99 research outputs found

    Understanding the Relationship between Organization Commitment in Pakistan SME's Manufacturing Sector with Employees Citizenship Attitude.

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    Current Research Study Investigate the relationship between Employees Commitment (Normative, Affective and Continuous) and Their Citizenship Behavior attributes (Sportsmanship, Courtesy, Civic Virtue, Consciousness and Altruism) in SME's Manufacturing sector. For this purpose data was obtain from SME’s manufacturing sector in KPK and Islamabad region. Total 500 Questionnaires were distributed among the respondents. And 396 (79.22%) filled questionnaires were used for further analysis. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to check the reliability and validity of both OCB and Employees Commitment Measures. Correlation analysis conformed the positive and significant relationship between all the five attributes of citizenship behavior and employees commitment. Our Findings indicates the positive correlation among all the attributes of employees OCB and Their Commitment. However Civic virtue attribute of the employees OCB are strongly correlated with affective commitment and sportsmanship have the week relationship. However Consciousness attribute of the employees OCB are strongly correlated with affective commitment, while sportsmanship and Civic Virtue have the week relationship. Key Words; Normative, Affective and Continuous Commitment, OCB, Consciousness

    Preferences of Multinational & National Brands in Health Care Department

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    The current study was conducted in order to find out any relationship between National and Multinational brands and health care consultant preferences. For this purpose data was obtained from four different hospitals in Distract Bannu .Two hospital belong to private sector that are Shah Medical Complex (SMC) and Amjad child and mother health care center(ACMHCS) .And two public sector government hospitals namely Distract headquarter hospital for children (DHQ) and Khalifa Gul Nawaz Teaching Hospital (KGNTH).conveniouse sampling method was applied to select appropriate number of Health care consultants in  pediaratics  department. Information was collected through primary data and for this purpose a well structured questioners was designed. Total number of 160 Questioners were distributed among all the selected hospitals and receive 129 in response. Of these 129 respondents some of the questioners were not filled properly. Finally we select 120 questioners .In order to check relationship of health care consultant’s preferences with different Multinational and national brands we applied Chi- Square test. the results obtain from research shows that  there is significant association between health care consultants preferences and prices and quality of the product .At the same time the relationship between Health care consultants and Frequent visits of Medical representatives, efficacy, country of the origin, government polices are also important. Keywords: Health  Care consultants,  Multinational and National Brands, HCC Preferences

    Preferred Leadership Style of Civil Services Officers of Pakistan

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    The main objectives of this study were to investigate the "preferred leadership style of CSP officers". Moreover to find the leadership style on the basis of province of origin and gender and besides to find the relationship of province of origin and leadership style and the relationship of gender and leadership style. The study applied a survey technique to probe into the attitude of the CSP officers. The data for study was collected through personal administration of questionnaire from 174 trainees of the 40th batch in Civil Services Academy. Out of 174 trainees 71 returned the questionnaires in usable form. The respondents includes 30 from Punjab, 13 from Sindh, 13 from KPK, 3 from Baluchistan, 6 from AJK, 2 from FATA and 4 from Gilgit Biltistan where in 19 were male and 52 female.Bass (1985) Multifactor-Leadership-Questionnaire was submitted to the respondents to investigate the leadership style of the respondents after consultation with the supervisor.The data was collected tabulated and t-test was applied in order to check the preferred leadership style of the respondents. The chi-square, regression and ANNOVA used to find the relationship between the province of origin and leadership style, on the basis of gender and leadership style.It has been found from the study that overall highly preferred leadership style is management by expectation on the basis of province of origin and gender. Punjab trainees highly preferred intellectual stimulation, Sindh trainees highly preferred management by expectation, KPK trainees highly preferred laiseez-faire, Baluchistan trainees highly preferred contingent reward, where as the trainees from AJK highly preferred leadership dimension is laiseez-faire, trainees from the FATA highly preferred leadership style is management-by-exception while the trainees belonging to Gilgit Biltistan highly preferred intellectual stimulation dimension of leadership.The study found no significance differences in preferred leadership style on the basis of province of origin and gender. However, the study record needs further research to explore in depth the various aspects of the issue. Keywords; Leadership, MLQ, Civil Service Officers, Gender, Ledaership styles

