
This paper presents data obtained from literature and by sampling of the fish fauna in the Drini i Bardhë River (the White Drin). A table containing all 18 fish species of Drini i Bardhë River, which were collected by the authors in the period between 2005 and 2007, is presented. The results from the two–year research period in Drini i Bardhë River show that the composition of fish fauna is very complex. In total, 457 individual fish of different taxa were caught or 164.9 kg of ichtyomass. In six selected sampling sites of the river, 18 taxa fish belonging to 6 families were found. Based on complex research we can conclude that the Drini i Bardhë River is an ecosystem with relatively favorable ecological conditions for the development of ichthyofauna.Ovaj članak sadržava podatke o ihtiofauni rijeke Bijeli Drim dobivene iz analize prikupljenih uzoraka ribljih vrsta i usporedbom s dostupnom literaturom. Sastav ihtiofaune rijeke Bijeli Drim obuhvaća 18 ribljih vrsta prikupljenih tijekom 2005. i 2007. godine. Rezultati dvogodišnjeg istraživanja u rijeci Bijeli Drim upućuju na vrlo složen sastav ihtiofaune te rijeke. Ukupno je ulovljeno 457 jedinki različitih vrsta riba koje čine ukupnu ihtiomasu od 164,9 kg. Na šest izabranih postaja istraživanja u uzdužnom profilu rijeke ustanovljeno je 18 ribljih vrsta koje pripadaju šesterim porodicama. Na osnovi iscrpnih razmatranja može se zaključiti da je rijeka Bijeli Drim ekosustav s relativno optimalnim ekološkim uvjetima, ali zbog izravnih negativnih raznih antropogenih utjecaja razvoj ihtiofaune u toj rijeci slabi

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