11 research outputs found

    A Study on Genotoxic Potential of Acephate in Clarias batrachus

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    Acephate is an insecticide made up of organophosphates. It is applied to food crops, citrus trees, on golf courses, in commercial or institutional buildings, and as a seed treatment. Products containing acephate can be purchased as tablets, liquids, granules, powders, and water-soluble packs. Acephate 75% brand name-Asataf insecticide manufactured by TATA RALLIS was used for the test. The solvent used was glass double distilled (g.d.d.) water. Fresh water catfish    Clarias batrachus were collected from local water bodies of Cuttack district. All the fishes were acclimatized for fifteen days in laboratory aquaria containing 30L dechlorinated tap water prior to the initiation of the experiment. The peripheral blood smear slides were prepared from the blood collected by caudal incision in accordance with Al-Sabti (1986) and Das and Nanda (1986) with some modifications which were prepared animals were sacrificed after 24, 48 and 72 hours of Exposure and were used for each treatment group in both types of administrations (IP and dermal). The increased concentration of acephate directly affects our biological fish sample i.e. Clarias batrachus. Acephate is causing serious problems in fish as per our genotoxicity study of acephate on Clarias batrachus. Clarias batrachus is a commonly found fish species in fresh water habitat which includes ponds, ditches, wetlands and rice fields of India specially in Odisha.The irrational use of pesticides containing acephate in agriculture cause harmful effects on Clarias batrachus, which is a most important species of fish for maintaining the aquatic diversity

    Assessment of Water Quality of Mahanadi and It\u27s Tributary Katha Jodi River, Cuttack District, Odisha

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    For all living things, water is one of the most important sources. Despite being a renewable resource, clean water scarcity is a major problem in many regions of the world. We require water for a variety of things, including food production, personal hygiene, electrical generation, fire control, and most importantly, survival. Nine sampling stations were chosen at various locations along the Mahanadi and its tributary, the Katha Jodi River, in the Cuttack area (S1-S9). To collect a tiny amount of water from the water source for water analysis and to look at the physico-chemical components that are present in the water, sampling is done. Our study sites\u27 dissolved oxygen concentrations range from 3.9 to 5.8 mg/lit, and the water samples from all of the sites are only mildly alkaline. All study sites have alkalinities below 150 mg/lit, ranging from 129 mg/lit to 162 mg/lit. All of the study sites\u27 water conductivities are within the typical range of river water, or 200 to 1000 mhos/cm. All of the study locations, with the exception of our study sites 1 and 2, have high nitrate levels of greater than 100 mg/lit. Our study sites had phosphate concentrations between 0.8 and 2.0 mg/lit, and a river shouldn\u27t have more phosphates than 0.1 mg/L. Over these limits, phosphorus can be quite hazardous

    Study on the Genotoxic Effect of Copper Sulphate in the Spotted Snakehead Fish Channa Punctatus (Bloch, 1793)

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    The genotoxic effects of a herbicide containing CuSO4 were assessed using the micronucleus assay in Channa punctatus. The study involved intraperitoneal administration of three different doses (1.0, 3.0, and 5.0 mg/kg body weight) and exposure to varying concentrations of copper sulphate (15, 25, and 35 ppm) in laboratory aquaria. Peripheral blood smears stained with 15 to 20% Giemsa (pH=7.0) were examined. Apart from micronuclei, the herbicide induced other nuclear and cytoplasmic abnormalities. The findings suggest a direct impact of increasing CuSO4 concentration on the biological samples of Channa punctatus. This fish species is commonly found in freshwater habitats like ponds, ditches, wetlands, and rice fields, especially in Odisha, India. India is crucial for maintaining aquatic biodiversity. The study highlights the potential detrimental effects of improper use of CuSO4 containing pesticides in agriculture on Channa punctatus and emphasizes the need for careful management of such chemicals to protect aquatic ecosystems

    Micronucleus Assay and Hematological Parameters Study due to Presence of Heavy Metals in Four Different Species of Freshwater Fishes of River Mahanadi Cuttack Odisha

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    Mahanadi river water is highly polluted. Alkalinity, hardness, pH of water has changed in the last few years. Heavy metals like Pb   , Fe, Cu, Mn, K quantity increases which causes hematological and genetic damage to the aquatic ecosystem. Fish are the best biomarkers to find out the threats towards aquatic ecosystem. Water pollution causes hematological damage as well as genetic damage and formation of micronucleus. Water sample analysis occurs by evaporation method for extraction of heavy metals. Fish species like Labeo rohita, Catla catla, Cirrhinus mrigala, Cirrihinus reba collected from the several stations of Cuttack 20.440N 85.880E to 20.460N -85.890E area and for Hematological study blood was collected by puncturing the caudal vein. Micronucleus assays done by use of Giemsa staining method as a result it shows formation of micronucleus and DNA damage which indicate the presence of high level of pollutants   in water of River Mahanadi Cuttack Odisha