    Preferred Leadership Style of Civil Services Officers ( CSO’s ) of Pakistan

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    The main objectives of this study were to investigate the "preferred leadership style of CSP officers". Moreover to find the leadership style on the basis of province of origin and gender and besides to find the relationship of province of origin and leadership style and the relationship of gender and leadership style. The study applied a survey technique to probe into the attitude of the CSP officers. The data for study was collected through personal administration of questionnaire from 174 trainees of the 40th batch in Civil Services Academy. Out of 174 trainees 71 returned the questionnaires in usable form. The respondents includes 30 from Punjab, 13 from Sindh, 13 from KPK, 3 from Baluchistan, 6 from AJK, 2 from FATA and 4 from Gilgit Biltistan where in 19 were male and 52 female.Bass (1985) Multifactor-Leadership-Questionnaire was submitted to the respondents to investigate the leadership style of the respondents after consultation with the supervisor.The data was collected tabulated and t-test was applied in order to check the preferred leadership style of the respondents. The chi-square, regression and ANNOVA used to find the relationship between the province of origin and leadership style, on the basis of gender and leadership style.It has been found from the study that overall highly preferred leadership style is management by expectation on the basis of province of origin and gender. Punjab trainees highly preferred intellectual stimulation, Sindh trainees highly preferred management by expectation, KPK trainees highly preferred laiseez-faire, Baluchistan trainees highly preferred contingent reward, where as the trainees from AJK highly preferred leadership dimension is laiseez-faire, trainees from the FATA highly preferred leadership style is management-by-exception while the trainees belonging to Gilgit Biltistan highly preferred intellectual stimulation dimension of leadership.The study found no significance differences in preferred leadership style on the basis of province of origin and gender. However, the study record needs further research to explore in depth the various aspects of the issue. Keywords:Leadership, MLQ, Civil Service Officers, Gender, Ledaership style

    Negligence of Today is Darkening Our Tomorrow (A Case Study of Private Schools in KPK)

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    This research attempts to investigate the awareness and implementation of newly formed laws for the benefits of the private school teachers at their schools. Descriptive statistics is used to investigate the implementation and awareness about labour laws among teachers and owners of private schools. It is also attempted to test the impact of awareness regarding labour laws and its working conditions and implementation of labour laws in private schools on job satisfaction of a private school teacher. Data was collected from 21 private schools located in Peshawar (Pakistan). The target respondent in this research was teachers of private schools and owners of the schools. Sample comprises of 122 private school teachers and owners of 21 schools. A survey method was adopted and data was collected through a questionnaire. For data analysis SPSS 16 version was used. Hypotheses were tested in twenty one schools. The reliability of construct is validated by Cronbach’s Alpha value. Regression is used to the test the hypothesis.Results of study showed that application of labour rights and awareness about labour laws has positive significant impact on job satisfaction of a private school teacher. Study results provide support to role of application of labour laws in the private education institutes and awareness about labor laws among the different stakeholders as and when  achieved can bring more job satisfaction among the private school teachers which can result in better quality of education. Keywords: Education,  Labor, Private Schools, Regression, Quality of education


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    Internet cafes are mushrooming across the country all in the big and small cities and even in towns and villages. “The basic idea behind establishing Internet clubs is to promote information technology. The government is laying down the policy to set up IT Centers in every nook and corner of the country. These cafes are instrumental for the promotion of IT and play a pivotal Role in this regard by benefiting those who have no access to this facility at their homes. Although Internet cafes are offering new opportunities to get online education, communication and information services - research indicates that negative impacts of these cafes are far-reaching, particularly in the students' community. As the heading of the research project indicates, the respondents for the required data included mangers/owners of the cafes and the visitors (students). Students of Gomal University were used for questionnaire fill-up. Thus these two groups form the population of this research project. In this study I selected the sample through simple random sampling and sample size is 50. It is also sad to see the people misusing the great blessing. And it is much more distressing to know that it is our youth, who are addicted to this misuse. The availability of pornographic pictures, videos and provocative sites is the biggest problem on the Internet. According to the survey majority of the customers of these clubs are the Students of various schools and colleges. They come in the morning and leave the cafe in afternoon or late evening. These students instead of using the Internet for educational purpose prefer browsing different websites; indulge in chatting and watching movies, especially pornography. Majority of the Internet cafes have six to seven feet high cabins fitted with fancy lights, music and refreshments. The internet cafes are corrupting the minds of the younger generation in the name of access to information technology. The government is planning to block the porn sites but they are in millions and hundreds of them are launched almost every day. Why can't a law be enforced prohibiting the cafe owners from providing privacy through the secret cabins to the consumers? Key Words; Internet cafes, Education, Information services, Customers, Browsin

    The Study of Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Approach in Teaching of Mathematics at Secondary Levels in Pakistan

