19 research outputs found

    A Security Supervision System for Hybrid Networks

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    The traditional way of protecting networks and applications with e.g., firewalls and encryption, is no longer sufficient to protect effectively emerging hybrid wired-cum-wireless networks including ad hoc networks. Intrusion detection mechanisms should be coupled with preventive measures so as to identify unauthorised abuses. To this end, we propose a novel Hybrid Distributed Security Operation Center (HDSOC) which collects logs that are generated by any application/service, layer of the protocol stack or resource (e.g., router), providing a global view of the supervised system based on which complex and distributed intrusions can be detected. Our HDSOC further (i) distributes its capabilities and (ii) provides extensive coordination capabilities for guarantying that both the networks and the HDSOC components do not constitute isolated entities largely unaware of each others

    Localisation de ressources dans les réseaux ad hoc

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    Recent advances in wireless technologies, coupled with the concomitant abundance of portable devices, are opening up exciting opportunities for the future of wireless networking. In this context, MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc NETworks) can play an important role since they are autonomous, do no require any pre-existing infrastructure for communication purposes, can be conveniently deployed in locations where building a networking infrastructure is expensive or cumbersome, possibly to increase the reachability of infrastructure-based networks. In addition, ad hoc networks may operate whether in a standalone fashion, or be connected to other types of networks so as to provide users an access to a wide diversity of resources. However, MANETs are highly dynamic and suffer from frequent and unpredictable changes in the network topology due to the fact that devices are mobile and operate with low battery power. Considering these specific characteristics, it appears that existing approaches, mostly designed to operate in wi ed networks, cannot be adopted to locating and providing access to resources in pervasive computing environments. Indeed, these approaches are mostly centralized and are thus, unsuitable for infrastructure-less networks. This inefficiency, aggravated by the low connectivity and the mobility of nodes, remains a major obstacle in the development of applications for the wireless environment that integrates MANETs. Specifically, resource localization in pervasive computing environments has been an attractive area of research in wireless and/or mobile environments. However, proposed solutions are broadcast-based and result in overloading the constrained network. As a result, they do not solve the issue of scalability, mobility or adaptability. The issue addressed by this thesis is therefore to provide automatic and efficient resource localization and ubiquitous access to resources available in a pervasive computing environment integrating ad hoc network(s) with other interconnected network(s) (that can be infrastructure-based). This dissertation examines first the techniques and strategies that have been proposed in infrastructure-less environment. It then introduces a conceptual architecture to enable ubiquitous resource localization and access in infrastructure-less pervasive environments. This architecture is adapted to the characteristics of the ad hoc network (e.g., node density, network area). It leads us to tackle on separate way resource localization into small or scalable ad hoc networks. The first approach for resource localization is cooperative and fully distributed, and balances its performance against its cost by conveniently balancing communication load among the devices. This protocol includes some energy-aware caching and prefetching strategies that improve the overall performance of the resource localization. In order to support efficient resource localization in a scalable ad hoc network, we then introduce a semi-distributed solution that is based on a set of directories dynamically deployed over the ad hoc (or possibly hybrid) network. In order to improve the performance of the proposed solution, we introduce several cross-layer optimizations. The design of the resource discovery protocols is further complemented with extensive evaluation of performance, including both theoretical or/and practical studies based on simulation and implementation. Finally, we present the integration of our scalable resource discovery protocol in a middleware grounded on Web Service technologies. This middleware enables ubiquitous access to mobile Web services based on automatic discovery in dynamic pervasive computing environment.Le nombre croissant des terminaux (PDAs, ordinateurs portables, téléphones) et l'expansion des réseaux sans fil (GSM, GPRS, UMTS, WLAN, Bluetooth) témoignent de la demande croissante des utilisateurs pour un accès à des ressources telles que des données ou des services applicatifs, à tout moment, et, n'importe où. Dans ce contexte, les réseaux ad hoc peuvent jouer un rôle important puisqu'ils ne nécessitent pas d'infrastructures pour communiquer, ils peuvent également être utilisés lorsque le déploiement d'infrastructures est coûteux ou sans objet, ou encore pour accroître la portée des réseaux à base d'infrastructure. De plus ces réseaux ad hoc peuvent opérer de façon autonome ou être connectés à d'autres types de réseaux afin de fournir à l'utilisateur un accès vers un ensemble plus important de ressources. Dans les réseaux filaires ou sans fil basés sur des infrastructures, les solutions proposées afin de localiser les ressources se basent majoritairement sur un répertoire centralisant les informations relatives aux ressources du réseau. Ces solutions sont inexploitables dans les réseaux ad hoc en raison du manque de connectivité induit notamment par les changements de topologie du réseau, et par l'épuisement des réserves énergétiques des batteries. Les solutions proposées pour les réseaux ad hoc se basent quant à elle sur des techniques de diffusion coûteuses, en terme de bande passante, et conduisent à surcharger le réseau. Cette inefficacité des solutions existantes demeure l'un des freins majeurs au développement d'applications pour les réseaux sans fil intégrant des réseaux ad hoc. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'offrir une localisation efficace des ressources afin de garantir un accès transparent aux ressources disponibles dans un environnement intégrant des réseaux ad hoc. Tout d'abord, cette thèse présente les travaux de recherche portant sur la localisation des terminaux et des ressources dans un réseau ad hoc. Nous introduisons ensuite les techniques que nous proposons pour effectuer une localisation des ressources adaptée aux caractéristiques des réseaux ad hoc (e.g., densité des nuds, surface du réseau), et cela afin de limiter le trafic généré par cette localisation. Ceci nous conduit notamment à aborder distinctement la localisation de ressources dans les réseaux ad hoc à petite et large échelle. La première approche que nous proposons est entièrement distribuée. Les terminaux coopèrent ensemble afin de localiser des ressources sur le réseau. De plus, ce protocole inclut des techniques de caching et de préchargement afin d'améliorer les performances lors de la localisation et lors de l'accès aux ressources. Afin d'effectuer une localisation efficace des ressources dans un réseau ad hoc à grande échelle, nous introduisons une solution semi-distribuée basée sur un ensemble de répertoire déployés dynamiquement sur le réseau ad hoc (ou possiblement hybride). Ces contributions sont complétées par une évaluation des performances incluant une étude théorique et pratique basée sur des simulations et des expérimentations. Enfin, nous présentons une mise en uvre de notre protocole de localisation de ressources dans le contexte des services Web. Cet intergiciel supporte un accès ubiquitaire à des services Web mobiles en se basant sur une découverte dynamique des instances de services Web présentes dans l'environement

