27 research outputs found

    Case-control study of apoE gene polymorphism in young CHD patients and controls in the Serbian population

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    Apolipoprotein E displays polymorphism with three common alleles, e2, e3, and e4. The aim of this research was to determine apoE gene polymorphism in a group of healthy patients and a group of patients with CHD, and to reveal the relation between anthropometric and biochemical parameters and the apoE genotype. In CHD group significantly higher values of blood pressure, waist circumference, BMI and fat %, triglycerides, insulin (HOMA IR) and CRP were found. A statistically significant higher presence of the e3e4 genotype and e4 allele was detected in the CHD group. Statistically significant differences between waist circumference, BMI, insulin and HOMA IR were found between subjects with e3e3 and e3e4 genotypes


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    Interes za životnu sredinu javlja se na rano - od trenutka kada dijete počne shvaćati i proučavati svijet oko sebe. U tijeku ranog iskustvenog perioda dijete prva saznanja o svom životnom okruženju dobiva od roditelja, zatim predškolsko obrazovanje i odgoj, kao i škola postaju njegovi osnovni izvori informacija. Klasičan oblik organiziranja nastavnog procesa podrazumijeva ekološke sadržaje, samo u okviru nekih nastavnih predmeta, kao što je to, npr. biologija, dok suvremeni trendovi odgojno-obrazovnog procesa pridaju kudikamo veći značaj ekološkom pogledu na svijet i pružaju veće mogućnosti za ekološko obrazovanje. Neke od takvih mogućnosti ukazuju se kroz rad s učenicima u okviru uređenja školskog prostora i organiziranja nastave u ekološkim učionicama. Ovi „alternativni“ oblici izvođenja nastave omogućavaju razvoj ekološke kulture i ekološke svijesti, kao njene značajne dimenzije. Ekološka učionica podrazumijeva organiziranje nastave u školi u prirodi. U prirodnom okruženju dijete stječe mogućnost za očiglednu povezanost odgojno-obrazovnih i životnih sadržaja. Ovaj vid odgojno-obrazovnog rada predstavlja povoljno okruženje za šire pedagoško i psihološko djelovanje i utjecaj na formiranje i razvoj cjelokupne osobnosti djeteta, posebno na razvoj onih karakteristika koje će doprinijeti njegovoj ekološkoj kulturi i ekološkoj svijesti. U ovaj koncept možemo uključiti i metodu ekoloških igara, ogleda i ekoloških projekata.An interest in the living environment develops early on – from the moment a child begins to understand and examine the world around it. During its early experiences, the child receives its first information about its living environment from its parents, followed by preschool education and then school as its main source of information. A classic form of organizing the process of education involves environmental content, but within certain subjects such as, for example, biology, while contemporary trends in the education process place much more emphasis on ecological worldview and offer more possibilities for environmental education. Some of these possibilities are working with students in specially designed school environments such as the organization of classes in environmental classrooms. These “alternative” ways of conducting classes enable the development of environmental culture and consciousness, as key dimensions of such education. Environmental classroom entails organizing school classes in nature. Within natural environment the child has the possibility to connect educational and life contents. This type of educational work represents a desirable environment for wider pedagogical and psychological development of child’s complete personality, especially those characteristics that will contribute to its environmental culture and consciousness. We can include in this concept environmental games and projects as educational methods.Das Interesse an der Umwelt entsteht schon früh – im Moment, wenn das Kind die Welt um sich zu verstehen und zu erforschen anfängt. Im Laufe der frühen Erfahrungsperiode bekommt das Kind erste Erkenntnisse über sein Lebensumfeld von seinen Eltern, danach werden die Vorschulerziehung und –bildung, sowie die Schule zu seinen basischen Informationsquellen. Die klassische Form der Organisation des Unterrichtsprozesses setzt ökologische Inhalte nur im Rahmen einiger Unterrichtsfächer wie z.B. Biologie voraus, während moderne Trends im Erziehungs- und Bildungsprozess der ökologischen Weltanschauung eine viel größere Bedeutung beimessen und größere Möglichkeiten für eine ökologische Bildung bieten. Einige solcher Möglichkeiten bieten sich durch die Arbeit mit Schülern im Rahmen der Einrichtung des Schulraumes und der Organisation des Unterrichts in Öko-Klassenzimmern. Diese „alternativen“ Unterrichtsformen ermöglichen die Entwicklung der Umweltkultur und des Umweltbewusstseins. Das Öko-Klassenzimmer setzt das Organisieren des Unterrichts in der Schule in der Natur voraus. In einer natürlichen Umgebung bekommt das Kind die Möglichkeit einer off ensichtlichen Verbindung von Erziehungs- und Bildungsinhalten mit Lebensinhalten. Dieser Aspekt der Erziehungs- und Bildungsarbeit stellt eine günstige Umgebung für pädagogische und psychologische Wirkung und den Einfl uss auf die Entstehung und Entwicklung der ganzen Persönlichkeit des Kindes, besonders jener Merkmale, die zu seiner Umweltkultur und zum Umweltbewusstsein beitragen werden. In dieses Konzept können wir die Methode von Öko-Spielen, Versuchen und Öko-Projekten einschließen

