6 research outputs found

    Management of an Intruded Ankylosed Immature Permanent Maxillary Central Incisor: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Objectives Intrusive luxation is a severe type of dentoalveolar injury, which causes damage to the pulp and supporting tissues of a tooth, as the tooth is apically dislocated into the alveolar process. Case This report describes a case of re-eruption of an intruded immature severely ankylosed upper permanent central incisor. A seven-year-old boy was referred to the pediatric dental clinic three months after a traumatic injury. Clinical and radiographic examinations revealed intrusive luxation of the immature left upper permanent central incisor. In the first visit, initial bracketing was performed, and the left central incisor was engaged. In the second visit (after four weeks), the tooth showed no movement and produced a metallic sound in percussion. The tooth was consequently luxated and engaged again with a heavier force and followed-up monthly. Conclusion It re-erupted completely, and the follow-up periapical radiographs showed that root formation continued, and the root apex was approximately closed.

    Syrıan Polıcy Of Usa In Arab Sprıng Process Accordıng To Iran Sources

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    Suriye'deki gelişmeler son yılların en çok dikkat çeken olaylarından biridir. Suriye'de devam eden krizin oluşumuyla, bölgesel ve küresel oyuncular, bu ülkenin Ortadoğu'daki jeopolitik ve jeosrtatejik önemi yüzünden, kendi çıkarları ve istekleri için değişik politikalara yöneliyorlar. Suriye'de yaşanan olaylar ve bölgesel ve uluslararası ülkelerin politikaları diğer Arap ülkelerinde yaşanan gelişmelerden tamamen farklıdır. Suriye'deki olaylarda Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin (ABD) konumu ve insan haklarını koruma misyonu çok ilginçtir. ABD tüm mevcut araçlarla, örneğin; muhalifleri donatmak, bölge ülkelerini aynı yöne çekme, medyayı yönlendirmek ve hatta ülkeye saldırı planı gibi Suriye'nin durumundan faydalanmaya çalışan bir görüntü vermektedir. Bu araştırma, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin Suriye'deki politikasını açıklamaya çalışmaktadır. ABD, Beşşar Esad hükümetini ortadan kaldırma, direniş gücünü kırma, İran ve Rusya'nın elini Şamat bölgesinde etkisizleştirmeye çalışmaktadır. Hepsinden daha önemlisi, İsrail'in güvence ve güvenliğini sağlamlaştırmak için bu ülkeye ayak basmış kanaati İslam ülkeleri kamuoyunda oldukça yaygındır.Developments in Syria are one of the most notable events of recent years. Regional and global actors are turning towards different policies for their own interests and wishes due to geopolitical and geostrategic importance of this country in the Middle East with the formation of continuing crisis in Syria. Events experienced in Syria and policies of regional and international countries are completely different from developments experienced in other Arabian countries. Position and mission of United States of America (USA) for protection of human rights in events in Syria is very interesting. USA gives an image trying to benefiting from the situation of Syria through all available means such as furnishing opponents, drawing regional countries to the same direction, directing the media and event country attack plan. This research tries to explain the policy of United States of America in Syria. USA strives to remove Bessar Esad government, discourage the resistance power and inactivate the power of Iran and Russia in Şamat region. What is more important than all these is that belief regarding Israel set foot in this country for securing its assurance and safety is highly prevalent in public press of Islamic countries

    Synthesis, characterization, electrochemical behavior and antibacterial/antifungal activities of [Cd(l)X2] complexes with a Schiff base ligand

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    A new symmetrical bidentate Schiff base ligand (L) was applied for the synthesis of some new cadmium coordination compounds with general formula of [Cd(L)X2] in which X is halide and pseudo-halide. The ligand and all cadmium complexes were characterized by some techniques such as elemental analysis, FT-IR, 1H, 13C NMR, UV-Visible and molar conductance. Electrochemical behavior of ligand and Cd(II) complexes were investigated by cyclic voltammetry method. Morphology and shape of [Cd(L)Cl2] particles were depicted by SEM. Antimicrobial properties such as antibacterial and antifungal activities of the complexes as compared with ligand were checked against three Gram-negative bacteria; Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Pseudomunase aeroginosa (ATCC 9027) and Salmonella Spp. and two Gram-positive bacteria; Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538) and Corynebacterium renale and three fungal strains including Aspergillus Niger, Penicillium chrysogenum and Candida albicans. The results revealed appropriate antibacterial and antifungal activities for all compounds, and it was also found that the coordination of ligand to Cd (II) lead to an increase in the antimicrobial activities in most of cases

    Periostin levels in saliva of patients with chronic periodontitis

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    Background: Periostin acts as a necessary protein for tissue integrity and maturity and has a key role as a modulator of periodontal ligament hemostasis. It has been shown that periostin acts as a supportive protein. The aim of this study was to compare the concentration of periostin in the saliva of patients with chronic periodontitis and healthy controls. Materials and Methods: In this case–control, cross-sectional study, a total of 45 individuals (25 patients with chronic periodontitis and 20 healthy controls) were evaluated. Whole saliva samples were collected, and periostin levels were evaluated by standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results were analyzed by SPSS and Mann–Whitney analysis. Results: The results of this study showed that the level of periostin in saliva in patients with periodontitis was significantly lower than healthy controls (P < 0.05). Periostin was detectable in all samples. Conclusion: The results show that there is a significant relationship between the level of periostin in saliva and chronic periodontitis. Periostin may be considered as an inflammatory marker in periodontal disease. However, further studies are needed to confirm this finding