397 research outputs found

    Intersecting D-brane states derived from the KP theory

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    A general scheme to find tachyon boundary states is developed within the framework of the theory of KP hierarchy. The method is applied to calculate correlation function of intersecting D-branes and rederived the results of our previous works as special examples. A matrix generalization of this scheme provides a method to study dynamics of coincident multi D-branes.Comment: 10 page

    Acute Gravitational Stress Selectively Impairs Dynamic Cerebrovascular Reactivity in the Anterior Circulation Independent of Changes to the Central Respiratory Chemoreflex

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    Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) to changes in the partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide (PaCO(2)) is an important mechanism that maintains CO(2) or pH homeostasis in the brain. To what extent this is influenced by gravitational stress and corresponding implications for the regulation of cerebral blood flow (CBF) remain unclear. The present study examined the onset responses of pulmonary ventilation (V̇(E)) and anterior middle (MCA) and posterior (PCA) cerebral artery mean blood velocity (V(mean)) responses to acute hypercapnia (5% CO(2)) to infer dynamic changes in the central respiratory chemoreflex and cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR), in supine and 50° head-up tilt (HUT) positions. Each onset response was evaluated using a single-exponential regression model consisting of the response time latency [CO(2)-response delay (t(0))] and time constant (τ). Onset response of V̇(E) and PCA V(mean) to changes in CO(2) was unchanged during 50° HUT compared with supine (τ: V̇(E), p = 0.707; PCA V(mean), p = 0.071 vs. supine) but the MCA V(mean) onset response was faster during supine than during 50° HUT (τ: p = 0.003 vs. supine). These data indicate that gravitational stress selectively impaired dynamic CVR in the anterior cerebral circulation, whereas the posterior circulation was preserved, independent of any changes to the central respiratory chemoreflex. Collectively, our findings highlight the regional heterogeneity underlying CBF regulation that may have translational implications for the microgravity (and hypercapnia) associated with deep-space flight notwithstanding terrestrial orthostatic diseases that have been linked to accelerated cognitive decline and neurodegeneration

    Unexpected Instability of Family of Repeats (FR), the Critical cis-Acting Sequence Required for EBV Latent Infection, in EBV-BAC Systems

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    A group of repetitive sequences, known as the Family of Repeats (FR), is a critical cis-acting sequence required for EBV latent infection. The FR sequences are heterogeneous among EBV strains, and they are sometimes subject to partial deletion when subcloned in E. coli-based cloning vectors. However, the FR stability in EBV-BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) system has never been investigated. We found that the full length FR of the Akata strain EBV was not stably maintained in a BAC vector. By contrast, newly obtained BAC clones of the B95-8 strain of EBV stably maintained the full length FR during recombinant virus production and B-cell transformation. Investigation of primary DNA sequences of Akata–derived EBV-BAC clones indicates that the FR instability is most likely due to a putative secondary structure of the FR region. We conclude that the FR instability in EBV-BAC clones can be a pitfall in E. coli-mediated EBV genetics

    Choriocarcinoma coexisting with epithelioid trophoblastic tumor of the uterine horn

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    • We report a choriocarcinoma coexisting with an epithelioid trophoblastic tumor. • Chemotherapy with methotrexate, etoposide, and actinomycin-D was efficacious. • Choriocarcinoma with epithelioid trophoblastic tumor may benefit from chemotherapy

    Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy Diagnosed during Hospitalization for Cardiac Arrest

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    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a genetically mediated cardiomyopathy charac-terized by progressive myocardial loss of the right ventricle and its replacement by fibrofatty tissue, causing dyskinesia, aneurysm, and/or arrhythmia. The prevalence of ARVC is estimated to be 1 in 2,000-5,000, with the condition accounting for up to 20% of sudden cardiac deaths in individuals < 35 years old. This report describes the case of 61-year-old Japanese who was diagnosed with ARVC after cardiac arrest (CA) and successful resusci-tation. After the sudden CA, the restoration of spontaneous circulation was achieved with appropriate resusci-tation, followed by the introduction of target temperature management in the intensive care unit. He was diag-nosed with ARVC based on angiography and histology results. An ICD (implantable cardioverter-defibrillator) was implanted, and he was discharged without neurological sequelae 1 month post-CA. ARVC is an important cause of sudden CA, and successfully resuscitated patients with right ventricular dilation should undergo testing to rule out ARVC

