24 research outputs found

    Palvelurakentamisen toimintamalli

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    Insinöörityön aiheena oli talotekniikka-alan yrityksen toimintamallin luominen ja siihen liittyvien työvaiheiden kehittäminen. Työ suoritettiin Are Oy:lle ja se tuotettiin toimimaan kiinteistöpalveluosaston palvelurakentamisen yhteisenä toimintamallina. Yhteisen toimintamallin avulla luotiin edellytykset suurempien ja jatkuvasti vaatimuksiltaan tärkeämmiksi muodostuneiden palveluiden onnistuneelle toteuttamiselle. Insinöörityön tavoitteena oli yhdistää Are Oy:n toimintaa eri tekniikan alojen kesken yhteisissä palveluratkaisuissa. Insinöörityön tarkoituksena oli helpottaa projektihenkilöstön työtä antamalla ohjeet palveluratkaisun toteuttamiselle. Ohjeiden avulla varmistetaan tuotettavien palveluratkaisujen onnistuminen kustannuksellisesti ja aikataulullisesti vaadituissa aikarajoissa. Paremman palvelun myötä pyritään vaikuttamaan asiakastyytyväisyyteen ja oman toiminnan tuottavuuteen sekä kilpailukykyyn taloteknisillä markkinoilla. Työ suoritettiin käyttäen hyväksi yrityksessä noudatettuja työtapoja ja kehitettiin noudattamaan nykyajan toimintamallin vaatimuksia. Haastatteluiden ja käyttökokemusten perusteella luotiin pohja insinöörityölle. Tarvittavat toimenpiteet ja ohjeet yhteisen palvelurakentamisprojektin onnistuneeseen toteuttamiseen kerättiin yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi. Tuotettu lopputulos otettiin käyttöön nykyisissä projekteissa, joiden käyttökokemusten perusteella työ kehitettiin lopulliseen muotoonsa. Insinöörityön lopputuloksena syntyi toimintamalli, joka sisältää yrityksen palvelurakentamisen hallinnollisen hierarkian, yhdessä toiminnan prosessikaavioiden, ohjeistuksen, sekä asiakirjojen kanssa. Laadittu toimintamalli tullaan ottamaan käyttöön osana Are Oy:n älykkään ylläpidon konseptia. Toimintamalli julkaistaan Are Oy:n kiinteistöpalveluissa, ja se tulee olemaan projektihenkilöstön käytössä yrityksen intranetissä.The aim of this final year project was to create a functional operations model for a company working in the field of building services engineering by improving the company’s working methods with guidelines for the implementation of building service solutions. Another goal was to develop the communication between project personnel. The project was carried out by observing the old working methods in the company and developing them to comply with the requirements of the modern operations model when necessary. The information was collected through interviews and from user experiences. Furthermore, project management literature was studied to provide a sound theoretical basis. The operations model was applied on several construction sites and on the basis of user experiences it was developed into its final form. The result for this final year project is an operating model that covers the administration of the company, together with process descriptions, guidance, and documents. The operations model will guide project personnel to better project management. It ensures the company’s business in the field of building services engineering by providing better operation solutions. Better service improves customer satisfaction and so the company’s competitiveness of the building technology market in the future

    Selective detection of morphine in the presence of paracetamol with anodically pretreated dual layer Ti/tetrahedral amorphous carbon electrodes

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    We investigated the effect of anodic treatment of titanium/tetrahedral amorphous carbon electrodes on the electrochemical detection of morphine and paracetamol. The anodic treatment caused both oxidation of the carbon and, more importantly, exposure and oxidation of the underlying Ti layer. This treatment anodically shifted the oxidation potential of paracetamol while that of morphine remained unaffected. The resulting electrode also showed better selectivity than a ta-C electrode without Ti. After anodic treatment at 2.5 V, selective detection of morphine with a physiologically meaningful detection limit of 9.8 nM and a linear range of 0.1-10 mu M was obtained in the presence of 100 mu M paracetamol.Peer reviewe

    Electrochemical Detection of Oxycodone and Its Main Metabolites with Nafion-Coated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Electrodes

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    Oxycodone is a strong opioid frequently used as an analgesic. Although proven efficacious in the management of moderate to severe acute pain and cancer pain, use of oxycodone imposes a risk of adverse effects such as addiction, overdose, and death. Fast and accurate determination of oxycodone blood concentration would enable personalized dosing and monitoring of the analgesic as well as quick diagnostics of possible overdose in emergency care. However, in addition to the parent drug, several metabolites are always present in the blood after a dose of oxycodone, and to date, there is no electrochemical data available on any of these metabolites. In this paper, a single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) electrode and a Nafion-coated SWCNT electrode were used, for the first time, to study the electrochemical behavior of oxycodone and its two main metabolites, noroxycodone and oxymorphone. Both electrode types could selectively detect oxycodone in the presence of noroxycodone and oxymorphone. However, we have previously shown that addition of a Nafion coating on top of the SWCNT electrode is essential for direct measurements in complex biological matrices. Thus, the Nafion/SWCNT electrode was further characterized and used for measuring clinically relevant concentrations of oxycodone in buffer solution. The limit of detection for oxycodone with the Nafion/SWCNT sensor was 85 nM, and the linear range was 0.5-10 mu M in buffer solution. This study shows that the fabricated Nafion/SWCNT sensor has potential to be applied in clinical concentration measurements.Peer reviewe

