13 research outputs found


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    The function of planning in a predominantly market-driven economy has to be symptomatic, co-coordinative and authoritarian. That provides the good reason for Indiaā€™s Planning Commission to engage in preparing development plans for the economy periodically even after liberalisation. However as it canā€™t control investment in the private sector so such planning can at best be at least indicative. So the five year plans are now seek to provide an indicative path of development by setting out the imperatives for alternative growth scenarios in terms of macro-variables. It is still be necessary for planning commission to integrate and coordinate the plans of different ministries and undertakings of the central government, and bring them in line with the medium and long-term goals while keeping within the budget constraint. At the same time, the system of transfers from the centre needs to be reformed. There should be some rethinking on the relative roles of the planning commission and the finance commisson. In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze the inter relation between economic development and directive roles of planning process in India.Economic development, liberalization, indicative planning and Planning Policy

    Mjerenje iskustva korisnika bankoosiguranja: empirijsko istraživanje

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    Purpose ā€“ This study attempts to investigate customer experience with respect to the bancassurance channel. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ The study is based on primary data collected using a structured questionnaire from customers buying life insurance policies from SBI Life through different branches of State Bank of India in the city of Guwahati in the state of Assam, India. Cronbachā€™s alpha was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire. Statistical tools, such as mean, standard deviation, and factor analysis were used to attain the objective of the study. Findings and implications ā€“ The study found that customers have favorable experiences when buying life insurance through the bancassurance channel. There are seven core factors that affect customer experience in bancassurance: ease of buying, whether maturity benefit is received, reliability of the channel, responsiveness of the channel, after-sale services, stock market-related information, and accuracy of the channel. Banks should devise a strategy to sustain favorable experiences of their customers, as this enables banks to retain their existing customers while also attracting new ones. Limitation ā€“ The study is restricted to customers buying life insurance policy from various branches of State Bank of India in Guwahati, India. Therefore, longitudinal and cross-sectional research is needed to generalize the findings. Originality ā€“ The study is first of its kind and hence original in nature.Svrha ā€“ Studija istražuje iskustvo korisnika pri kupovini police osiguranja u banci (usluga bankoosiguranja) kao prodajnom kanalu. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ Istraživanje se temelji na primarnim podacima prikupljenim koriÅ”tenjem strukturiranog anketnog upitnika na uzorku korisnika koji kupuju SBI policu životnog osiguranja u različitim podružnicama banke State Bank of India u gradu Guwahati, savezna država Assam u Indiji. Pouzdanost anketnoga upitnika testirana je koeficijentom Cronbach alfa. Statističke mjere srednje vrijednosti i standardne devijacije te faktorska analiza koriÅ”tene su da bi se ostvario cilj istraživanja. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Istraživanje otkriva da korisnici imaju pozitivno iskustvo u kupovini police životnog osiguranja u banci kao kanalu prodaje. Utvrđeno je sedam glavnih čimbenika koji utječu na iskustvo korisnika pri kupovini osiguranja u banci kao kanalu prodaje, a to su: jednostavnost kupovine, dobivanje povlastica vezano uz dospijeće police, pouzdanost kanala, odgovornost kanala, poslijekupovne usluge, informacije o radu burzi te preciznost kanala. Banka bi trebala osmisliti strategiju održivosti pozitivnog iskustva korisnika jer će joj to omogućiti zadržavanje postojećih i privlačenje novih korisnika. Ograničenja ā€“ Istraživanje je ograničeno na korisnike koji kupuju policu životnog osiguranja u različitim podružnicama banke State Bank of India u gradu Guwahati, savezna država Assam u Indiji. Zbog toga je potrebno longitudinalno i kros-kulturno istraživanje kako bi se ovi rezultati mogli generalizirati. Doprinos ā€“ Ovo je istraživanje prvo ovakve vrste, a samim time i originalno

    Disease incidence, larval parameters and mortality of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L. effected by bed disinfectants

