3 research outputs found

    Exploring Communicative Discourse of Millennials in Developing Social Entrepreneurship

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    Social entrepreneurship is a crucial factor in the development of society, as it can greatly contribute to the well-being of individuals. The focus of this study is to examine how millennials use new media as a tool to promote and advance social entrepreneurship. Recognizing the relationship between new media and discourse, this study argues that entrepreneurship is geared towards creating social solidarity and encouraging individuals to change their mindset about how to increase profits, primarily through building social networks. This highlights the importance of conducting communication research to identify critical issues concerning the empowerment of millennials, especially in the context of new media. Our unit of analysis focused on a social entrepreneurial group called Mengayam Pesisir which is located in Bantul and Gunung Kidul areas, Yogyakarta.  We utilized a qualitative descriptive approach, employing virtual ethnographic methods that included in-depth interviews, online documentation, and literature studies. We found that Menganyam Pesisir engaged in communicative discourse as they worked to identify the problems and opportunities in the community. By identifying problems and shortcomings in society, social entrepreneurs can use communicative discourse to address these issues and bring about positive change

    Peningkatan Literasi Lingkungan Peserta Didik MIN 3 Aceh Barat Menggunakan Metode Board Game Ular

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    Literasi lingkungan merupakan kecakapan yang mengharuskan individu memiliki kesadaran akan pentingnya meningkatkan pengetahuan, keteram­pilan atas nilai-nilai dan norma lingkungan, serta perilaku yang mengutama­kan kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Lembaga sekolah menjadi salah satu sarana utama dalam memperkenalkan prinsip ekologi kepada peserta didik sejak dini. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan pada MIN 3 Aceh Barat dengan tujuan (1) merancang metode board game untuk meningkatkan literasi lingkungan peserta didik; (2) melakukan edukasi dan transfer kecakapan lingkungan kepada peserta didik MIN 3 Aceh Barat; (3) membentuk kader literasi lingkungan di lembaga mitra; dan (4) menjadikan board game ular tangga literasi lingkungan sebagai ekstrakurikuler. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini meliputi (1) mendesain ular tangga literasi lingkungan dan (2) memberikan pelatihan kepada peserta didik dan guru dengan menggunakan teknik bercerita dan mengajak mereka bermain ular tangga literasi lingkungan. Kelompok sasaran dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah 37 peserta didik dari kelas tiga hingga kelas enam MIN 3 Aceh Barat dan 3 orang guru. Kegiatan pengabdian dengan metode ular tangga ini berhasil meningkatkan literasi lingkungan peserta didik dengan perubahan kecakapan ekologis yang terdiri atas (1) pengetahuan ekologis (35 siswa); (2) perilaku ekologis (35 siswa); (3) emosional ekologis( 32 siswa); dan (4) etika dan kesadaran ekologis (30 siswa). Selain itu, kegiatan ini juga telah membentuk kader guru untuk melanjutkan kegiatan literasi lingkungan di sekolah. Pendekatan board game ular tangga literasi lingkungan terbukti berhasil mengubah kecakapan lingkungan peserta didik sehingga dapat diterapkan pada berbagai mata pelajaran lainnya.&nbsp

    Character Card : Media Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter Di Smp Negeri 6 Meureubo

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    Character education is an obligation that schools must carry out for students as an effort to shape the character of students in the era of digital technology development. This activity was carried out at SMP Negeri 1 Meureubo with the aim of (1) increasing students' understanding of the values in character education; (2) Designing or designing Character Card media as a learning model for implementing character education programs; and (3) Forming digital literacy cadres in implementing character education programs. The method used is (1) The planning and preparation stage, namely the design of Character cards as one of the media used by the service team in outreach; (2) The implementation stage is to provide socialization material about character education values to students; and (3) Evaluation Stage. The target group in this activity was 30 combined students from grades 7 and 8. The results of this activity obtained a significant change from before the intervention was carried out. After the intervention, there was a change in the number of students who had knowledge and skills of character values consisting of the aspect of caring for the social environment there are (27 students), elements of peace-loving behavior (28 students), characteristics of religious attitude (25 students); and aspects of creativity (29 students). This service activity also forms the school's commitment to continue this program to improve school character educati