    Trim37-deficient mice recapitulate several features of the multi-organ disorder Mulibrey nanism

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    Mulibrey nanism (MUL) is a rare autosomal recessive multi-organ disorder characterized by severe prenatal-onset growth failure, infertility, cardiopathy, risk for tumors, fatty liver, and type 2 diabetes. MUL is caused by loss-of-function mutations in TRIM37, which encodes an E3 ubiquitin ligase belonging to the tripartite motif (TRIM) protein family and having both peroxisomal and nuclear localization. We describe a congenic Trim37 knock-out mouse (Trim37(-/-)) model for MUL. Trim37(-/-) mice were viable and had normal weight development until approximately 12 months of age, after which they started to manifest increasing problems in wellbeing and weight loss. Assessment of skeletal parameters with computer tomography revealed significantly smaller skull size, but no difference in the lengths of long bones in Trim37(-/-) mice as compared with wildtype. Both male and female Trim37(-/-) mice were infertile, the gonads showing germ cell aplasia, hilus and Leydig cell hyperplasia and accumulation of lipids in and around Leydig cells. Male Trim37(-/-) mice had elevated levels of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, but maintained normal levels of testosterone. Six-month-old Trim37(-/-) mice had elevated fasting blood glucose and low fasting serum insulin levels. At 1.5 years Trim37(-/-) mice showed non-compaction cardiomyopathy, hepatomegaly, fatty liver and various tumors. The amount and morphology of liver peroxisomes seemed normal in Trim37(-/-) mice. The most consistently seen phenotypes in Trim37(-/-) mice were infertility and the associated hormonal findings, whereas there was more variability in the other phenotypes observed. Trim37(-/-) mice recapitulate several features of the human MUL disease and thus provide a good model to study disease pathogenesis related to TRIM37 deficiency, including infertility, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, cardiomyopathy and tumorigenesis.Peer reviewe

    Direct Production of Ni–Co–Mn Mixtures for Cathode Precursors from Cobalt-Rich Lithium-Ion Battery Leachates by Solvent Extraction

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    A novel solvent extraction scheme was developed for the processing of Co-rich lithium-ion battery (LIB) leachate to a Ni–Co–Mn (NCM) sulfate mixture that can be directly used in the precursor synthesis of LIB cathodes. Conventional hydrometallurgical recycling of spent LIBs usually aims at separation of Li, Ni, Co, and Mn into pure fractions, which is simplified here. Operating pH and the number of extraction stages for each separation were evaluated from batch equilibrium experiments. Two continuous countercurrent extractions with bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate (D2EHPA) and one with Cyanex 272 were studied in bench-scale mixer-settler equipment, and a Ni–Co–Mn solution with n(Ni):n(Co) = 14.16 and n(Ni):n(Mn) = 8.06 was obtained. The Ni:Co:Mn molar ratio in the NCM mixture can be adjusted to, for example, 8:1:1 using a Co-rich raffinate from the same process, and no additional transition metal salts are required for tuning the composition. Stripping raffinate containing 102.7 g L−1 Co at 99.8% relative purity was obtained from Cyanex 272 extraction. The main benefit of the process concept is that the solvent extraction separations can be operated with less stringent requirements than when producing pure metal salts

    Direct Production of Ni–Co–Mn Mixtures for Cathode Precursors from Cobalt-Rich Lithium-Ion Battery Leachates by Solvent Extraction

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    A novel solvent extraction scheme was developed for the processing of Co-rich lithium-ion battery (LIB) leachate to a Ni–Co–Mn (NCM) sulfate mixture that can be directly used in the precursor synthesis of LIB cathodes. Conventional hydrometallurgical recycling of spent LIBs usually aims at separation of Li, Ni, Co, and Mn into pure fractions, which is simplified here. Operating pH and the number of extraction stages for each separation were evaluated from batch equilibrium experiments. Two continuous countercurrent extractions with bis(2-ethylhexyl) hydrogen phosphate (D2EHPA) and one with Cyanex 272 were studied in bench-scale mixer-settler equipment, and a Ni–Co–Mn solution with n(Ni):n(Co) = 14.16 and n(Ni):n(Mn) = 8.06 was obtained. The Ni:Co:Mn molar ratio in the NCM mixture can be adjusted to, for example, 8:1:1 using a Co-rich raffinate from the same process, and no additional transition metal salts are required for tuning the composition. Stripping raffinate containing 102.7 g L−1 Co at 99.8% relative purity was obtained from Cyanex 272 extraction. The main benefit of the process concept is that the solvent extraction separations can be operated with less stringent requirements than when producing pure metal salts

    Characterization and electrochemical properties of iron-doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) thin films

