7,682 research outputs found

    Islam Dan Budaya Di Banten: Menelisik Tradisi Debus Dan Maulid

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    Sejarah mencatat pada awal abad 19, Banten menjadi rujukan para ulama di Nusantara, bahkan di Asia Tenggara, khususnya tentang ilmu keIslaman. Kebudayaan Banten, yang nampak sederhana, sesungguhnya memiliki kompleksitas yang tinggi. Artikel ini mengetengahkan potret budaya Banten dengan memfokuskan pada dua pokok bahasan yakni atraksi debus dan tradisi Panjang Maulid. Penelitian menemukan bahwa beragamnya seni pertunjukan kesenian rakyat Banten, yang berkembang secara turun temurun, tidak terlepas dari pengaruh keagamaan, khususnya Islam

    Zinc Deficiency Produces Time-Related Ultrastructural Changes in Rat Cheek Epithelium

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    The subject of this study was whether the ultrastructural changes in cheek epithelium of zinc-deficient rats are time related. Weanling male Sprague Dawley rats were fed a zinc-deficient diet containing 0.4 ppm zinc (ZD) ad libitum and controls were pair-fed zinc adequate diet containing 40 ppm zinc. After 9, 18, and 27 days of zinc deficiency, specimens from cheek epithelium of both groups were processed for transmission electron microscopy. Partial conversion of the orthokeratinized cheek epithelium to parakeratinized was seen as early 9 days. An electron-lucent band surrounding the nucleus was observed in ZD cells. Mitochondria, tonofilaments, keratohyalin granules and ribosomes seemed to be increased with the increase in time of zinc deficiency. There was a thickening of the stratum corneum as well as hyperplasia and widening of the inter-cellular spaces of the spinous layer cells. Retention of a few membrane coating granules (MCGs) in the parakeratinized layer was seen after 9 days. Parakeratinization was further increased after 18 days of zinc deficiency, and the number of MCG profiles also increased. The epithelium was fully parakeratinized following 27 days of zinc deficiency, and the number of MCG profiles was increased. It was concluded that zinc deficiency affected cell proliferation and differentiation of the epithelium as early as 9 days, and caused a delay in loss of nuclei and MCGs in parakeratinized cells

    ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Chrysoviridae

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    The Chrysoviridae is a family of small, isometric, non-enveloped viruses (40 nm in diameter) with segmented dsRNA genomes (typically four segments). The genome segments are individually encapsidated and together comprise 11.5–12.8 kbp. The single genus Chrysovirus includes nine species. Chrysoviruses lack an extracellular phase to their life cycle; they are transmitted via intracellular routes within an individual during hyphal growth, in asexual or sexual spores, or between individuals via hyphal anastomosis. There are no known natural vectors for chrysoviruses. This is a summary of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) Report on the taxonomy of the Chrysoviridae, which is available at www.ictv.global/report/chrysoviridae.Peer reviewe

    Excitonic quasiparticles in a spin-orbit Mott insulator

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    In condensed matter systems, out of a large number of interacting degrees of freedom emerge weakly coupled particles, in terms of which most physical properties are described. For example, Landau quasiparticles (QP) determine all electronic properties of a normal metal. The lack of identification of such QPs is major barrier for understanding myriad exotic properties of correlated electrons, such as unconventional superconductivity and non-Fermi liquid behaviours. Here, we report the observation of a composite particle in a Mott insulator Sr2IrO4---and exciton dressed with magnons---that propagates with the canonical characteristics of a QP: a finite QP residue and a lifetime longer than the hopping time scale. The dynamics of this charge-neutral bosonic excitation mirrors the fundamental process of the analogous one-hole propagation in the background of ordered spins, for which a well-defined QP has never been observed. The much narrower linewidth of the exciton reveals the same intrinsic dynamics that is obscured for the hole and is intimately related to the mechanism of high temperature superconductivity.Comment: submitted versio