    Revisiting Gossip-style Failure Detection in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Scalable service discovery for MANET

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    Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) conveniently complement infrastructure-based networks, allowing mobile nodes to spontaneously form a network and share their services, including bridging with other networks, either infrastructure-based or ad hoc. However, distributed service provisioning over MANETs requires adequate support for service discovery and invocation, due to the network’s dynamics and resource constraints of wireless nodes. While a number of existing service discovery protocols have shown to be effective for the wireless environment, these are mainly aimed at infrastructure-based and/or 1-hop ad hoc wireless networks. Some discovery protocols for MANETs have been proposed over the last couple of years but they induce significant traffic overhead, and are thus primarily suited for small-scale MANETs with few nodes. Building upon the evaluation of existing protocols, we introduce a scalable service discovery protocol for MANETs, which is based on the homogeneous and dynamic deployment of cooperating directories within the network. Scalability of our protocol comes from the minimization of the generated traffic, and the use of compact directory summaries that enable to efficiently locate the directory that most likely caches the description of a given service. 1

    Cooperative Caching in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Terminal's latency, connectivity, energy and memory are the main characteristics of today's mobile environments whose performance may be improved by caching. In this paper, we present an adaptive scheme for mobile Web data caching, which accounts for congestion of the wireless network and energy limitation of mobile terminals. Our main design objective is to minimize the energy cost of peer-to-peer communication among mobile terminals so as to allow for unexpensive Web access when a fixed access point is not available in the communication range of the mobile terminal. We propose a collaborative cache management strategy among mobile terminals interacting via an ad hoc network. We further provide evaluation of the proposed solution in terms of energy consumption on mobile devices

    Localisation de ressources dans les réseaux ad hoc

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    PARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocVILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA LYON (692662301) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Trust-enabled Link Spoofing Detection in MANET

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    International audienc