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    With an aim to find out an effective bed disinfectant regulating disease incidence, larvalĀ  growth parameters and mortality of mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L. revealed a positive influence on the disease incidence, and larval growth of mulberry silkworm race, (CSR6 Ɨ CSR26) Ɨ (CSR2 Ɨ CSR27). The commercial bed disinfectant, Ankush manifested better result in terms of reduction in disease incidence (1.833 %) and larval parameters (larval duration, 21.888 days; full grown larval weight, 4.596 g; silk gland weight, 0.889 g and 24.181% SGTSI) compared to the control (22.667 days, 3.976 g, 0.817 g and 20.726 %, respectively) followed by Sericillin and Turmeric rhizome powder alone or in combinations. However, a combination of bed disinfectants viz., Ankush + Sericillin, Ankush + Turmeric rhizome powder and Sericillin + Turmeric rhizome powder recorded better results compared to Turmeric rhizome powder alone. Though bed disinfectants did not show any significant effect on mortality percentage but Ankush resulted highest reduction of mortality over control (46.933 %). The performance of all the bed disinfectants was found to be better during the late spring season

    Trend Analysis and Change Point Detection of Winter Rice in North Bank Plains Zone (NBPZ) of Assam: A Non-parametric Approach

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    Assam is well-recognized for its rich genetic diversity of rice. The climatic condition and geographical location cause better production of rice in the past of Assam. Winter rice is the leading rice crop, accounting for a major portion of the total rice production in Assam and NBPZ is one of the main regions where most of its livelihood depends on agriculture. The purpose of the study is to analyze the trend of area, production, and productivity of winter rice and identify the change point for winter rice productivity in NBPZ of Assam. Analyzing over thirty years of the data for the NBPZ led to the detection of the change point for the productivity of winter rice. The study also revealed that the NBPZ is not limited to studying climate- resilient productivity of winter rice only, but there is a great need for the implementation of effective measures on crop production and productivity. Thus, the outcome of the study has believed to reveal a better implementable plan for the farmers for designing an efficient agricultural policy by the policy makers

    Economic Underdevelopment and Total Factor Growth in Small Scale Industries: Some Evidences from India

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    Globalization of Indian economy and fast and large industrialization questioned the sustainability and endurance of small scale industries (SSIs) from 1991. In this regard productivity and performance is remaining an issue that needs analysis for their development. However economic underdevelopment is remain a problem for the development of small scale industries. In this paper an attempt has been made to examine the productive performance of in small scale industries in India in underdeveloped areas with special reference to Assam. The findings of the study suggest the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of SSIs in underdeveloped areas seemed to be growing steadily over the time. The overall linear trend line of TFPG of SSIs of India indicates a declining trend over the periods from 1973- 74 to 2001-2002.Small scale Industry, Total factor productivity, underdevelopment

    Cricket performance management: mathematical formulation and analytics

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    This book focuses on the application of data mining techniques in cricket. It provides detailed examples of how data mining can be helpful for decision-making in sports with special reference to cricket, particularly the quantitative features related to Twenty20 cricket, the latest and the most popular format of the game. The book highlights the performance quantification of cricketers (batsmen, bowlers, all-rounders, and wicket keepers), determining the market valuation of cricketers based on their on-field performances and the effect of age on the performance of the cricketers. It also provides a comprehensive overview of the different aspects of the game where quantitative techniques are beneficial, and highlights the use of statistical and data mining tools in analysing sports-related data and objective decision-making in sports. The book appeals to a wide readership, including postgraduate students of statistics/mathematics, data analysts, sports management bodies. It also offers data miners, such as researchers in statistics, mathematics, operations research, and computer science ideas for projects