    Neonatal Fc receptor induces intravenous immunoglobulin growth suppression in Langerhans cell histiocytosis

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    The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) plays a role in trafficking IgG and albumin and is thought to mediate intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy for certain diseases. IVIG can be used for the treatment of human Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH); however, the mechanism remains unclear. The expression and function of FcRn protein have not been studied in LCH, though the expression of FcRn messenger RNA (mRNA) have been reported. In this report, we confirmed the expression of FcRn in 26 of 30 pathological cases (86.7%) diagnosed immunohistochemically as LCH. The expression was independent of age, gender, location, multi- or single-system, and the status of BRAFV600E immunostaining. We also confirmed the expression of FcRn mRNA and protein in the human LCH-like cell line, ELD-1. FcRn suppressed albumin consumption and growth of IVIG preparation-treated ELD-1 cells, but not of IVIG preparation-untreated or FcRn-knockdown ELD-1 cells. In addition, FITC-conjugated albumin was taken into Rab11-positive recycle vesicles in mock ELD-1 cells but not in FcRn-knockdown ELD-1 cells. IVIG preparation prolonged this status in mock ELD-1 cells. Therefore, ELD-1 recycled albumin via FcRn and albumin was not used for metabolism. Our results increase our understanding of the molecular mechanism of IVIG treatment of LCH

    Report on Distribution and Spawning of Small-scale Sillago, Sillago parvisquamis (family Sillaginidae), Based on Specimens from Yamaguchi Bay in Western Seto Inland Sea, Japan. <Article>

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    瀬戸内海山口湾で2005 ~ 2008 年に,絶滅危惧種アオギスSillago parvisquamis 8 標本(SP-YB1 ~ 8)を採集した。全長226.5 ~ 320.1mm,体長197.7 ~ 281.0mm,いずれも雌で,年齢はSP-YB1 ~ 6 が1才,SP-YB7 が3才,およびSP-YB8 は4才で,全個体が2004年級であった。卵巣の組織学的検討より,SP-YB1 ~ 7 では,最も発達した正常な卵母細胞は第三次卵黄球期か胚胞移動期で,排卵後濾胞細胞を有し,活発な産卵活動が確認された。釣りCPUE(個体数/3時間/ 人)は,2005 ~ 2012年では,5 ~ 7月は0.2(n=24),通年では0.1(n=49)であった。2004年級を主な対象とした2005 ~ 2006年の2年間では,5 ~ 7月は0.3(n=14),通年では0.2(n=23)であった。今回,標本に基づき山口湾を生息地および繁殖地として記載した。Small-scale sillago, Sillago parvisquamis, were collected from Yamaguchi Bay, western Seto Inland Sea, Japan. This species has been evaluated as an endangered species in Japan. Eight specimens (sample no. SPYB1-8) collected in 2005-2008 were 226.5-320.1 mm TL, 197.7-281.0 mm SL and were all adult females. The ages of SPYB1-6, 7, and 8 were 1, 3, and 4 years, respectively, and all individuals were of the 2004 class. Judging from ovarian histological samples, the most developed stage of normal oocytes in SPYB1-7 was the tertiary yolk globule stage or the migratory nucleus stage. All individuals had a lot of post-ovulatory follicles. Therefore, these two evidences indicate spawning. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) (indiv. / 3 hours / person) by fishing in 2005-2012 was 0.2 for the spawning season (n=24) and 0.1 for the whole year (n=49). For the 2004 class, CPUE in 2005-2006 was 0.3 for the spawning season (n=14) and 0.2 for the whole year (n=23). This is the detailed report of the distribution and spawning of Sillago parvisquamis based on specimens from Yamaguchi Bay