48 research outputs found

    Factors Associated with Non-adoption of Technology by Rubber Small holders

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    This study argues that information holds the key to decision-making and change processes, and hence technology adoption among smallholders. To determine the levels of technology adoption among smallholders and factors associated with it, a total of 787 smallholders, key informant smallholders and field officers from selected areas in Peninsular Malaysia were interviewed in groups using the focus group discussion technique. Generally, technology adoption level among rubber smallholders was relatively low. Several factors accounted for this finding, among them were: smallholders attitudes towards new technology, financial constraints, physical limitations (uneconomic holding size and accessibility of holdings), labour shortage, inappropriate technology, land ownership and weakness in extension service and communication support system. These factors were found not to act singly but in various combinations which compounded the problem of information flow decision making and change among smallholders in technology adoption. The constraints faced by the smallholders form negative forces that act against the adoption of recommended practices. Some of these barriers can be overcome or minimized with ule provision and implementation of a systematic flow of information from research to extension and from extension LO smallholders. Information from research to extension should cover 'principle', 'how-to' information, besides relevant circumferential and human resource development information. Information from extension to smallholders should focus mainly on 'how-to' and benefits to be accrued from adopting a technology

    Managerial learning from the perspectives of individual and organization level learning.

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    The purpose of this research paper is to empirically investigate managerial learning from the perspective of individual and organization level learning by managers in the organizations they work for. On the premise that all organizations are learning organizations this research draws upon the data collected using an instrument developed by Moilanen (2001b) in a Malaysian scenario. Analysis of the data collected on whether there was significance difference between individual and organization level learning led to a decisive conclusion that the managers feel strongly that most learning in the organization they work for was at the individual rather than at organization level. This decisive conclusion, using stringent statistical analysis, has deep implication in that learning by managers must relate to the overall development and sustainment in building their organization as learning organizations, and not for benefits at micro level with individual effort or interpersonal level. Some suggestions are given for overall development of the learning organization through managerial learning

    Extension education for industrialising Malaysia: trends, priorities and emerging issues

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    The launching of the Industrial Master Plan (IMP) in 1986 and the success of the New Economic Policy have brought about significant changes in the socioeconomic growth and development of Malaysia. Malaysia's success in the economic field, with an 8% annual growth rate for the past seven years (since 1998) and a considerably low inflation rate of under 4% has placed the country on a solid path to becoming a developed nation in the year 2020. This remarkable achievement presents a pride to all Malaysians as well a challenge to ensure its continuity and even improve the present situation in the year ahead


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    The main purpose of this study is to understand the perception of the image and pride of working in the technical and vocational fields from the perspective of parents and teachers in secondary schools. This study was conducted in two zones, namely North (Kedah) and central zone (Selangor). Two schools were chosen from each zone, one from the city (Kajang) and the other one from rural (Dengkil), which are sufficient to obtain the views of parents and teachers. Purposive sampling was selected for the focus group discussions in schools with the participation of PTA members, i.e., parents, teachers, career counselors teachers. The results showed that there were two main themes, namely, positive and negative image of technical education and vocational training among parents and teachers. However, the negative image remained resilient among parents and teachers, especially in deciding on career paths in technical and vocational fields. The researcher also identified several new issues, for example, wastage of manpower in the country, among them due to the weak prerequisite set in selecting students in technical and vocational education system; Students who do not meet the Malay Language (Bahasa Melayu) prerequisite are unable to continue studying skills at higher certificate level. Students of Islamic studies and Arabic Language, students with academic excellence and girls who are interested in technical education and vocational training should be considered as a highly skilled workforce in the future. Some implications of this study were presented as suggestion in formulating policies to improve the image of technical education and vocational training

    Pengalaman penjagaan ibu bapa tua oleh anak dewasa: satu kajian dalam kalangan penduduk Melayu bandar berpendapatan rendah

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    Tujuan utama artikel ini adalah untuk meninjau fenomena bagaimana seseorang penjaga (anak dewasa) mengahrungi pengalaman dan mengurus aktiviti harian dalam menjaga ibu bapa tua, keluarga dan kerjaya serta bagaimanakah mereka memenuhi tuntutan agama Islam dalam menjaga ibu bapa tua. Kajian kes berasaskan pendekatan fenomenologi telah dipilih sebagai pendekatan kajian. Informan adalah anak dewasa yang menjaga ibu bapa yang berumur lebih 60 tahun, berbangsa Melayu, dengan status sosioekonomi rendah serta tinggal di sekitar Bandar Raya Kuala Lumpur selain mempunyai keluarga sendiri. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat dua pengalaman utama dalam kalangan anak dewasa yang menjaga ibu bapa tua, iaitu pra pengalaman dan pengalaman sebenar. Dalam melalui pengalaman penjagaan ini, informan memikul tanggungjawab penjagaan (membalas budi, dedikasi, komited, bertolak ansur dan berkongsi masalah); pengetahuan logikal (muhasabah diri dan timbal balik) dan kerana bantuan tangible (bantuan kewangan dan hubungan dengan anak perempuan) dan bukan tangible (mengemas rumah, memasak dan menjaga perasaan ibu bapa tua). Artikel ini merumuskan bahawa seorang anak dewasa yang ingin menjaga ibu bapa tua perlu bermula dengan bertawakal (memperhitungkan kekuatan dan kemampuan seseorang individu terlebih dahulu sebelum mengerjakan sesuatu perkara) dan berakhir dengan tabah hati, sabar dan redha mengarungi masalah dan cabaran dalam menjaga ibu bapa mereka

    Does social remittance take place among Indonesian plantation workers in Malaysia?

