11 research outputs found

    Effect of water quality in hematological and biochemical parameters in blood of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in two lakes of Kosovo

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    The aim of the current investigation is to evaluate the impact of water quality in hematological and biochemical blood profile in two habitats of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) captured in Batllava and in Radoniqi Lake. It has been found that Radoniqi Lake is characterized with increased levels of physicochemical parameters (T, DO, PO4-3, NO3-N, NO2-N). In Radoniqi Lake were recorded also heavy metal content such as Cd, Pb, Ni and Cu while in Batllava Lake only presence of Cu was recorded. Given the developed agriculture in the region where Radoniqi Lake is located, increased level of PO4-3, Cd and Cu can be attributed to agricultural pollution. Blood is taken for hematological (RBC, Hgb, MCV, MCH, MCHC, WBC), and biochemical (ALP, AST, ALT, Glucose, Cholesterol, Triglyceride, Total lipid, Total protein) analysis from twenty fish of each lake. The results of hematological parameters show that there is a difference between investigated fishes of respective lakes. There are slight differences in the values of Hgb, MCHC and WBC, while the changes are significant in RBC, MCV and MCH. By contrast, the biochemical parameters have shown significant differences, with the exception of the amount of cholesterol, where the differences are insignificant. Given the water quality of the two lakes, the results of this research show that water quality affects the health condition of fish. The high values of hematological and biochemical parameters in the fish of Radoniqi Lake are indicative that these fish suffer from stress caused by water pollution with heavy metals

    Antioxidant activity of vitamin C and E versus oxidative stress induced by heavy metals in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)

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    The present study was undertaken to investigate the antioxidant activity of vitamins C and E singly and together in modulating levels of Malondialdehyde (MDA), total protein, and glucose in different organs (gills, liver, & muscles) and plasma of common carp exposed to heavy metals (Pb, Cd, & Hg). The division of fish into two groups (control group and experimental group) was done after acclimatization. Seven days after exposure to heavy metals, the results showed a significant increase in the level of MDA in all organs of the experimental group (B) compared to those of the control group (A). Metal exposure caused a significant increase in the level of glucose in the liver and plasma (group B), while in muscles and gills, it caused a decrease in the amount of glucose (group B). Heavy metals have caused a slight decrease in total protein (gills, liver, & muscles). Seven days after exposure, the fish were split into three groups: one group was fed with vitamin C, another group with vitamin E, and the third group was fed with both vitamins (C & E). Results show that the addition of vitamins C and E as a food supplement resulted in the restitution of MDA and glucose values similar to those of the control group in all three investigated organs. But in terms of the amount of total protein, the results show that the addition of vitamins (C, E, & C+E) could not restore these values. Otherwise, in most cases, these two vitamins (C & E) administered together have shown more ameliorative effects than in the case of separate administration


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    This paper presents data obtained from literature and by sampling of the fish fauna in the Drini i Bardhë River (the White Drin). A table containing all 18 fish species of Drini i Bardhë River, which were collected by the authors in the period between 2005 and 2007, is presented. The results from the two–year research period in Drini i Bardhë River show that the composition of fish fauna is very complex. In total, 457 individual fish of different taxa were caught or 164.9 kg of ichtyomass. In six selected sampling sites of the river, 18 taxa fish belonging to 6 families were found. Based on complex research we can conclude that the Drini i Bardhë River is an ecosystem with relatively favorable ecological conditions for the development of ichthyofauna.Ovaj članak sadržava podatke o ihtiofauni rijeke Bijeli Drim dobivene iz analize prikupljenih uzoraka ribljih vrsta i usporedbom s dostupnom literaturom. Sastav ihtiofaune rijeke Bijeli Drim obuhvaća 18 ribljih vrsta prikupljenih tijekom 2005. i 2007. godine. Rezultati dvogodišnjeg istraživanja u rijeci Bijeli Drim upućuju na vrlo složen sastav ihtiofaune te rijeke. Ukupno je ulovljeno 457 jedinki različitih vrsta riba koje čine ukupnu ihtiomasu od 164,9 kg. Na šest izabranih postaja istraživanja u uzdužnom profilu rijeke ustanovljeno je 18 ribljih vrsta koje pripadaju šesterim porodicama. Na osnovi iscrpnih razmatranja može se zaključiti da je rijeka Bijeli Drim ekosustav s relativno optimalnim ekološkim uvjetima, ali zbog izravnih negativnih raznih antropogenih utjecaja razvoj ihtiofaune u toj rijeci slabi

    Assessment of Accumulation of Heavy Metals and Lipid Peroxidation in Common Reed (Phragmites australis) in the Albanian Part of Lake Ohrid

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    The Albanian part of Lake Ohrid is endangered by heavy metals, the source of which is mainly the old mining waste around the lake shore, but also agricultural pollution. The chromium and nickel concentrations were investigated in the fall season in the sediment and common reed (Phragmites australis). The peroxidation of lipids in stalks was also investigated. The study was conducted on three points of the lake: at the entrance to the city of Pogradec, the former Fe-Ni mine and the village of Lin (control point). Heavy metals were determined with the method of atomic absorption spectrometry and malondialdehyde, using the spectrophotometric method. The results showed that there was greater accumulation of nickel than chromium in both sediments and stalks in the three explored points. The sediment and plant samples taken in the part of the former Fe-Ni mines showed a higher level of investigated metals, compared to the other two research points. At this point, the difference was significant for chromium (p <0.01) compared to the village of Lin, whereas for nickel there was a significant difference (p <0.01) for the two research points compared to the reference point (Lin). Concerning the Cr and Ni levels in stalk, a significant difference (p <0.01) was observed for both metals only in the samples taken from the former Fe-Ni mines, compared to the village of Lin. Meanwhile, the increased MDA level caused by oxidative stress was higher in the plants collected at the entrance of Pogradec, not only with the checkpoint (p <0.01) but also with the plants collected in the former Ni-Fe mine