    Didaktisch-methodischer Ansatz zur Entwicklung des Umweltbewusstseins bei Kindern im Curriculum für die Vorschulerziehung

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    Osobit je izazov i zadatak svih onih čiji je poziv odgojno-obrazovni rad, prije svega, razvitak institucijskog obrazovno-odgojnog sustava, a onda i svakidašnje pedagoške prakse. Nužno je koncipirati i kurikule koji bi trebali biti u funkciji potpore suvremenim tendencijama kako u odgoju i obrazovanju uopće, tako i na planu razvitka ekološke svijesti i poželjnog stila života mladeži. Zbog toga je, obzirom na već postojeći institucijski predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje, od osobite važnosti situirati u kurikulu na odgovarajući način i pitanje tzv. ekoloških sadržaja, kako bi se u ovoj, za odgoj, najosjetljivijoj dobi, mogao provesti što učinkovitiji utjecaj na razvoj ekološke svijesti kod djece i ljubavi prema prirodi. U skladu s navedenim, u ovom su članku najprije razmotrene bitnije značajke i tijek spoznajnog razvoja djece predškolske dobi. Zatim smo sagledali najprihvatljivije sadržajne, strategijske i didaktičko-metodičke odrednice koje bi trebale obavezno odlikovati funkcionalno prihvatljiv kurikul u segmentu suvremeno utemeljenog ekološkog odgoja i obrazovanja djece predškolske dobi. Osim predloženog nacrta najprihvatljivijih kurikularnih sadržaja, odgajateljima-praktičarima upućeno je i niz konkretnih prijedloga didaktičko-metodičke naravi. Najviše zbog potrebe praktične realizacije sadržaja kurikula ekološkog odgoja i obrazovanja pretežito u vezi s iskustvenim aktivnostima djece u njihovom realnom životnom okružju, a koje bi se posebice odnosile na: izravna promatranja i doživljaje; mislenu preradu izravno ili neizravno percipiranih i doživljajnih pojava.All educators are faced with the challenge and task to help develop institutional educational system, on the one hand, and everyday pedagogy practices, on the other. It is also necessary to develop such curricula that promote modern tendencies in education in general, as well as, more specifically, in the development of environmental consciousness and desirable lifestyle of young people. Therefore, with regards to the existing institutional pre-school education, it is of particular importance to find suitable ways to include the so-called ecological content in the curriculum, so that it would be most effective in developing environmental consciousness and love toward nature among children during this most sensitive age. This paper, therefore, first examines some of the most important characteristics of pre-school children’s cognitive development. Furthermore, we look at the most suitable content, strategies and didactic and methodical approaches for a functionally acceptable curriculum, with regards to modern environmental education of pre-school children. Alongside the proposed draft of the most acceptable curricular content, we offer concrete didactic and methodical suggestions for educators. These are mostly related to the necessity to practically implement the part of the curriculum related to environmental education, which would be based on children’s experience of their immediate surroundings or, more specifically, to direct observation and experience, as well as mental reflection on things directly or indirectly perceived and experienced.Eine besondere Herausforderung und Aufgabe aller, deren Beruf Erziehungs- und Bildungsarbeit ist, ist vor allem die Entwicklung des institutionellen Bildungs- und Erziehungssystems, sowie der alltäglichen pädagogischen Arbeit. Es ist nötig, Lehrpläne zu konzipieren, die zeitgenössische Tendenzen unterstützen würden, sowohl bei der Erziehung und Bildung, als auch bei der Entwicklung des Umweltbewusstseins und eines erwünschten Lebensstils der Jugendlichen. Hinsichtlich der bestehenden institutionellen Vorschulerziehung und -bildung ist es deshalb von besonderer Bedeutung, die sogenannten ökologischen Inhalte auf die adäquate Art und Weise ins Curriculum einzusetzen, damit in diesem, für die Erziehung anfälligsten Alter möglichst effizienter Einfluss auf die Entwicklung des Umweltbewusstseins und der Liebe zur Natur ausgeübt werden kann. Dementsprechend werden in diesem Artikel erstens die wichtigsten Merkmale und der Verlauf der kognitiven Entwicklung der Kinder im Vorschulalter erörtert. Weiterhin überlegen wir, welche Inhalte, Strategien und didaktisch-methodische Verfahren am besten für ein funktionsfähiges Curriculum für zeitgenössisch begründete ökologische Erziehung und Bildung von Vorschulkindern geeignet sind. Außer den vorgeschlagenen am besten geeigneten Inhalten des Lehrplans bieten wir den praktizierenden Erziehern eine Reihe von konkreten didaktisch-methodischen Vorschlägen. Sie beziehen sich auf die praktische Realisierung der Inhalte der ökologischen Erziehung - und Bildung, vorwiegend mit Hinsicht auf Erfahrungen der Kinder in ihrer realen Umwelt, insbesondere auf ihre unmittelbaren Beobachtungen und Erlebnisse; auf die Verinnerlichung von unmittelbar und mittelbar wahrgenommenen Erlebnissen

