406 research outputs found

    Dependence of nonlinear refractive index of ZnSe on Be and Mg content

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    The values of the nonlinear refractive index n(2) and the two-photon absorption coefficient beta of ternary and quaternary ZnSe-based mixed crystals were extracted from the standard backward degenerate four wave mixing (DFWM) and nonlinear transmission measurements at 532 nm, respectively. Studied crystals were grown by the modified high-pressure Bridgman method. We found that the value of the nonlinear refractive index n(2) for Zn(0.79)Be(0.21)Se is higher than that for Zn(0.80)Mg(0.20)Se. However, the opposite behaviour was found in the case of two-photon absorption coefficient beta for these compounds. We also found that the values of the nonlinear refractive index n(2) and the two-photon absorption coefficient beta for Zn(0.83)Be(0.04)Mg(0.13)Se are about five times lower and three times higher than that for Zn(0.80)Mg(0.13)Se, respectively. In the case of ternary ZnSe-based crystals we noticed that the value of the nonlinear refractive index n2 decreases with increasing Mg or Be content. However, the value of the two-photon absorption coefficient beta increases with increasing Mg or Be content

    Scaling of the electron dissipation range of solar wind turbulence

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    Electron scale solar wind turbulence has attracted great interest in recent years. Clear evidences have been given from the Cluster data that turbulence is not fully dissipated near the proton scale but continues cascading down to the electron scales. However, the scaling of the energy spectra as well as the nature of the plasma modes involved at those small scales are still not fully determined. Here we survey 10 years of the Cluster search-coil magnetometer (SCM) waveforms measured in the solar wind and perform a statistical study of the magnetic energy spectra in the frequency range [1,1801, 180]Hz. We show that a large fraction of the spectra exhibit clear breakpoints near the electon gyroscale ρe\rho_e, followed by steeper power-law like spectra. We show that the scaling below the electron breakpoint cannot be determined unambiguously due to instrumental limitations that will be discussed in detail. We compare our results to recent ones reported in other studies and discuss their implication on the physical mechanisms and the theoretical modeling of energy dissipation in the SW.Comment: 10 pages, submitte

    Nonlinear optical properties of functionalized DNA

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    Third-order nonlinear optical properties of functionalized deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) are studied by optical third harmonic generation at 1 0642 nm fundamental wavelength. The studies were performed on thin films of DNA-CTMA and DNA-CTMA doped with a charge transfer molecules DR1 and with a cobalt phthalocyanine. They show that DNA, similarly as synthetic polymers, can be used as matrix for highly active NLO chromophores

    Study of the third order nonlinear optical properties of Zn1−xMgxSe and Cd1−xMgxSe crystals

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    Third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities χ<3> of ternary Zn1−xMgxSe and Cd1−xMgxSe crystals have been measured using standard degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) method at 532 nm. The nonlinear transmission technique has been applied to check if our crystals exhibit two-photon absorption. The studied Zn1−xMgxSe and Cd1−xMgxSe solid solutions were grown from the melt by the modified high-pressure Bridgman method. For both crystals the energy gap increases with increasing Mg content. In the case of Zn1−xMgxSe, it was found that the value of third order nonlinear optical susceptibility χ<3> decreases with increasing Mg content. An explanation of this behaviour results from the dependence of optical nonlinearities on the energy band gap Eg of the studied crystals. In the case of Cd1txMgxSe with low content of Mg, no response was observed for the studied wavelength since the energy gap in such crystals is smaller than the photon energy of the used laser radiation. It was also found that the value of third order nonlinear optical susceptibility χ<3> for Cd0.70Mg0.30Se is higher than for Zn0.67Mg0.33Se. This behaviour can be understood if one take into consideration that the free carrier concentration in Cd1−xMgxSe samples is about four orders of magnitude higher than that in Zn1txMgxSe ones with comparable Mg content respectively. It is commonly known that when the electric conductivity increases, the values of nonlinear optical properties increase. From the performed measurements one can conclude that the incorporation of Mg as constituent into ZnSe and CdSe crystals leads to a change of the third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities

    Variational principle for frozen-in vortex structures interacting with sound waves

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    General properties of conservative hydrodynamic-type models are treated from positions of the canonical formalism adopted for liquid continuous media, with applications to the compressible Eulerian hydrodynamics, special- and general-relativistic fluid dynamics, and two-fluid plasma model including the Hall-magnetohydrodynamics. A variational formulation is found for motion and interaction of frozen-in localized vortex structures and acoustic waves in a special description where dynamical variables are, besides the Eulerian fields of the fluid density and the potential component of the canonical momentum, also the shapes of frozen-in lines of the generalized vorticity. This variational principle can serve as a basis for approximate dynamical models with reduced number of degrees of freedom.Comment: 7 pages, revtex4, no figure

    Temperature Dependence of the Bistable Photoconductivity of Thin DNA: PEDOT Films

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    Thin DNA: PEDT-PSS layers were investigated. The functionalization of DNA by PEDT-PSS rendered the material electrically active, its conductivity being about (1-5) x 10(-10) Omega(-1)cm(-1) at the room temperature. The samples remained ohmic down to 77 K. The thermal activation energy of the conductivity near the room temperature was about 0.033 eV, and it decreased under 0.014 eV below 170-180 K. The weak carrier trapping was identified by the Thermally Stimulated Current method, proving the recombination of light-generated carriers. Notably, by constant light excitation a "bistable" photoconduction below the room temperature was evidenced. The photosensitive state could be induced by the light from the spectral region from similar to 500 nm up to similar to 1000 nm, with a maximum effect in the range of 650-800 nm. A remarkable increase of the photocurrent could be observed below 145-155 K by cooling the samples. Meanwhile by heating the photosensitivity remained increased up to 235-245 K. The long characteristic relaxation times after the light excitation in this state were proportional to the relative photosensitivity of material. This indicates that such phenomenon could presumably be attributed to the light-induced changes associated with PEDT-PSS, i.e., modification of the sample material morphology and/or induced variation of carrier transport conditions

    Polymers with different azobenzene moiety for NLO application

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    Date du colloque&nbsp;: 06/2010</p

    Amplified spontaneous emission in the spiropyran-biopolymer based system

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    Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) phenomenon in the 6-nitro-1′,3′,3′-trimethylspiro[2H-1-benzopyran-2,2′-indolin] organic dye dispersed in a solid matrix has been observed. The biopolymer system deoxyribonucleic acid blended with cationic surfactant molecule cetyltrimethyl-ammonium chloride served as a matrix. ASE appeared under sample excitation by UV light pulses (λ=355 nm) coming from nanosecond or picosecond neodymium doped yttrium aluminum garnet lasers and has been reinforced with green (λ=532 nm) light excitation followed UV light pulse. The ASE characteristics in function of different excitation pulse energies as well as signal gain were measured

    Biopolymer-based material for optical phase conjugation

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    We present results of optical phase conjugation experiments in modified DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) - dye system. The system consisted of a biopolymeric matrix made of DNA blended with cationic surfactant molecule cetyltrimethyl-ammonium chloride (CTMA) and doped with a photochromic dye Disperse Red 1. Results were obtained in a typical degenerate four wave mixing experiment. For sample excitation we used linearly polarized light at a wavelength 514.5 nm, delivered by an argon ion (Ar+) laser. The phase conjugated signal which emerged from the sample had rise and fall time constants of a few milliseconds with an excellent reversibility