    2-DOF Lead-plus-PI Control Approach for Magnetic Levitation System

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    This paper proposes Two-Degree of Freedom (2-DOF) Lead-plus-PI a classical linear control system for positioning control of a magnetic levitation (maglev) system. Maglev system has practical importance in many engineering system. However, maglev has inherently nonlinear and open loop unstable characteristics. Thus, it is a challenging task to control the maglev system. In this paper, the 2-DOF Lead-plus-PI controller is developed to control the positioning performance of the maglev system as it has simple control structure and straightforward design procedure that can be designed using root locus technique and Ziegler Nichols second method. The proposed controller can be easily implemented into the maglev system without require deep knowledge in control system. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is validated experimentally. Experimental results show the 2-DOF Lead-plus-PI controller has a better positioning accuracy and transient response in point-to-point motion, as compared to Lead-plus-PI controller. The proposed controller shows a position accuracy of 40 µm, which is around the vibration amplitude of the sensor output in open loop. It also takes less than 1 second to stabilize the ball within ± 200 µm and the steady state error has improved to around 45% in point-to-point positioning performance. Besides, the proposed controller also reduced the tracking error to about 48% as compared to Lead-plus-PI controller

    Mtwara Regional and District Projections.

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    \ud This report presents population projections for the period 2003 to 2025 for Mtwara region and its districts. The projections were made using a Cohort Component Method (Spectrum System), whereby three components responsible for population change, namely: mortality, fertility and\ud migration were projected separately as well as HIV/AIDS prevalence. The projected components were then applied to 2002 midyear base population in order to come up with the desired projections from 2003 to 2025. The report gives mortality, fertility, migration and HIV/AIDS assumptions, and shows Mtwara’s demographic and socio-economic future trends. The results include estimated population by sex in single years and five-year age groups as well as some demographic indicators. Population growth for the period 2003 to 2025 shows an increase from 1.8 percent in 2003 (with a population of 1,145,655) to 2.0 percent in 2009 (with a population of 1,297,751) and will decrease gradually to 1.8 in 2025 (with a population of 1,724,679). Sex Ratio at birth is projected to increase from 90 male births per 100 females in 2003 to 97 male births per 100 females in 2025. Mortality estimates show that Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is expected to decline for both sexes from 143 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2003 to 84 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2025. Under Five Mortality Rate (U5MR) for both sexes will also decline from 238 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2003 to 134 deaths per 1,000 live births in the year 2025. Life expectancy at birth for Mtwara will increase from 43 years in 2003 to 48 years in 2025 for both sexes. For male population, life expectancy at birth will increase from 43 years in year 2003 to 48 years in 2025, while for female population the life expectancy at birth will increase from 42 years in 2003 to 48 years in 2025. On fertility, TFR will decline from 4.9 children per woman in 2003 to 4.6 children per woman in 2025.\u

    Assessing the Impacts of Different Initiatives on the Rehabilitation of Pastoral and Silvopastoral Ecosystems: Big Data Oriented Approach

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    Moroccan forests, through the provision of goods and ecosystem services, underpins benefits to local communities and play a crucial role for rural area development. The legal framework recognizes to people, living near public forests, the right to graze their domestic livestock. Over the years, the grazing pressure is at levels far beyond the forestland’s carrying capacity throughout the country. Such pressure has been demonstrated as the main cause of forest cover loss and land degradation in Morocco and still threatening the sustainability of forests. To reduce the heavy grazing pressure on forest ecosystems and ensure their regeneration, several initiatives have been conducted such as the program of compensation for forest areas closed to grazing (CFCG), initiated by Moroccan forestry department. Socio-economic impact assessment of this mechanism was presented within several studies but its effectiveness for forest rangeland rehabilitation remains scarce and very spatially limited. To deal with this concern and to assess vegetation dynamics through various spatial and temporal scales, parcels concerned by CFCG and others within similar conditions was chosen. Time series of remotely sensed spectral indices at each parcel was used for vegetation cover dynamics assessment. Google Earth Engine platform (GEE) was used as computing plateform. As result, the spectral indices trends shown a long-lasting degradation tendency in areas planted without compensation compared to those concerned by CFCG. Such results were also verified using aerial images covering the analyzed parcels. As conclusion, within comparable conditions, CFCG improved vegetation cover trends. The use of GEE Platform simplified the process of treatment of remote sensed imagery and made it easy to assess the state of the vegetation and will be of great use in assessing the impacts of different programs and initiatives on the restoration of pastoral and silvopastoral ecosystems
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