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    Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Deposition method calibration data, XRR details, additional XPS data, TEM images, CV curves, calculated CV rate constants. See DOI: 10.1039/c8ra04719gIron-doped tetrahedral amorphous carbon thin films (Fe/ta-C) were deposited with varying iron content using a pulsed filtered cathodic vacuum arc system (p-FCVA). The aim of this study was to understand effects of iron on both the physical and electrochemical properties of the otherwise inert sp3-rich ta-C matrix. As indicated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), even ∼0.4 at% surface iron had a profound electrochemical impact on both the potential window of ta-C in H2SO4 and KOH, as well as pseudocapacitance. It also substantially enhanced the electron transport and re-enabled facile outer sphere redox reaction kinetics in comparison to un-doped ta-C, as measured with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) using outer-sphere probes Ru(NH3)6, IrCl6, and FcMeOH. These increases in surface iron loading were linked to increased surface oxygen content and iron oxides. Unlike few other metals, an iron content even up to 10 at% was not found to result in the formation of sp2-rich amorphous carbon films as investigated by Raman spectroscopy. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) investigations found all films to be amorphous and ultrasmooth with Rq values always in the range of 0.1-0.2 nm. As even very small amounts of Fe were shown to dominate the electrochemistry of ta-C, implications of this study are very useful e.g. in carbon nanostructure synthesis, where irregular traces of iron can be readily incorporated into the final structures.Peer reviewe

    Geometrical and chemical effects on the electrochemistry of single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) network electrodes

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    Funding Information: The authors acknowledge Dr. Pether Engelhard for taking the TEM micrographs and building the 3D reconstruction of SWCNT networks. Mr. Jarkko Etula is acknowledged for taking the SEM images and conducting the Raman spectroscopy experiment. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s)Single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) network is a promising electrode material for bio detection. Unfortunately, the associations between their physical as well as chemical properties and observed electrochemical performance are not known. This hinders any systematic optimization of the network properties towards specific analytes. Here we present a consistent physicochemical and electrochemical characterization of differently treated SWCNT networks. The results unambiguously show that (i) even if the electrochemical properties of different electrodes are practically identical when assessed by surface insensitive outer sphere redox (OSR) probes their behavior with inner sphere redox (ISR) probes can be drastically different. Further, (ii) the choice of the modification method (structural, chemical, electrochemical) heavily depends on nature of the target analyte, which are typically ISR probes. Although, (iii) chemical changes in the carbon phase appeared to be minor, effects of different treatments on oxidation states of Fe appeared to have a strong effect on the electrochemical performance of the networks in the case of ISR probes.Peer reviewe

    Unmodified and multi-walled carbon nanotube modified tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) films as in vivo sensor materials for sensitive and selective detection of dopamine

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    Unmodified and multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) modified tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) films of 15 and 50 nm were investigated as potential in vivo sensor materials for the detection of dopamine (DA) in the presence of the main interferents, ascorbic acid (AA) and uric acid (UA). The MWCNTs were grown directly on ta-C by chemical vapor deposition (designated as ta-C+CNT) and were characterized with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Electroanalytical sensitivity and selectivity were determined with cyclic voltammetry. Biocompatibility of the materials was assessed with cell cultures of mouse neural stem cells (mNSCs). The detection limits of DA for both ta-C and ta-C+CNT electrodes ranged from 40 to 85 nM, which are well within the required range for in vivo detection. The detection limits were lower for both ta-C and ta-C+CNT electrodes with 50 nm of ta-C compared to 15 nm. The ta-C electrodes showed a large dynamic linear range of 0.01–100 µM but could not resolve between the oxidation peaks of DA, AA and UA. Modification with MWCNTs, however, resulted in excellent selectivity and all three analytes could be detected simultaneously at physiologically relevant concentrations using cyclic voltammetry. Based on cell culture of mNSCs, both ta-C and ta-C+CNT exhibited good biocompatibility, demonstrating their potential as in vivo sensor materials for the detection of DA.Peer reviewe

    In-situ functionalization of tetrahedral amorphous carbon by filtered cathodic arc deposition

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    Modification of the surface chemistry of carbon-based nanomaterials is often necessary in order to embrace their full potential. A wide variety of different post-fabrication treatments, such as acid, oxidizing plasma and heat treatments have been described in the literature. However, their specific effects on the materials surface chemistry is typically only vaguely disclosed. Here we report an in-situ method to functionalize tetrahedral amorphous carbon (ta-C) thin films by introducing high purity oxygen into the vacuum chamber during the film fabrication. Additionally, we analyze and compare the material properties of the resulting thin films to those of nitric acid and oxygen plasma treated as well as those with no treatment at all. Using x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), we show that in-situ functionalizing decreases the sp2 content of the surface and increases the amount of carboxyl-like functionalities. Subsequent oxygen plasma treatment further decreases the sp2 fraction and ketone/aldehyde content as well as increases the amount of carboxyl groups. The same trends are observed with the reference ta-C exposed to oxygen plasma treatment. For both materials, a concentrated nitric acid treatment has only a subtle effect on the surface chemistry. Capitalizing on this knowledge, we can selectively produce materials with higher surface loading of specific functional groups, paving the way for application specific material fabrication.Peer reviewe