439 research outputs found

    Stark Broadening of in III Lines in Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasma

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    Besides the need of Stark broadening parameters for a number of problems in physics, and plasma technology, in hot star atmospheres the conditions exist where Stark widths are comparable and even larger than the thermal Doppler widths. Using the semiclassical perturbation method we investigated here the influence of collisions with charged particles for In III spectral lines. We determined a number of Stark broadening parameters important for the investigation of plasmas in the atmospheres of A-type stars and white dwarfs. Also, we have compared the obtained results with existing experimental data. The results will be included in the STARK-B database, the Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center and the Serbian Virtual Observatory

    On the influence of Stark broadening on Si I lines in stellar atmospheres

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    We study the influence of Stark broadening and stratification effects on Si\i lines in the rapidly oscillating (roAp) star 10 Aql, where the Si\i 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA lines are asymmetrical and shifted. First we have calculated Stark broadening parameters using the semiclassical perturbation method for three Si\i lines: 5950.2 \AA, 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA. We revised the synthetic sp$ calculation code taking into account both Stark width and shift for these lines. From the comparison of our calculations with the observations we found that Stark broadening + the stratification effect can explain asymmetry of the Si\i 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA lines in the atmospere of roAp star 10 Aql.Comment: Accepted to A&

    Tensorial depolarization of alkali atoms by isotropic collisions with neutral hydrogen

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    Results. We consider the problem of isotropic collisions between an alkali atom and neutral hydrogen. We calculate the collisional tensorial components of general p and s-states, characterized by their effective principal quantum number nn^{*}. It is found that the behaviour of the tensorial components obey simple power laws allowing quick calculations of the depolarizing collisional rates. As application, our results should allow a rigorous treatment of the atomic polarization profiles of the D1 -D2 lines of alkali atoms. Conclusions. Close coupling treatments of atomic collisions are needed to decipher the information encoded in the polarized radiation from the Sun. Important problems remain unresolved like the role of collisions in the Paschen-Back conditions.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Application of the STAD-Type Cooperative Model Assisted by Wordwall to Enhance Students Critical Thinking Ability

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    An advanced nation begins with individuals who are able to compete with other individuals based on the standards of ability needed by the world community, which are known as 21st-century abilities, one of which is the critical thinking ability. The application of the STAD-type cooperative model assisted by Wordwall aims to describe students critical thinking abilities and find differences in critical thinking abilities between control and experiment classes. The research design used nonequivalent post-test only control group. This research included all students in class X of MIPA SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru as a population. A sample of 66 students consisted of X MIPA 1 as control class and X MIPA 5 as experiment class. After the research was carried out, a critical thinking abilities post-test was given, which consisted of 12 multiple-choice questions as an instrument for data collection. Post-test results were analyzed using descriptive analysis and inferential. The results of the descriptive analysis showed that the experiment class was in the very good category with score 80.99, and the control class was in the good category with score 61.03. Then, in the inferential analysis, it is known that there are significant differences between experiment and control clas

    Atomic data and electron-impact broadening effect in DO white dwarf atmospheres: Si VI

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    Energy levels, electric dipole transition probabilities and oscillator strengths in five times ionized silicon have been calculated in intermediate coupling. The present calculations were carried out with the general purpose atomic-structure program SUPERSTRUCTURE. The relativistic corrections to the non-relativistic Hamiltonian are taken into account through the Breit-Pauli approximation. We have also introduced a semi-empirical correction (TEC) for the calculation of the energy-levels. These atomic data are used to provide semiclassical electron-, proton- and ionized helium- impact line widths and shifts for 15 Si VI muliplet. Calculated results have been used to consider the influence of Stark broadening for DO white dwarf atmospheric conditions.Comment: MNRAS, accepted, 14 page

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (Lks) Non-eksperimen Hukum Gravitasi Newton