    Measuring Customer Experience in Bancassurance: An Empirical Study

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    Purpose ā€“ This study attempts to investigate customer experience with respect to the bancassurance channel. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ The study is based on primary data collected using a structured questionnaire from customers buying life insurance policies from SBI Life through different branches of State Bank of India in the city of Guwahati in the state of Assam, India. Cronbachā€™s alpha was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire. Statistical tools, such as mean, standard deviation, and factor analysis were used to attain the objective of the study. Findings and implications ā€“ The study found that customers have favorable experiences when buying life insurance through the bancassurance channel. There are seven core factors that affect customer experience in bancassurance: ease of buying, whether maturity benefit is received, reliability of the channel, responsiveness of the channel, after-sale services, stock market-related information, and accuracy of the channel. Banks should devise a strategy to sustain favorable experiences of their customers, as this enables banks to retain their existing customers while also attracting new ones. Limitation ā€“ The study is restricted to customers buying life insurance policy from various branches of State Bank of India in Guwahati, India. Therefore, longitudinal and cross-sectional research is needed to generalize the findings. Originality ā€“ The study is first of its kind and hence original in nature

    Mjerenje iskustva korisnika bankoosiguranja: empirijsko istraživanje

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    Purpose ā€“ This study attempts to investigate customer experience with respect to the bancassurance channel. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ The study is based on primary data collected using a structured questionnaire from customers buying life insurance policies from SBI Life through different branches of State Bank of India in the city of Guwahati in the state of Assam, India. Cronbachā€™s alpha was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire. Statistical tools, such as mean, standard deviation, and factor analysis were used to attain the objective of the study. Findings and implications ā€“ The study found that customers have favorable experiences when buying life insurance through the bancassurance channel. There are seven core factors that affect customer experience in bancassurance: ease of buying, whether maturity benefit is received, reliability of the channel, responsiveness of the channel, after-sale services, stock market-related information, and accuracy of the channel. Banks should devise a strategy to sustain favorable experiences of their customers, as this enables banks to retain their existing customers while also attracting new ones. Limitation ā€“ The study is restricted to customers buying life insurance policy from various branches of State Bank of India in Guwahati, India. Therefore, longitudinal and cross-sectional research is needed to generalize the findings. Originality ā€“ The study is first of its kind and hence original in nature.Svrha ā€“ Studija istražuje iskustvo korisnika pri kupovini police osiguranja u banci (usluga bankoosiguranja) kao prodajnom kanalu. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ Istraživanje se temelji na primarnim podacima prikupljenim koriÅ”tenjem strukturiranog anketnog upitnika na uzorku korisnika koji kupuju SBI policu životnog osiguranja u različitim podružnicama banke State Bank of India u gradu Guwahati, savezna država Assam u Indiji. Pouzdanost anketnoga upitnika testirana je koeficijentom Cronbach alfa. Statističke mjere srednje vrijednosti i standardne devijacije te faktorska analiza koriÅ”tene su da bi se ostvario cilj istraživanja. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Istraživanje otkriva da korisnici imaju pozitivno iskustvo u kupovini police životnog osiguranja u banci kao kanalu prodaje. Utvrđeno je sedam glavnih čimbenika koji utječu na iskustvo korisnika pri kupovini osiguranja u banci kao kanalu prodaje, a to su: jednostavnost kupovine, dobivanje povlastica vezano uz dospijeće police, pouzdanost kanala, odgovornost kanala, poslijekupovne usluge, informacije o radu burzi te preciznost kanala. Banka bi trebala osmisliti strategiju održivosti pozitivnog iskustva korisnika jer će joj to omogućiti zadržavanje postojećih i privlačenje novih korisnika. Ograničenja ā€“ Istraživanje je ograničeno na korisnike koji kupuju policu životnog osiguranja u različitim podružnicama banke State Bank of India u gradu Guwahati, savezna država Assam u Indiji. Zbog toga je potrebno longitudinalno i kros-kulturno istraživanje kako bi se ovi rezultati mogli generalizirati. Doprinos ā€“ Ovo je istraživanje prvo ovakve vrste, a samim time i originalno