83 research outputs found

    Face Recognition Using Morphological Analysis of Images

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    Face recognition from still and motion image has been an active and emerging research area in the field of image processing, pattern recognition and so on in the recent years . The challenges associated with discriminant face recognition can be attributed to the following factors such as pose, facial expression, occlusion, image orientation, image condition, presence or absence of structural component and many more. In this paper, we have tried to emphasize on the morphological analysis of images based on the behavior of the intensity value. Firstly images with various situations of a person are selected as training images. Based on the min, max and average characteristics of images, the training model has been built. Morphological analysis like binary image processing, erosion and dilation play the important role to identify the facial portion of an image from the whole one. Finally face recognition has been made for input images based on their intensity value measurement. The training images collected from various database such as YALE, ORL, and UMIST and others. The algorithm performed well and showed 80 percent accuracy on face predictio

    Puesta en escena de la masculinidad: el impacto de los legados ancestrales y coloniales en las relaciones de género y la transformación social a través del estreno cinematográfico de Sembene Ousmane (1960-1965)

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    Este artículo estudia la génesis del cine de Sembene Ousmane durante los primeros años de la independencia de Senegal. Sembene fue un destacado escritor senegalés anticolonialista que se pasó al cine durante el “interludio de las independencias”, de 1960 a 1965, con su primera película Borom Sarret (1963, lo que le convirtió en pionero del cine africano. Su revolucionaria cinematografía y su proyecto artístico radical lo catapultaron al panteón de la cinematografía mundial. Basándonos en la crítica cinematográfica poscolonial, este artículo se centra en sus dos primeras películas: Borom Sarret y Niaye (1964). El argumento principal es que Sembene realizó estratégicamente estas películas para contribuir de forma genuina al esfuerzo colectivo de la reconstrucción nacional, poniendo énfasis en la relación de género. El artículo comienza con un breve repaso de las obras literarias que Sembene publicó durante el periodo estudiado, con especial enfoque en la masculinidad, para comprender mejor las dinámicas de poder y su impacto desde una perspectiva artística. A continuación, profundiza en el análisis del legado colonial y ancestral en Borom Sarret y, por último, se centra en Niaye para explorar la representación de la memoria colectiva y las dinámicas patriarcales en una sociedad seudofeudal en transición del colonialismo a la independencia, por un lado, y de la tradición a la modernidad, por el otro. Este artículo contribuye a una mejor comprensión de cómo Sembene abordó la transformación social, navegó por las estructuras del poder (pos)colonial conformadas por legados coloniales y ancestrales, y se estableció como artista iconoclasta.

    The Medical Net: Patients, Psychiatrists And Paper Trails In The Kashmir Valley

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    This dissertation examines psychosocial interventions as specific social, political, medical, and ontological formations in the Kashmir valley. Till recently, medical humanitarianism was dominated by short-term, surgical interventions that focused on providing emergency biomedical care. In recent years, however, humanitarian organizations have increasingly focused on mental health interventions, particularly in places marked by low-intensity, long-term conflict, such as Kashmir. This dissertation traces the indeterminacies that have arisen as the outcome and effects of humanitarian work have shifted away from questions of life and death to the terrain of psychosocial wellbeing. Specifically, it argues that while humanitarianism is constituted by new subjects and objects of knowledge-such as psychiatrists, counselors, PTSD, and trauma therapies-it is also made up by less visible moments of (mis)translation, (mis)apprehension, and doubt. As such, I argue that medical humanitarianism takes the form of a "net" (jal), an object that is constituted by both its visible nodes and threads, as well as by "gaps" in between. Taking its inspiration from feminist science studies, the dissertation enacts the form of the net by moving from a focus on the visible nodes, that is, asylum and experts, to the threads that move between the clinic and the outside, namely medical cards and pills, to finally, the "gaps" in the net, that is, love stories. ! iii The "politics of visibility" that marks humanitarian practice is also replicated within the anthropology of humanitarianism. Anthropology has traditionally approached humanitarianism as providing the gift of life-in the form of citizenship, asylum, or legal residency-for victims of violence. Yet organizations that focus on psychosocial suffering do not hold out the promise of life as much as they provide limited techniques for living with suffering. Far from universally embraced, this latter gift raises questions about the worthiness of humanitarian endeavors in places of long-term suffering. This dissertation thus goes beyond a focus on humanitarianism as a "politics of life" to an ethnographically rich account of the everyday contestations and misapprehensions that characterize humanitarianism in a zone of political stagnation. ! i


