354 research outputs found


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    Being a parent has the logical consequence of responsibility for children. The task of parents is not as simple as only growing and fulfilling children's clothing, shelter and food but also responsible for all aspects of a child's life in the world to the hereafter. Al-Qur'an itself also regulates it in its various verses (ayat), either in the form of a direct word or in stories that can be learned. As QS al-Nisa ' verses (ayat) nine emphasizes the obligation of parents to prepareeverything as much as possible for their offspring‟s future, especially if parents cannot accompany children to adulthood. The threat of not leaving their children in a weak condition is mentioned twice with different stressing since in Al Qur'an, there is no word that is truly synonymous even if it is interpreted in Indonesian with the same meaning. Therefore, this verse is understood as the duty and responsibility of parents to prepare themselves and focuson making a strong generatio


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    Al-Qur'an as the basic basis of Islamic education in it contains an absolute source of value, and the Qur'an as a role model for all Muslims, the book revealed to the prophet Muhammad SAW which is widely used as an example, especially in moral lessons such as the word Allah in the Surah Al Ahzab verse 21. Madrasah Aliyah Madrasatul Qur`an Tebuireng is one of the schools that applies the local tahfidz Qur`an curriculum (memorizing the Qur'an) each student is obliged to memorize the Qur'an with a specific target from the school. But the reality is that not all students who have the most memorized Al-Qur'an and have good character are memorized smoothly and conversely not all students whose morals are not good memorized smoothly. This phenomenon encourages researchers to examine and find out the role of the students' morals in improving the memorization of the Qur'an


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    Religious activities on personality are very continuous, we know that by doing religious activities will form a good personality. As is the case with prayer, that there is a significant correlation between the vertical dimension and the horizontal dimension, which means that the better the individual's spirituality level towards God, the better his social behaviour. Such is the case at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Terpadu Misykat Al-Anwar Kwaron Jombang which has implemented religious activities. The application of religious activities is due to the decreasing number of student ethics among adolescents. This has become a researcher's interest to find out more about the influence of religious activities on student personality. This study aims to determine how much influence the implementation of religious activities has on student personality. This study uses a quantitative approach, the study design uses ex post facto and correlational types. Data collection techniques consisted of documentation and questionnaires. In this study, the data analysis used the product-moment, Cronbach's alpha and Spearman rank with SPSS 16. Based on the results of the Spearman rank test, the obtained sig was 0.000, which means that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, which means that there is a positive and significant influence between the variables. religious activities and student personality. In the column the correlation coefficient between religious activities on student personality is 0.681, which is between the values of 0.600 - 0.799, this means that it has a strong influence

    Jurnal Arkeologi Siddhayatra Vol.3 No.2 Tahun 1998

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    Jurnal Arkeologi Siddhayatra Vol.3 No.2 Tahun 1998 kali ini memuat enam tulisan dengan kajian berbeda. Kolaborasi antara Yusmaini Eriawati dan M.Fadhlan S Intan dari Puslit Arkenas mengkaji tinggalan tembikar dari Situs Gedungkarya, Jambi. Retno Purwanti berusaha mengungkap arsitektur Candi 1 Bumiayu. Sedangkan temuan benda-benda emas dari Candi Kota Kapur coba dibahas Budi Wiyana. Satu lagu tulisan hasil kolaborasi antara Aryandini Novita dan Chaksana AH Said dari Jurusan Arkeologi UI membahas masalah perkotaan Batavia dari Abad ke XVII-XIX. Mujib yang interest dengan tulisan kuna, terutama yang berbahasa Arab mengkaji tinggalan nisan dari Makam Kambang Koci dari sisi grafis, kaligrafi dan linguistik. Akhirnya penerbitan kali ini ditutup Vita dari Puslit Arkenas yang membahas pengaruh hutan mangrove terhadap Situs Gilimanuk

    Clear cell chondrosarcoma of the head and neck

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    Clear cell chondrosarcoma is a rare variant of chondrosarcoma that mostly involves the end of long bones. However, nine cases have been reported in the head and neck: four in larynx, two in nasal septum, two in maxilla and one in the skull. These cases form the basis of this review. Head and neck cases accounts for less than 5% of Clear cell chondrosarcomas in the whole body and the larynx is the most common place. The histological findings of head and neck cases are consistent with general features of this entity in the whole body and nearly all tumors in this case series had a component of conventional chondrosarcoma. Clear cell chondrosarcoma is an intracompartmental tumor and retains "Grenz zone" just beneath the epithelium. Therefore, the overlying mucosa remained intact in all laryngeal cases. Nasal tumor caused ballooning of the septum and the maxillary lesion did not involve the oral mucosa. This tumor presents various radiographic features in the head and neck area. Chondroblastoma, chondroma, osteoblastoma, osteosarcoma and metastatic renal cell carcinoma are included in the histologic differential diagnoses. Differentiation from chondroblastic osteosarcoma is important in the maxilla. A wide resection is adequate in most cases. However, some laryngeal cases show tendency to recur. Clear cell chondrosarcoma is a slow growing tumor and this necessitates a long time follow-up of patients. Due to the extreme rarity in the head and neck, diagnosis of Clear cell chondrosarcoma in this area, must be confirmed by histochemical and immunohistochemical studies