positive impact on dental and skeletal development in children with mixed dentition