    Application of rescaled adjusted partial sums (RAPS) method in hydrology-an overview

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    To describe the behaviour of watercourses, numerous parameters should be considered, such as water flow, depth/water level, velocity, and the amount of deposit in a waterbed. In addition, many other parameters should be analysed to understand the mechanism of specific watercourses. The most typical parameters are those associated with water quality, such as water temperature, and pH value, and temperature, as well as various climate parameters, such as precipitation, evaporation, and insolation, which are visualised in the form of a time series. The measurement frequency can differ for each parameter. Depending on the number of available measurements, hourly, daily, monthly, and yearly data can be obtained, which can then be used to form a time series. Many well-established and applicable procedures and models for time-series analyses exist, including the rescaled adjusted partial sums method (RAPS). This method is devised to detect possible irregularities and/or fluctuations within the original time series, which cannot be achieved using typical time[1]series analysis methods. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the application of the RAPS method in hydrology, where the advantages and disadvantages of the method are discussed

    Titration to target dose of bisoprolol vs. carvedilol in elderly patients with heart failure: the CIBIS-ELD trial

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    AIMS: Various beta-blockers with distinct pharmacological profiles are approved in heart failure, yet they remain underused and underdosed. Although potentially of major public health importance, whether one agent is superior in terms of tolerability and optimal dosing has not been investigated. The aim of this study was therefore to compare the tolerability and clinical effects of two proven beta-blockers in elderly patients with heart failure. METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed a double-blind superiority trial of bisoprolol vs. carvedilol in 883 elderly heart failure patients with reduced or preserved left ventricular ejection fraction in 41 European centres. The primary endpoint was tolerability, defined as reaching and maintaining guideline-recommended target doses after 12 weeks treatment. Adverse events and clinical parameters of patient status were secondary endpoints. None of the beta-blockers was superior with regards to tolerability: 24% [95% confidence interval (CI) 20-28] of patients in the bisoprolol arm and 25% (95% CI 21-29) of patients in the carvedilol arm achieved the primary endpoint (P= 0.64). The use of bisoprolol resulted in greater reduction of heart rate (adjusted mean difference 2.1 b.p.m., 95% CI 0.5-3.6, P= 0.008) and more, dose-limiting, bradycardic adverse events (16 vs. 11%; P= 0.02). The use of carvedilol led to a reduction of forced expiratory volume (adjusted mean difference 50 mL, 95% CI 4-95, P= 0.03) and more, non-dose-limiting, pulmonary adverse events (10 vs. 4%; P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Overall tolerability to target doses was comparable. The pattern of intolerance, however, was different: bradycardia occurred more often in the bisoprolol group, whereas pulmonary adverse events occurred more often in the carvedilol group. This study is registered with controlled-trials.com, number ISRCTN34827306

    Session 17 Ecophysiology