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    Not AvailableThe natural stock of Trichogaster chuna (Hamilton, 1822) are gradually declining due to destruction of its habitat and over fishing, continuous exploitation of their wild populations might endanger them. This article evaluates breeding performance of honey gourami using different substratum for nest building, embryonic development and larval rearing in indoor aquarium at different stocking densities. Two hundred numbers of Trichogaster chuna of mean length 34.25 ? 3.06 mm and weight 1.09 ? 0.27 g were procured from ornamental fish traders. Broodstock raising of honey gourami was carried out using mixed zooplankton and live tubifex along with floating pellets thrice a day. Five treatments in triplicates to evaluate the breeding performance with different breeding substratum namely, bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata), cut banana leaf, eichornia plants (Eichhornia crassipes) and thermocol (polystyrene). Better breeding results were seen in Bermuda grass followed by hydrilla and banana leaf in the case of number of eggs released and hatchlings produced. Embryonic development stages were observed and characteristics of each stage were noted. The final mean length, mean weight, length gain, weight gain, specific growth rate survival rate and non specific immune parameters were significantly higher at larvae grown at 2 and 3 nos./ litre reared for 45 days compared to 4 and 5 nos./litre (P < 0.05)

    Studies on Foraging Behaviour of Honeybees on Flowers of Rapeseed Crop

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    This paper represents foraging behaviour of honeybees on the flowers of rapeseed crop; Apis cerana indica started foraging at 07.10hr and ceased their foraging activity at 17.25hr. Thus, the duration of foraging activity was 10.15hr which was maximum foraging period, followed by A. florea (08.00hr to 05.00hr and 09.00hr) and A. dorsata (07.50hr to 03.00hr and 07.10hr) respectively. A. cerana indica spent maximum time of 6.57 ± 0.43 sec/flower followed by A. dorsata 6.55 ± 0.26 sec/flower and and A. florea 4.4 ± 0.27 sec/flower. Maximum number of flowers visited by A. dorsata of 11.3 ± 2.3 flowers/ min then A. cerana indica of 9.7 ± 2.6 flowers/ min and A. florea of 6.3 ± 1.2 flowers/ min

    Delineation of structural features over a part of the Bay of Bengal using total and balanced horizontal derivative techniques

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    The present study deals with classical problem of edge detection in potential field data over complex tectonic regime for both shallower and deeper sources, simultaneously. Balanced horizontal derivative (BHD) technique is a latest edge detection concept which delineates edges using balancing of amplitude responses for both shallower and deeper sources. The BHD technique has been validated by comparing with total horizontal derivative (THD) technique. Initially, three different synthetic models have been generated with spherical, cylindrical and vertical prismatic objects at different depths and corresponding gravity responses have been enhanced using BHD and THD techniques. Structural features have been delineated from EIGEN6C4 free-air gravity data using THD and BHD techniques over a part of the Bay of Bengal. Major lineaments have been identified in N–S direction followed by those identified along the NE–SW, NW–SE and E–W directions. Both studies of synthetic models and real gravity data reveal that BHD is an advanced technique than THD

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    Not AvailableThe present study was conducted to assess the effect of oxytetracycline hydrochlo-ride (OTC) in rohu, Labeorohita, with graded doses viz., 80 (1×), 240 (3×), 400 (5×) and 800 (10×) mg kg−1 fish biomass day−1 respectively through feed. Four hundred and fifty healthy rohu juveniles (20 ± 0.12 g) were fed for 30 days followed by 10 days of withdrawal period. Each 10 days intervals, five fish were randomly sampled for blood, serum and tissue for estimation of growth, non-specific immune parameters, enzy-matic activities and retention of OTC in muscle tissue. The results showed that there was no significant difference (p > .05) on growth in the treated fish compared with the control. Respiratory burst activity, myeloperoxidase activity, bacterial haemag-glutination and haemolysis activities were enhanced significantly (p < .05) on 10th and 20th day in the fish fed with 80 and 240 mg kg−1 biomass day−1 respectively during the feeding trial compared with the control. Lactate dehydrogenase and alkaline phos-phatase activity increased significantly (p < .05) in the fish fed with 400 and 800 mg kg−1 biomass day−1 respectively compared with the control. Liquid chromatography– mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry study of muscle tissue reveals that OTC was retained in muscle tissue in a dose dependent manner and significantly (p < .05) low-est level (0.44 ± 0.03 ppb) was observed on 40th day in the treated fish fed with 80 mg kg−1 biomass day−1. Hence, 80 mg kg−1 fish biomass day−1 of OTC may be adhered in L. rohita for treating the fish through feed with 10 days of withdrawal period.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIndia has the largest burden of drug‑resistant organisms compared with other countries around the world, including multiresistant and extremely drug‑resistant tuberculosis and resistant Gram‑negative and Gram‑positive bacteria. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are found in all living hosts and in the environment and move between hosts and ecosystems. An intricate interplay of infections, exposure to antibiotics, and disinfectants at individual and community levels among humans, animals, birds, and fishes triggers evolution and spread of resistance. The One Health framework proposes addressing antibiotic resistance as a complex multidisciplinary problem. However, the evidence base in the Indian context is limited.Not Availabl