550 research outputs found


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    特集 : 京都大学大学院教育学研究科 ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン教育研究所 国際合同授業 (2021年2月6日-7日, オンライン)“Thinking about Education through Film”, International Collaborative Course, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University and UCL Institute of Education (February 6-7, 2021, Online

    Philosophy as a Way of Life: Uncommon Schooling and the Prospect for the Humanities

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    This paper tries to reclaim the idea of philosophy as a way of life – an idea and a name associated especially with Pierre Hadot. This involves the reconsideration of the task of philosophy and of its practicality. Philosophy faces a crisis of identity. On the one hand, in the tide of the global economy, the division between useful and useless knowledge has been reinforced, and philosophy tends to be categorized as the latter. On the other hand, philosophy has in some quarters become assimilated into the trend of self-improvement – in Japanese, Jiko Keihatsu, an idea that carries the distinctive connotation of enlightenment of oneself, which is fairly close to the idea of self-help in the U.S.A and in Europe. In this trend, «fast knowledge»&nbsp;is treasured and the language of philosophy is translated into easy, accessible terms. Torn between these two tendencies, philosophy needs to reconsider its use, neither turning its «uselessness» into something to be proud of, as has sometimes been the tendency in the liberal arts tradition, nor selling out to «usefulness» under the pressures of the global economy; it needs to reaffirm its intrinsic value. In this paper, I shall point to the idea of philosophy with a higher sense of use and with an alternative economy of education, one that necessitates the conversion of the way we see ourselves, others and the world.Questo articolo tenta di rivendicare l’idea della filosofia come modo di vivere – un’idea e un’espressione associate in particolare a Pierre Hadot. Questo implica la riconsiderazione del compito e dell’aspetto pratica della filosofia. La filosofia va incontro a una crisi di identità. Da un lato, sull’onda dell’economia globale, la divisione tra sapere utile e inutile è stata rafforzata, e la filosofia tende a essere categorizzata come inutile. Dall’altro lato, in alcuni ambiti la filosofia è stata assimilata alla moda del self-improvement – in giapponese, Jiko Keihatsu, un’idea che reca con sé la connotazione tipica del miglioramento di sé, vicina all’idea del self-help negli U.S.A. e in Europa. Secondo questa moda, il «fast knowledge» viene valorizzato e il linguaggio della filosofia è tradotto in termini semplici e accessibili. Divisa tra queste due tendenze, la filosofia deve riconsiderare il proprio uso, senza volgere la propria «inutilità» in qualcosa di cui andar fieri, come è stato talvolta fatto nella tradizione delle arti liberali, né svendendosi come «utile» sotto la pressione dell’economia globale; deve riaffermare il proprio valore intrinseco. In questo articolo, farò riferimento a un’idea di filosofia con un senso più alto del suo uso e con un'economia dell'educazione alternativa, che richiede una conversion del modo in cui vediamo noi stessi, gli altri e il mondo


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    特集I : 京都大学大学院教育学研究科 ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン教育研究所 国際合同授業 (2022年2月5日-7日, オンライン)“Thinking about Education through Film”, International Collaborative Course, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto University and UCL IOE (February 5-7, 2022, Online

    Introduction: philosophy as translation and the understanding of other cultures

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    The 15th Biennial Meeting of the International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE) was held from 17 to 20 August 2016, at the University of Warsaw. The conference theme was ‘Philosophy as Translation and the Understanding of Other Cultures’, and we take this as the title for this Special Issue of Ethics and Education. The articles included in this volume are representative of the dynamism of the conference, reflecting a diversity of initiatives and interventions in what might be thought of as a process of mutual education among all the participants. This, we believe, is the product of the experience of translation: translation as a linguistic experience inseparable from human transformation, which involves the crossing of borders. The way they intersect and diverge itself embodies the processes and the product of translation played out in the conference

    John Dewey\u27s Interactional Theory Seen in a New Light

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    John Dewey (1859-1952) is an American philosopher and psychologist who perceives life as integrally interacting with the environment. In Dewey\u27s theory of interaction, human beings engaged in interaction with the environment demonstrate active power; human beings are not at the mercy of the surrounding environment and they develop their power because of interaction with their environment. This presents a question : why and how does Dewey think human beings grow powerful in the process of interaction with the environment, rather than being dissolved by the power of surrounding environment? I will give conclusion to this question through the following two perspectives : (1) how Dewey treats nature and physical objects in interaction with human beings, and (2) how, in Dewey\u27s idea, human beings perceive the surrounding environment as they interact with it, especially in the initial phase of interaction

    Changes in Knowledge Levels through Lectures on Radiotherapy to Nursing Students in Japan

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    Background:Recently, the number of patients choosing radiotherapy is increasing in Japan. It is necessary for even nurses to have knowledge of radiotherapy. We measured the degree of awareness with a lecture on how a nursing student can obtain knowledge of radiotherapy.Materials and methods: Forty nursing students who were in their third year and preparing for their national nursing certification in two months were recruited. The 90-min lecture covered a range of topics from general theories to specific concepts. The students were not informed that they would be required to fill a survey at the end of the lecture. This was to avoid bias that could occur from knowing in advance that a survey would be conducted.Results: The following items below were particularly remarkable. The distinction between the radiologist and the radiation oncologist. The radiotherapy is a local therapy. The pain from bone metastasis could be relieved.Conclusion: Students had very little knowledge on radiotherapy before the lecture. the results of this study indicated the need to increase the number of lectures on radiotherapy for nursing as well medical students. As the number of radiotherapy patients increases

    Texture analysis of myopathy

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    Given the recent technological advent of muscle ultrasound (US), classification of various myopathic conditions could be possible, especially by mathematical analysis of muscular fine structure called texture analysis. We prospectively enrolled patients with three neuromuscular conditions and their lower leg US images were quantitatively analyzed by texture analysis and machine learning methodology in the following subjects : Inclusion body myositis (IBM) [N=11] ; myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) [N=19] ; polymyositis/dermatomyositis (PM-DM) [N=21]. Although three-group analysis achieved up to 58.8% accuracy, two-group analysis of IBM plus PM-DM versus DM1 showed 78.4% accuracy. Despite the small number of subjects, texture analysis of muscle US followed by machine learning might be expected to be useful in identifying myopathic conditions