209 research outputs found

    Serum thyroxin level during the first-trimester of pregnancy

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the requirement of serum thyroxin levels during the early stage of the first trimester of pregnancy. Methodology: Serum thyroxin levels of 120 apparently healthy women were evaluated in Gorgan in northern Iran during 2007-08 by the enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA). Results: According to the reference intervals of our standard kit, 48% of the pregnant women in this study had elevated thyroxin levels. Conclusion: The findings of this study can be misleading, because it was based on the laboratory standard kit, women normal range, as general. Pregnant women require higher levels of thyroxin and therefore, a specific normal range for the first trimester of pregnancy should be established in each particular region

    The prevalence of the elevation serum alanine amino transaminase at gorgan in Northern Iran

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    The elevation of serum alanine aminotranferase levels is associated most commonly with some forms of liver diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of elevated serum alanine aminotransferase levels and the possible liver damages in this region. This was a clinical laboratory based study. The data was obtained from the Danesh Medical Diagnostic Laboratory at Gorgan in northern Iran. The aminotransferase activity was measured by the pyridoxal -5-phsphate reaction. Values over 31 and 41 U/L were considered as indicative of elevated enzyme activity in females and males respectively. The findings of this study indicated that 16% of our population in general and of those who were aged 18-40 years in particular, had a form of liver disorder due to elevated enzyme, with a higher incidence among the female subjects, which seemed to be slightly higher than that reported by other studies earlier. The incidence was slightly higher among females. It seemed that high proportions of people (16%) in this region had an elevated serum enzyme activity of alanine amino-tranferase and according to well-documented reports, it might probably be associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. A comprehensive study is recommended to elaborate carefully the state of liver diseases in this region of Iran

    Analisis Penentuan Struktur Modal Yang Optimal Untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Pada PT. Astra Graphia Tbk Periode 2013-2015)

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    Companies in running their business activities must have a purpose. The purpose of the company is to maximize the firm value. Firm value can be created one of them by making the right funding decision. The right funding decision is made by determining the alternative sources of funding so as to obtain an efficient funding source. Companies in order to determine the right source of funding can use the concept of optimal capital structure.This research aims to know the management policy in determining the capital structure at PT. Astra Graphia Tbk period 2013-2015 and to determining a capital structure that can increase the firm value in 2016. The result of the analysis shows that the management in determining the capital structure in 2013-2015 uses more capital than the long-term debt. The optimal capital structure for 2013-2015 period occurs in 2013 when WACC is 19.60% and Tobin\u27s Q is 2.04. Based on the estimation of capital structure in 2016, it is known that from XI alternatives, alternative XI is the alternative with lowest WACC. Alternative XI produces WACC of 19.41% and Tobin\u27s Q ratio of 2.05

    Pengaruh Tingkat Kesehatan Bank dengan Menggunakan Metode Risk-based Bank Rating terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi pada Perusahaan Perbankan Umum Konvensional Sektor Bank Umum Swasta Devisa yang Terdaftar di Bei Periode 2013-2015)

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    This study аims to dеtеrminеаnd еxplаin thееffеct simultаnеously аnd thе most dominаnt influеncеаmong bаnk's hеаlty lеvеl fаctors by using thе Risk-Bаsеd Bаnk Rаting mеthod mеаsurеd by NPL, LDR, ROА, NIM аnd CАR vаriаblеs on firm vаluе (Tobin's Q) аt convеntionаl bаnking sеctor of Privаtе Forеign Еxchаngе Bаnks listеd on thе IDX 2013-2015. Thе typе of rеsеаrch usеd is quаntitаtivееxplаnаtory rеsеаrch. This rеsеаrch usеs thе populаtion of Forеign Еxchаngе Privаtе Bаnks listеd on BЕI bеforеаnd / or in 2013. Thеаnаlysis tеchniquе usеd in this rеsеаrch is multiplе linеаr rеgrеssion аnаlysis аssistеd by IBM SPSS Stаtictic 23.0 progrаm. Thе rеsults of this study indicаtе thаt NPL, LDR, ROА, NIM, CАR to thе vаluе of thе compаny contributеd 36.2% аnd thе rеmаining 63.8% influеncеd by othеr fаctors thаt do not еxist in this study. Thе rеsult of simultаnеous tеst (F tеst) shows thаt NPL, LDR, ROА, NIM, CАR hаvе significаnt еffеct to compаny vаluе. Thе rеsults of thе T Tеst show NPL, LDR, NIM аnd CАR hаvе no significаnt еffеct on firm vаluе (Tobin's Q), whilе LDR аnd ROА hаvе significаnt influеncе to firm vаluе (Tobin's Q). ROА is thе most dominаnt fаctor аffеcting firm vаluе. Kеy Words : NPL, LDR, ROА, NIM, CАR, Tobin's