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    Interes za životnu sredinu javlja se na rano - od trenutka kada dijete počne shvaćati i proučavati svijet oko sebe. U tijeku ranog iskustvenog perioda dijete prva saznanja o svom životnom okruženju dobiva od roditelja, zatim predškolsko obrazovanje i odgoj, kao i škola postaju njegovi osnovni izvori informacija. Klasičan oblik organiziranja nastavnog procesa podrazumijeva ekološke sadržaje, samo u okviru nekih nastavnih predmeta, kao što je to, npr. biologija, dok suvremeni trendovi odgojno-obrazovnog procesa pridaju kudikamo veći značaj ekološkom pogledu na svijet i pružaju veće mogućnosti za ekološko obrazovanje. Neke od takvih mogućnosti ukazuju se kroz rad s učenicima u okviru uređenja školskog prostora i organiziranja nastave u ekološkim učionicama. Ovi „alternativni“ oblici izvođenja nastave omogućavaju razvoj ekološke kulture i ekološke svijesti, kao njene značajne dimenzije. Ekološka učionica podrazumijeva organiziranje nastave u školi u prirodi. U prirodnom okruženju dijete stječe mogućnost za očiglednu povezanost odgojno-obrazovnih i životnih sadržaja. Ovaj vid odgojno-obrazovnog rada predstavlja povoljno okruženje za šire pedagoško i psihološko djelovanje i utjecaj na formiranje i razvoj cjelokupne osobnosti djeteta, posebno na razvoj onih karakteristika koje će doprinijeti njegovoj ekološkoj kulturi i ekološkoj svijesti. U ovaj koncept možemo uključiti i metodu ekoloških igara, ogleda i ekoloških projekata.An interest in the living environment develops early on – from the moment a child begins to understand and examine the world around it. During its early experiences, the child receives its first information about its living environment from its parents, followed by preschool education and then school as its main source of information. A classic form of organizing the process of education involves environmental content, but within certain subjects such as, for example, biology, while contemporary trends in the education process place much more emphasis on ecological worldview and offer more possibilities for environmental education. Some of these possibilities are working with students in specially designed school environments such as the organization of classes in environmental classrooms. These “alternative” ways of conducting classes enable the development of environmental culture and consciousness, as key dimensions of such education. Environmental classroom entails organizing school classes in nature. Within natural environment the child has the possibility to connect educational and life contents. This type of educational work represents a desirable environment for wider pedagogical and psychological development of child’s complete personality, especially those characteristics that will contribute to its environmental culture and consciousness. We can include in this concept environmental games and projects as educational methods.Das Interesse an der Umwelt entsteht schon früh – im Moment, wenn das Kind die Welt um sich zu verstehen und zu erforschen anfängt. Im Laufe der frühen Erfahrungsperiode bekommt das Kind erste Erkenntnisse über sein Lebensumfeld von seinen Eltern, danach werden die Vorschulerziehung und –bildung, sowie die Schule zu seinen basischen Informationsquellen. Die klassische Form der Organisation des Unterrichtsprozesses setzt ökologische Inhalte nur im Rahmen einiger Unterrichtsfächer wie z.B. Biologie voraus, während moderne Trends im Erziehungs- und Bildungsprozess der ökologischen Weltanschauung eine viel größere Bedeutung beimessen und größere Möglichkeiten für eine ökologische Bildung bieten. Einige solcher Möglichkeiten bieten sich durch die Arbeit mit Schülern im Rahmen der Einrichtung des Schulraumes und der Organisation des Unterrichts in Öko-Klassenzimmern. Diese „alternativen“ Unterrichtsformen ermöglichen die Entwicklung der Umweltkultur und des Umweltbewusstseins. Das Öko-Klassenzimmer setzt das Organisieren des Unterrichts in der Schule in der Natur voraus. In einer natürlichen Umgebung bekommt das Kind die Möglichkeit einer off ensichtlichen Verbindung von Erziehungs- und Bildungsinhalten mit Lebensinhalten. Dieser Aspekt der Erziehungs- und Bildungsarbeit stellt eine günstige Umgebung für pädagogische und psychologische Wirkung und den Einfl uss auf die Entstehung und Entwicklung der ganzen Persönlichkeit des Kindes, besonders jener Merkmale, die zu seiner Umweltkultur und zum Umweltbewusstsein beitragen werden. In dieses Konzept können wir die Methode von Öko-Spielen, Versuchen und Öko-Projekten einschließen