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    Free radicals generated as a result of oxidative stress can cause protein oxidation. Protein damage can be assessed by determining the amount of carbonylation and desialylation of proteins. Meanwhile sesame oil has a good antioxidant effect in protecting proteins. Thus in this preliminary in vitro study, the influence of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) and hydroxyl (OH) radicals on the sialic acid bound to proteins and protein carbonylation was investigated. Also antioxidant effect of sesame oil in preventing protein oxidation and protein desialylation was investigated. Initially, H2 O2 was added to the human serum, respectively OH (Experiment 1 and 3) as well as sesame oil (Experiment 2 and 4) and then the serum was incubated on 40C for four hours, in which case the serum proteins reacted with these radicals but also with sesame oil. After incubation, oxidative damage was measured before and after the addition of sesame oil to the medium respectively, the amount of sialic acid (SA) bound to proteins as well as the amount of protein carbonylation as a marker of oxidative damage to proteins was determined. SA levels were determined by combined modification of the tiobarbituricacid method by Skozo-Mohos and dimethyl sulfoxide method by Aminoff, namely Tram method. Protein carbonyl group was determined by 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine (DNPH) method by Levine. The statistical processing of the results was done with ANOVA Tuckey Test. The addition of H2 O2 respectively OH in serum, has caused a desialylation of proteins and also an increase in the amount of carbonylated proteins. Sesame seed oil has shown its antioxidant activity related to the sialic acid level (Experiment 2 and 4), and its amount in experimental groups is approximately as the untreated human serum with H2 O2 and hydroxyl radical that served as a control group. In contrast, this is not the case with protein carbonylation, as sesame seed oil has failed to protect proteins from oxidation caused by hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals. Consequently, it can be concluded that oxidative stress has caused a decrease in the amount of sialic acid bounded to proteins, as well as increase in carbonylation of proteins, while sesame oil with its antioxidant properties has affected the maintenance of sialic acid values, but has not achieved also in protecting proteins from carbonylation

    Effect of Mining Activity in Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Soil and Plant (Urtica dioica L)

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    Contamination of soil and water by various heavy metals such as Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu, and Fe is increasing day by day as a result of different activities, such as industrialization and urbanization. Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), and Nickel (Ni) are examples of potential heavy metals that are neither essential elements nor have any role in the process of cell metabolism, but are easily absorbed and accumulated in different parts of a plant and living beings. This study was to investigate the translocation and bioaccumulation of heavy metals such as Pb, Ni, Cd, Cu, and Fe in Urtica dionica L and soil samples from 2 sites (uncontaminated – Koliq and contaminated – Kishnica in the Republic of Kosovo). The results revealed that in the contaminated site, the mean level of all the metals in soil and different parts (root, stalk, and leaf) of the plant were found to be significantly (p 1). However, these concentrations of heavy metals in the soil and Urtica dionica L were higher than levels specified according to the standards in UK and Germany


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    This paper presents data obtained from literature and by sampling of the fish fauna in the Drini i Bardhë River (the White Drin). A table containing all 18 fish species of Drini i Bardhë River, which were collected by the authors in the period between 2005 and 2007, is presented. The results from the two–year research period in Drini i Bardhë River show that the composition of fish fauna is very complex. In total, 457 individual fish of different taxa were caught or 164.9 kg of ichtyomass. In six select%ed sampling sites of the river, 18 taxa fish belonging to 6 families were found. Based on complex research we can conclude that the Drini i Bardhë River is an ecosystem with relatively favorable ecological conditions for the development of ichthyofauna

    Assessing Environmental Pollution in Kosovo’s Industrial Areas Using Plant Bioindicators

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    Environmental pollution is a global issue, and Kosovo is no exception, grappling with extensive mining activities. The research aims to assess the influence of industrial pollution in Drenas and Mitrovica using oxidative stress biomarkers (malondialdehyde MDA and the amount of glutathione transferase GST) and biochemical indicators (total proteins) in three plant species (Achillea millefolium, Hypericum perforatum and Plantago lanceolata). Plants were collected within a one-kilometer radius around industrial complexes in Drenas and Mitrovica, with Peja serving as a control point. In the homogenate of plant leaves, total proteins were determined using the Lowry method, MDA levels were determined using the Health Packer method, and GST activity was assessed using Habig method. GST activity was higher in the three plant species collected in Drenas and Mitrovica compared to those in Peje, the control point. Apart from Hypericum perforatoum in Mitrovica, the study revealed a significant increase in MDA levels in the three plant species from industrial areas compared to those in the control point. Generally, plants collected in industrial areas exhibited lower total protein levels than those in Peja. A negative correlation was observed between MDA levels and total proteins of Achillea millefolium and Plantago lanceolata, but not in Hypericum perforatum. The findings underscore the impact of pollution on the three plant species investigated in the study