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    Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2001 yang telah dirubah dengan UU Nomor 35 Tahun 2008 tentang Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti UU Nomor 1 Tahun 2008 tentang Perubahan Atas UU Nomor 21 Tahun 2001 tentang Otonomi Khusus Bagi Provinsi Papua Menjadi Undang-Undang menempatkan orang asli Papua dan penduduk Papua pada umumnya sebagai subjek utama. Penjabaran dan pelaksanaan UU ini seharusnya juga dilakukan secara proporsional sesuai dengan jiwa dan semangat berbangsa dan bernegara yang hidup dalam nilai-nilai luhur masyarakat Papua, yang diatur dalam Peraturan Daerah Khusus dan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi. UU Nomor 21 tahun 2001 menyebutkan orang asli Papua adalah orang yang berasal dari rumpun ras Melanesia yang terdiri dari suku-suku asli di Provinsi Papua dan/atau orang yang diterima dan diakui sebagai orang asli Papua oleh masyarakat adat Papua. Hal-hal mendasar yang menjadi parameter kepentingan asli Orang Papua termaktub dalam Penjelasan UU Nomor 21 tahun 2001. Law Number 21 Year 2001 which has been amended by Law Number 35 Year 2008 Concerning Establishment of Government Regulations Substitute Law Number 1 Year 2008 Regarding Amendments to Law Number 21 Year 2001 Concerning Special Autonomy For Papua Province Becoming Laws places indigenous Papuans and Papuans at generally as the main subject. The elaboration and implementation of this Law in Provinces and Regencies/Cities should also be carried out proportionally in accordance with the spirit and spirit of the nation and state that live in the noble values ​​of the people of Papua, which are regulated in Special Regional Regulations and Provincial Regulations. Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Province of Papua states that the Orang Asli Papua are people who come from the Melanesian race which consists of indigenous tribes in the Papua Province and/or people who are accepted and recognized as indigenous Papuans by the Papuan indigenous people. The basic things that become parameters of the original interests of the Papuan people are contained in the Explanation of Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning the Special Autonomy of Papua and the human rights constitution

    Agarwood practice and rural livelihoods in Naharani area of Golaghat District, Assam, North-East India

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    Agarwood is a highly valuable aromatic plant variety mostly found in the tropical forest. The people of Assam have been practicing Agarwood cultivation and its trade for several decades. In this paper, an attempt has been made to investigate the indigenous knowledge system associated with the agar trade, i.e., detection of agar bearing plants, collection, processing, extraction of oil, and marketing of agarwood and its livelihood opportunities for the rural people. Naharani, a micro area with a few revenue villages located in the Golaghat district of Assam, has been selected for the study. This area is the hub of the Agar trade, and the local people have inherited this tradition from their ancestors. For this study, visit to different household industries, site observation, interviews with the people engaged in agar trade, and household surveys were carried out during 2016 and 2018. A simple random sampling technique was used for the selection of the sample household. Data have been collected from the randomly selected 975 households with a well-structured schedule-cum-questionnaire. Sustainable livelihood framework analysis was done to measure the livelihood assets of the people. It has been found that the agar trade and its associated practices have a significant contribution to the socio-economic condition of the rural people. As agarwood is now rarely found in the wild state, people have used to plant it in their homesteads and also developed plantation sites for its sustainable production. The homestead cultivation of agarwood and its trade alone contributes about 15-60% to the total annual income of the households. Although agarwood cultivation is commercially viable and sustainable, the farmers and traders are currently facing lots of hurdles to properly carry out their business in Assam

    Entrepreneuriat au Burkina Faso : lueur d’espoir pour une jeunesse de plus en plus ambititeuse

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    Ce chapitre présente l’état des lieux de l’entrepreneuriat au Burkina Faso en mettant l’accent sur des aspects relatifs au marché du travail dans ce pays, les formes d’emploi, l’esprit entrepreneurial et les principaux défis que doivent relever ce pays, ses décideurs politiques, sa population et notamment sa jeunesse. Il faut noter d’emblée que les jeunes Africains en général et ceux du Burkina Faso en particulier sont de plus en plus ambitieux et développent des initiatives personnelles dans l’intention de s’auto-employer puisque l’entrepreneuriat est perçu comme une issue au chômage. Il suscite l’espoir d’améliorer les conditions de vie des jeunes et donc de les sortir de la pauvreté, dans le sens de l’exploitation de nouvelles opportunités selon l’expression de Pelletier (2004), de prise de risque, d’innovation pour le développement économique et social du pays. À travers une étude quantitative, il s’agit dans cette contribution de s’interroger sur la conception qu’a cette jeunesse de l’entrepreneuriat, tout en faisant une description des dispositifs d’aide à la création d’entreprise par les jeunes pour relever leurs forces et leurs faiblesses. Il s’agit aussi de mettre en exergue les compétences entrepreneuriales qui font défaut aux jeunes et la façon de les développer afin qu’ils réussissent leurs projets. Des propositions faites également à l’endroit des gouvernants pour une meilleure prise en compte de l’entrepreneuriat des jeunes dans les politiques de développement au Burkina Faso concluent le chapitre

    The influence of industrial attitudes and behaviours in adopting sustainable construction practices

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    Considering the rapid environmental changes, the transitions to sustainable practices in the construction industry is vital now. Though the developed construction industries have already made efforts to switching to more sustainable and environment friendly practices, the developing countries are still lacking it. This research was organised to understand the role of project management practises and integrated methods in the sustainable development in the developing countries, for looking on how such practices can help these construction sectors become sustainable. The moderation effect of industrial attitudes and behaviours on sustainable construction was also conducted to understand the intermediary impacts. A survey based on the snowball sample of 208 construction professionals in Ghana was conducted to determine the impact of project management practises and integrated methods on sustainable construction. Research model was tested by employing bivariate correlation and multiple hierarchical regression analysis techniques, to establish the interrelationships among the project management practices, integrated approaches, industrial attitudes and behaviours, and sustainable construction and to explain these constructs in terms of their common underlying dimensions. The findings highlight that the project management practices and integrated approaches are significantly impacting on the sustainable construction practices in terms of BIM, Digital Twin, LEED, and BREEAM. Whereas the industrial attitudes and behaviours were found to be affecting the project management practises and integrated approaches through moderating role on sustainable construction. The study was concluded by suggesting the importance of sustainable construction practices and shaping industrial attitudes and behaviours towards such practices in the developing construction industries