    Searching for the sense of national identity in the globalization context: Example of students in Croatia

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    The results of an empirical research on national identity and its components are presented in this paper. National identity was measured by the scale NAIT-K, which contains National identity scale NAIT with elements of MEIM (Phinney, 1992) and National identity scale (Cinnirella, 1997). Both instruments had high results for Cronbach alfa (α=0,92; α=0,87). In addition to these instruments, socio-demographic questionnaire was also used. On the sample of 209 students at Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, results indicated medium strong national identity. The factor analysis of the structure of national identity measured by NAIT-K isolated five components. We defined them as: strong national identity, nationalism, cosmopolitism, conative dimension of national identity and nation loyalty as a form of traditional heritage. Statistically significant differences are determined in analyses of national identity and religiosity. It was shown that religious respondents have stronger national identity compared to nonreligious ones

    The relation between traditional and modern family in the context of analyzing the dimensions of family life of students in Vojvodina

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    A family is the original, primary, and the most universal social group, which implies the synthesis of several subsystems. Parents and children, children and children, as well as subsystems that are formed between children and each parent, are, in particular, the basic structural units of the family. Within each subsystem there is a two-way interaction that implies certain affective relationships, as the most important determinants in the functioning and formation of a child's personality. In its development, a family goes through the different phases that are marked by a lesser or greater influence of tradition in family relations. Traditional relationships and values include those characteristic of a patriarchal family. Modern family is a consequence of the general industrialization of society. From the production, a family is transformed into a consumer social group. Modern, postmodern, global society marks the high rate of change, the disappearance of many orientations that shaped the lives of people and families. A modern family goes through a phase of intensive changes, mostly due to the global social transformations. Elements of a traditional family organization are still not fully overcome, although new models and patterns of behavior imposed by the modern lifestyle and the modern era are present. For this reason, the main goal of this study was to examine the perceptions of family and family life of student population through analysis of the basic dimensions of family life, describing elements of traditional and modern in the current family context. The sample consisted of 504 students. The Scale of family life dimensions, designed for the purposes of this study, has shown satisfactory psychometric characteristics. The results of this study confirmed the initial research hypotheses that the current family context in which youth is growing up is characterized in a certain extent by characteristics of traditional family values, but at the same time, by characteristics of the modern family as well, with the characteristics of the new era. In such conditions, the risk of general social confusion and questioning of the basic principles and values that a family should represent are particularly prominent. These findings have significant social and pedagogical implications, which are primarily reflected in the current family environment in which young people grow up and adopt family values and norms of behavior