927 research outputs found

    Image fusion using Wavelet Transform: A Review

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    An Image fusion is the development of amalgamating two or more image of common characteristic to form a single image which acquires all the essential features of original image Nowadays lots of work is going to be done on the field of image fusion and also used in various application such as medical imaging and multi spectra sensor image fusing etc For fusing the image various techniques has been proposed by different author such as wavelet transform IHS and PCA based methods etc In this paper literature of the image fusion with wavelet transform is discussed with its merits and demerit

    Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease with multisystem involvement: A case report

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    Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease (KFD) is a self-limited, usually benign condition of unknown etiology characterized by fever and cervicallymphadenitis. Multisystem involvement is not very common. We report a case of a 14-year-old Chinese boy who presented withprolonged fever, rashes, cervical lymphadenitis, oral ulcers, and weight loss eventually diagnosed with Kikuchi’s disease. This caseis interesting as the child subsequently developed multisystem involvement secondary to Kikuchi disease. The child recovered andremains well on follow-up clinic visits. KFD may have to be differentiated from many other infective, inflammatory, and malignantdisorders. Diagnosis is confirmed by characteristic histopathological findings on excision lymph node biopsy. Long-term carefulmonitoring of these patients for signs and symptoms of evolving systemic lupus erythematosus or other autoimmune disorders isrequired

    Transient hyperphosphatasemia: A case report

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    Transient hyperphosphatasemia (THP) is characterized by temporary elevation of serum alkaline phosphatase (AP). We reporta case of a 26-month-old girl referred for slow growth and found to have THP as AP levels returned to normal without activetreatment. THP is a benign condition in healthy children, which resolves spontaneously without any intervention. In the absenceof signs and symptoms of any underlying liver, bone or gastrointestinal disease, isolated elevation of AP levels should alert theclinician to a diagnosis of THP to avoid expensive, extensive, and unnecessary investigations

    Pharmaceutical Care in Chronic Coronary Artery Disease Management

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    Individuals who suffer from Acute Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) frequently experience related issues, either because of the illness itself or as a side effect. Despite the existence of established criteria, Drug-Related Problems (DRPs) are more likely to arise, which impairs therapy outcomes and overburden patients. The purpose of this study is to assess clinical pharmacist-initiated medication optimisation in ACS patients. In order to optimise pharmacotherapy and the patient care process, a comprehensive clinical pharmacy service was created and deployed for the management of acute coronary syndrome (ACS-CPS). The service activities were prototyped under four primary themes. Our research showed the proactive role of clinical chemists in starting and offering services such as transition care, medication reconciliation, medication optimisation, and evidence-based drug information and intervention

    A study on some taxa of family Mniaceae (Bryophyta) in Darjeeling (West Bengal), India

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    During study on the family Mniaceae in Darjeeling and its neighbouring areas, three genera and six species (Mnium lycopodioides, Orthomnion bryoides, Plagiomnium acutum, P. confertidens, P. rhynchophorum and P. succulentum) have been identified. Of these Plagiomnium acutum is reported here for the first time from eastern Himalaya. A detailed morpho-taxonomic account of these species with their current status and a key to all the taxa of family Mniaceae in Darjeeling is provided here

    Recovery of Cu and Ni from a Secondary Resource by Hydrometallurgical Route

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    A high iron containing copper and nickel based secondary resource analysing 22.43% Cu, 7.94% Ni and 36.28% iron has been treated to recover valuable metals by leaching with sulphuric acid. It was found that recovery of copper and nickel increased with increase in temperature and sulphuric acid concentration and in a two-stage leaching with 20% (v/v) sulphuric acid at 368 K above 99.9% copper and 82.35% nickel were recovered. The leaching data best fitted into chemical controlled kinetic model showing chemical reaction at the surface of the solid matrix. Activation energy of 20 kJ/mol and 44 kJ/mol were acquired for dissolution of copper and nickel, respectively. Attempts were also made to separate iron from the leach liquor by using Versatic 10 and recovery of copper and nickel in the form of their sulphate by solvent extraction; the copper and nickel could then be recovered as salts, metal cathodes or metal powder

    Diversity of mosses in some selected regions of Nagaland (North-East India), India

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    During an investigation on mosses of some underexplored regions of Nagaland, 121 taxa of mosses belonging to 74 genera and 29 families have been identified. Atrichum crispulum Schimp. & Besch. and Plagiothecium neckeroideum var. niitakayamae (Toyama) Z. Iwats. are new records for India. Five taxa namely Fissidens crassinervis var. laxus (Sull & Lesq.) A. Eddy., Barbula inaequalifolia Taylor, Amblystegium saxatile Schimp., Dicranum orthophylloides Dixon and Fabronia madurensis Dixon & Vard. are reported for the first time from Eastern Himalaya, while 57 taxa are new additions to Nagaland

    Solvent extraction and separation of zinc and cobalt from ammoniacal solution

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    A process was developed to recover Zn and Co by solvent extraction from the raffinate generated during processing of sea nodules. From a model ammoniacal solution containing 0.2 g/L Zn or 0.2 g/L Co, extraction of Zn and Co by Versatic acid was studied. A maximum of 87% Zn was extracted with 1M Versatic acid in single stage, whereas extraction of Co was negligible due to its higher oxidation state. When Co(III) was reduced to Co(II) by the addition of cobalt powder, 1M Versatic acid extracted 76% Co in a single stage. From the McCabe Thiele diagram number of counter current extraction stages required for complete recovery of Zn and Co from ammoniacal solution was determined. Simulation of counter current extraction of Zn and Co was also carried out. Thus, this process can be used to recover Zn, leaving Co in the raffinate. Then Co can be recovered by solvent extraction with Versatic acid after reducing Co(III) to Co(II) state

    Archilejeunea minutilobula Udar et U. S. Awasthi (Lejeuneaceae-Marchantiophyta) New to Gangetic plains of India

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    During an investigation on the bryophytes of Gangetic plains, Archilejeunea minutilobula Udar et U. S. Awasthi has been identified at Farakka, district Murshidabad (West Bengal) which is a new addition to the Gangetic plains and West Bengal. Previously it was known from South India (Mettupalayam, Mahabaleshwar) only. The taxon belongs to subfamily Ptychanthoideae of the family Lejeuneaceae (order Jungermanniales). Family Lejeuneaceae is underexplored in the Gangetic plain region and discovery of this species from this region after five decades since its inception is very significant