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    The literacy rate in any country is generally regarded as the index of development. If we examine the causes of low literacy rate and low standard of our education in Pakistan, one can find poor method of teaching as one of the major reasons. This is an age of science and technology, and as a matter of fact subject of mathematics serves as a foundation of many modern science and technology courses. In all of the academic disciplines, in one way or the other mathematics plays the fundamental role in learning and expanding the boundaries of existing knowledge. In this research paper we will examine the approach of corporate learning approach and how are teachers familiar to this new concept during teaching Mathematics at secondary level. Why student do not take interest in mathematics. For this purpose the population is comprised of all the registered students of 10th Class in the Government Girls (G.G. from now onward) High School Qasaban No.5 Dera Ismail Khan city. Fifty student from class 10 is selected randomly and divided into two groups namely Group A, and Group Data was analyzed through 1.     Mean and standard deviation of scores obtained through pre-test of group A and B are calculated. 2. Mean, standard deviation and pooled standard deviation of scores obtained through post-test are calculated for both groups separately. 3. T-statistic and paired T are calculated.  The first finding of the study is that the mean of pre-test mathematics achievement scores of group A and group B is the same i.e. 30.64 while there is variation in standard deviations are 7.12 and 5.79 respectively. The student learns through corporate learning techniques scored better than other. This may be attributed to students’ dullness in learning math trough traditional approach. Keywords; Learning, Mathematics, Standard deviation, T statistics, Students


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    Health is basic need of every age and almost every country of world is spending much of its resources on providing health facility to its public. Health problem in Pakistan, having a population of 118.6 million people with 3.1% growth rate (ESP, 2012), are tremendously increasing and poses multiple threats to continued economic and social development in country. In Pakistan different government and private medical colleges are producing doctor’s at large scale but we are still not in position to achieve health for all (Zahir, 1992: 93). The incidence of ill health and premature deaths among the poor in Pakistan is very high. Many of the women’s premature deaths are due to a high rate of maternal mortality from Hemorrhage, infection toxeing, obstructive labor and primitive abortion methods. Thus women especially poor of rural areas, are caught in problems which needs to be explored. This study was conducted to understand the problems of female patients in DHQ Zanana Hospital, DIKhan, which is a beneficiary institution established by government for the welfare of women population of DIKhan division (District Tank and District DIKhan). The hospital is located at Kachehry in Road DIKhan city and administratively, it is the part of District Headquarter Hospital, DIKhan. It is the only female hospital in DIKhan division, not only patients from DIKhan but also from areas situated near DIKhan like Jandula, Wana and Bhakkar depends on this hospital for their treatment. The staff and patients of Zanana Hospital DIKhan was population of the study. Purposive sampling was used in terms of doctors and nurses however but random in case of patients. The reason was that the doctors and nurses were identifiable and calculated but patients were numerous therefore, whoever could be contacted, in case of the respondent of this study. A very small number of patients get some medicines from hospital store, off course limitation of budget is there, but miss-use of available medicine in the hospital store is also responsible for the lack of free medicine facility. Low quality medicines are accepted, which doctors do not want to prescribe. KEY WORDS;  Health, Mortality, Economic and social development, Female patients

    Does Librarian Job Satisfaction Mediate The Relationship Between Librarian Leadership Styles, Library Culture And Employees Commitment?

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    The current study tries to align various model of mediation through leadership styles (Transformational, Transactional), organization culture types (innovative, supportive and bureaucratic) with employee’s commitment thorough job satisfaction among the employees of government libraries from Khyber pakhtoonKhwa Pakistan. The data was collected through adopted construct from finite sample and it was analyzed through (Barron and Kenny) meditational procedure. Findings depict that employees commitment with job depend upon the leadership styles and it is positively mediated by their satisfaction from job. In contrast from three different cultural set up only bureaucratic cultural attribute shows significant relationship with employee’s commitment through meditational role of employee’s job satisfaction. Interestingly both supportive and innovative culture did not indicate the direct relationship with employee’s commitment, nor does it support the meditational role of employee’s job satisfactio


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    The current study tries to understand the prospective of students about librarian leadership approach during their time spent in university main library. In this regard librarian transformational leadership attributes (Articulating Vision, Individualized consideration, Group Goal, Idealized Influence) as well as transactional approach (Contingent Reward, Contingent Punishment) was assessed through the students response based on age, gender differences and their background from three different campuses. In this regard data was analyzed through SPSS via one sample t-test and ANOVA as well as regression analysis. Findings depict that students perceive librarian transformational and transactional leadership on the basis of different characteristics. Similarly students background from three different campuses also evident significant results for differentiating librarian transformational and transactional leadership abilities
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