8 research outputs found

    Direct Drilling of Soybean in a Pensacola Bahiagrass Pasture in the Northwest Region of Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil

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    The response of methods of soil preparation (M1=conventional tillage, and with notillage using the following herbicides M2=50% Paraquat plus 50% Orizalin; M3=50% Paraquat plus 50% Diquat and M4=Paracol (20% Paraquat plus 20 Diuron)) and row spacing (E1=17 cm, E2=24 cm, E3=51 cm and E4=68 cm) on soybean grain yield direct drilled in an eight-year-old grazed sward of Bahiagrass cv. Pensacola (Paspalum notatum var. saurae Parodi) were studied in southern of Brazil. The results showed that direct drilling of soybean on Pensacola accompanied by desiccant herbicides is a viable agronomic practice. The narrow row spacing is beneficial to this agronomic practice resulting in higher grain yields. The relationship between soybean grain yield and Pensacola dry matter yield was expressed by a negative linear regression. In spite of the damage to the Pensacola caused by herbicides and by soybean competition the sward recovered immediately after the soybean maturation and harvest

    2018 Robotic Scene Segmentation Challenge

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    In 2015 we began a sub-challenge at the EndoVis workshop at MICCAI in Munich using endoscope images of ex-vivo tissue with automatically generated annotations from robot forward kinematics and instrument CAD models. However, the limited background variation and simple motion rendered the dataset uninformative in learning about which techniques would be suitable for segmentation in real surgery. In 2017, at the same workshop in Quebec we introduced the robotic instrument segmentation dataset with 10 teams participating in the challenge to perform binary, articulating parts and type segmentation of da Vinci instruments. This challenge included realistic instrument motion and more complex porcine tissue as background and was widely addressed with modifications on U-Nets and other popular CNN architectures. In 2018 we added to the complexity by introducing a set of anatomical objects and medical devices to the segmented classes. To avoid over-complicating the challenge, we continued with porcine data which is dramatically simpler than human tissue due to the lack of fatty tissue occluding many organs

    Comportamento ingestivo diurno de vacas primíparas em pastagem nativa dominada por capim-annoni-2 com suplementação proteica e mineral em diversas estações climáticas Diurnal ingestive behaviour of pregnant heifers grazing on natural grasslands invaded by Eragrostis plana Ness as affected by protein and mineral supplements in the different climatic seasons

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    Avaliou-se a influência da suplementação proteica e mineral sobre o comportamento ingestivo de vacas primíparas em pastagem nativa dominada por capim-annoni-2 (Eragrostis plana Ness) recebendo suplementação com sal comum; sal mineral; sal proteinado; ou sal para reprodução e sal proteinado (1:1). Testou-se a hipótese de que suplementos minerais e proteinados pudessem promover alterações no comportamento ingestivo dos animais em pastejo. O estudo foi desenvolvido em uma área de 37 ha de pastagem nativa invadida por capim-annoni-2, dividida em oito potreiros (unidades experimentais). Os animais foram avaliados no período diurno, por dois dias consecutivos, em cada uma das estações climáticas, de abril de 2006 a março de 2007. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com duas repetições. Os tempos de pastejo, de ruminação, de ócio e de outras atividades não diferiram entre suplementos, e os valores médios diários para essas atividades foram 505, 108, 70 e 11 minutos, respectivamente. Os tempos de pastejo, ruminação e ócio e a taxa de bocados diferiram significativamente entre as estações climáticas. A suplementação proteica e mineral não promove alterações significativas no comportamento ingestivo dos animais. O comportamento ingestivo, no entanto, é influenciado pelas estações climáticas.<br>The influence was assessed of protein and mineral supplementation on the ingestive behavior of pregnant heifers on a native grassland dominated by capim-annoni-2 (Eragrostis plana Ness) supplementation with common salt, mineral salt, protein salt and protein salt and reproduction salt (1:1). The hypothesis was tested that different mineral and protein salt supplements could promote alterations in the animal grazing ingestive behavior. The study was carried out in a 37 ha area of native pasture invaded by capim-annoni-2, divided into 8 paddocks (experimental units). The animals were evaluated during the daylight period on two consecutive days, in each one of the climatic seasons, from April 2006 to March 2007. A randomized complete design was used with two replications. The grazing time, ruminating, idling and other activities did not differ among supplements, and the average daily values for these activities were 505, 108, 70 and 11 min., respectively. The grazing time, ruminating, idling and bite rate differed significantly among the climatic seasons. Protein salt and mineral salt supplementation does not promote significant changes in the animals ingestive behavior. The ingestive behavior is, however, influenced by the climatic seasons