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    The aim of this research is to develop non-experimental student worksheet in Newtonian gravity. This research was conducted starting from May until June 2017. It is reasearch and development classification using ADDIE model without the implementation level. The subject was Newtonian gravity in the 10th grade, 2nd semester, senior high school physics subject. The research was conducted by analyzing the curriculum of physics subject in senior high school associated with Newtonian gravity, mapping the student worksheet assignment which fits to the curriculum, and the worksheet which was arranged and developed based on the planning above. The prototype of the worksheet was produced and then validated by the experts such as three physics lecturers and two physics senior high school teachers. The aspect of validation which has been assessed was the feasibility of presentment, content, and languange. After gaining the feedback from the experts, the worksheet was then edited, revised, and validated. The result of this research was analysed descriptively. According to the data, it can be concluded that the student worksheet which has been developed entirely has been catagorized as \u27very high\u27 and \u27valid\u27. The result of validation from presentmen feasibility respectively was 3.59; 3.67; 3.75; 3.70, the content feasibility showed, 3.64; 3.65; 3.65; 3.63 , and the languange feasibility was gained in the number of 3.62; 3.62; 3.54, and 3.40

    Tingkat Keterlaksanaan Pendekatan Saintifik pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Berbasis Kurikulum 2013 Menurut Persepsi Siswa Kelas IX SMP Negeri Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to describe the level of implementation scientific approach in science based on Curriculum 2013 according to the perception of 9th grade student of SMP Negeri Pekanbaru. The research use survey method. The population is students of 9th grade SMP Negeri Pekanbaru, namely: SMPN 1 Pekanbaru, SMPN 6 Pekanbaru, and SMPN 23 Pekanbaru the totally is 771 students. The sample use Slovin with the error level is 5% of the population, while the sample is 263 students. The results of research the level of implementation scientific approach in science based on Curriculum 2013 according to the perception of 9th grade student of SMP Negeri Pekanbaru the score is 2.73 in the category quite well. It can be concluded that the application of the scientific approach to the learning process at schools with the maximum has not been done. It is caused by several factors, namely: the limited time, limited infrastructure such as infocus in the classroom, the teacher is less a creative learning

    Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Fisika Animasi Tiga Dimensi Pada Materi Inti Atom Menggunakan Aplikasi Blender Untuk Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Microscopic physics education subject like core atom is invisible physics subject that needed multimedia to help the students understanding the subject. All this time student understanding about this subject was still low and it make some of student afraid about this subject. Start from how important to understand this subject so we need to make the solution. Learning multimedia which base on three-dimensional animation that can create something abstract to be more real is the solution that given on this research. It was create by Blender application and designed by ADDIE design model that be based on pedagogic, program and learning subject. Result of this research is Blender application with 500 MB size that can be open by computer with processor dual core or equal and RAM 2GB as the minimum capacity. The validation data is 4,515 in very high category. It was found that is good to continue this research so that this learning multimedia can help students to understand about core atom subject

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Rolled untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa IPA Fisika Kelas VII SMPN 40 Pekanbaru

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    Abstrack: This research aimed to describe and find out the improvement of the students\u27 motivation learning achievement by using learning active strategy of Rolled. Type of this research is a quasi-experimental, with nonequivalent control group design. The subject of this research is students class VII at SMPN 40 Pekanbaru, total of 176 students as divide into two class, experimental class and control class. The data in this research is a score of motivation before and after learning physics by implementation of learning active strategy of rolled model with descriptive and inferential analysis.Then, measured the improvement of the students\u27 motivation by normalized gain (gain-N) and t-test. The descriptive analysis score motivation of students at experimental class in middle category and increase in the middle category with N-Gain 0.49, and the control class in the middle category with N-Gain 0,37. This proved by inferential analysis, the analyzed shows t(44) = 7.409 means p < 0.05, then Ho is rejected. Which means that there are difference in motivation of learning between experiment class and control class. It can therefore be concluded that the implementation of learning active strategy of rolled to students\u27 motivation learning achievement in physics on science at the seven grade of junior high school 40 pekanbar