    Pulsed thermography model for detecting the internal ferritic steel crack

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    The cracks in steel parts may occur near the contact surfaces under the effect of concomitant constraints. The growth mechanisms crack and its emergence are not currently known with certainty. With the finite element method we have developed a mathematical model to determine the crack depth from the standard thermal contrast taking into account of the contrast time values. We found that the flux density and pulse duration have no remarkable influence on the thermal image samples. We calculated the proposed model accuracy, and the optimal value of the theoretical measurement time.The simulation results show that pulsed thermography is adapted to inspection and characterization theinternal cracks into steel

    Role of sonography in the assessment of pelvic masses in women and its histopathological correlation

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    Background: Abnormal growth of tissues in gynecologic pelvic organs like uterus, cervix or uterine adnexa are termed as female pelvic masses. Pelvic masses can be benign or malignant in nature. An efficient non-invasive treatment modality is essential for effective management and efficient treatment of pelvic masses. Current investigation is aimed towards estimating the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of ultrasonography in diagnosing pelvic masses and differentiating benign and malignant pelvic masses.Methods: A descriptive study was conducted on 100 volunteers for 12 months at ultrasound department of radio-diagnosis in a tertiary care center. Patients were examined through transabdominal ultrasonography, covering entire pelvis. Morphology of pelvic lesions were examined in longitudinal and transverse planes through Doppler coupled with ultrasonography. Post-surgery histopathological examination reports were correlated with pre-operative imaging findings.Results: Majority of patients included in current study belonged to <40 years of age group and exhibited benign pelvic masses. Sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound in diagnosing benign masses was observed to be 87.5 and 70 respectively with PPV of 92.1 and NPV of 58.3. Majority of benign lesions were hypoechogenic, whereas malignant lesions were of mixed echogenicity. Most of the malignant lesions showed echogenic focus significantly different from malignant lesions.Conclusions: Ultrasonography was concluded to be primary modality and best screening tool for evaluation of pelvic masses with high sensitivity and specificity for correctly diagnosing and differentiating benign and malignant pelvic lesions. Ultrasonography coupled with color Doppler was efficient in determining the morphological characteristics of pelvic masses

    Acute poisoning by drug and pesticide

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    The concept behind this study is to find out the prevalence and reasons for acute poisoning in the emergency unit of 5th Azar hospital in Gorgan which is the main department in the town. This study was a cross-sectional descriptive study, the sample population were all the patients with acute poisoning either intentionally or accidentally whom admitted to the emergency unit of the hospital during period of one year. This research was implemented using a questionnaires which was filled either by the patients themselves or by those accompany them. The collected data were analyzed using the proper statistical tests. We conclude that the pre-university students are the main age group, drugs and pesticides are major types for either accidental or acute deliberate self-poising. © 2007 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Analisis Penentuan Harga Pokok Produksi Dengan Metode Activity Based Costing System (Sistem ABC) (Studi Kasus Pada CV. Indah Cemerlang Malang)

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    Activity Based Costing System is a method that can reduce distortion the cost of occuring in calculation cost accounting traditional. Distortion cost happened to cost accounting for on traditional accounting system traditional cost using only one cost driver so that of unit produced as a base determine how overhead a product. This study attemps to been given cost accounting traditional in determining the cost of good production and been given Activity Based Costing System in determining production. This research using methods descriptive the case study located in CV. Indah Cemerlang Malang. The result of this research shows that calculation occuring difference between traditional cost accounting with Activity Based Costing System, paving stone suffered overcosting Rp.16.952.888 , batako suffered undercosting Rp.11.067.402, and beton buis suffered undercosting Rp.5.172.403. CV. Indah Cemerlang expected to replace cost accounting traditional method with the Activity Based Costing System the calculation more accure compared with the cost accounting traditional and can help management in this matter