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    Diffusion of new ideas via international migration is an interesting phenomenon if one wants to study social change. This is a case study that examines the role of migration in understanding diffusion and transmission of skills and knowledge into the home country of foreign workers. It looks at a specific group of migrant workers in the plantation sector in Malaysia and how their position as Indonesian migrants facilitates and encourages transmission of cultural elements to their home country. It means examining their experiences in Malaysia to know the extent to which they can be agents in the diffusion of new skills and knowledge in the local community. Drawn from a qualitative study in 2010, both interview and focus group discussion were conducted among Indonesian workers in oil palm plantation in Johor, in the southern part of Malaysia. The study finds that social remittance is only realistic and feasible when workers have the financial means to possibly carry out the new ideas and skills they have observed, acquired and learned. These ideas and skills may also be very limited to the kind of exposure they have experienced while living in Malaysia considering the limitations they encountered. Actual application of ideas and skills they have acquired and remitted to their home country still largely depends on the availability of finances and the migrant workers agency when they will eventually return to Indonesia. Diffusion can only be realized when a 'friendly' environment is available for the diffusion of new ideas

    Self employability of Malaysian public higher education institution graduates nationwide / Tan Chee Hian, Tham Yin Choong and Rahim Md Sail

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    This study was mainly to investigate the level or readiness which consisted variable like personal attributes and personal quality of PHEI graduates’ perception on their employability. In order to justify the objectives in elaborating this dimension in the overall Graduates Employability Questionnaire (GEQ, 2010) was adopted and the result showed every dimension of the GEQ with a) level of employment circumstances/learning was with mean score of 3.35; b) level of selfattitude towards responsibility which statement of self willingness to take up responsibility without interference of third part as well as other characteristic showed mean score of 3.89; and c) level of soft skills in work life showed significant mean score of 3.99. As far as determination of relationship or between selected factors and the employability of these graduate were concerned, statistically graduates’ personal readiness factor was positive, moderate correlation with the employability of graduates (r = .500, N = 184, p < .05); Guilford’s rule of Thumb was applied indicating supportive that personal readiness of graduates could influence the employability of one; the correlation between personal attributes and personal qualities also showed contributive results (r = .608, N = 184, p < .05 and r = .428, N = 184, p <.05) respectively. This concluded that personal readiness of PHEI graduates should highly emphasize on constructional proficiency programme in the university delivery system especially for undergraduate programme concerned

    Relationship between the individual facets of job, job satisfaction and organisational commitment

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    Numerous studies have documented positive relationships between overall job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Some research has, however, focused on the individual facets of job that constitute the overall job satisfaction. The study's design involved a survey of workers in a variety of electrical and electronic industries in the Klang Valley in Malaysia. The responses of a total sample of 426 operators were submitted to a series of Pearson Product Moment Correlation and multiple regression analysis in order to test the hypotheses. As hypothesized the results provided evidence to support that satisfaction with the individual facets or dimensions of job satisfaction (Herzberg's Job satisfaction model) were all positively related to organisational commitment. Multiple regression analysis supported the hypothesised relationships between five variables in Herzberg's model and organisational commitment. Overall, both the intrinsic (motivational) factors and the extrinsic (hygiene) factors of Herzberg's model were found to have relevance and practical implications for predicting organisational commitment

    Awareness education of sport supporters on aggressiveness phenomena in sporting events / Tan Chee Hian … [et al.]

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    Study showed awareness education that learnt and performed by sport supporters were no matter whatsoever factors: Gender, Age, Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) Attended, Types of sport, Favorite sports or Ethnicity were highly alert and aware especially on the phenomena of aggressiveness in sporting events. Supporters had learned skills of managing on those incidences were in good form as far as awareness education perspective was concerned where it involved sociological that emphasizing on “outside” of one person which involved surrounding of the person whom take part. As conclusion, the level of study among supporters played a vital factor to influent the awareness level among them toward aggressiveness phenomena in sporting events, this study managed to roundup several research questions with hypotheses investigated

    Community development through community capacity building: a social science perspective

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    Community development is a continuous process aimed at improving the quality of life of the community. It is about continual improvement by the people themselves to bring about change in their lives. In relation to health, much attention has been given by the government to improve the health status of the people, especially the rural sector through various programmes established by the Ministry of Health (MOH) since independence. Based on the so-called “state-sponsored programme”, the health status of the majority of Malaysians has improved over the years. The objectives of the health care providers are not only providing health services but also improving the quality of services for the people. In such an orientation, the community is perceived mainly as clients by the health provider. The community’s participation in health related programmes or activities are basically measured by the number of clients’ visits to the clinics, decrease in the defaulter rate or prevalence of diseases and other quantifiable indicators. The qualitative aspects of community members’ involvement in health related activities as a process of empowerment within the coverage of the care providers have been given less priority. Based on this premise, this paper discusses on community capacity building as an important component and process of community development