10 research outputs found

    Methodology for Assessing the Logistics Potential of the Foreign Economic Activity of a Pharmaceutical Company

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    The aim of the article is to determine the essence of the logistics potential of a foreign trade activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise and justify the methods for determining it.The materials used in the study include statistical data of the investigated pharmaceutical enterprises, namely JSC FF “Darnitsa”, PJSC NPC “Borschagovsky Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant”, PJSC “Pharmak”, LLC “FC Zdorovia” and JSC “Lekhim-Kharkiv”. The study used methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, content analysis, questionnaires and methods for assessing potential. The questionnaire was used to select indicators that should be part of the logistics potential of a foreign trade activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise.The experts were 100 leading specialists of pharmaceutical companies. They are all involved in foreign economic activity. Experts are gender–divided into women (73 %), men (27 %); by age: up to 25 years – 8 %, 25–35 years – 14 %, 35–45 years – 27 %, 45–55 years – 36 %, over 55 years – 15 %; by experience: up to 5 years – 11 %, 5–10 years – 15 %, 10–20 years – 32 %, 20–30 years – 36 %, over 30 years – 6 %. The experts\u27 conclusions are valid, the coefficient of concordance is 0.86, and the Pearson test exceeds the table value.The essence of the definition of "potential of logistics of pharmaceutical enterprise\u27s foreign trade activity" is investigated. The types of logistics potential of foreign economic activity and indicators that are appropriate to use for determining the level of development of the logistic potential in foreign economic activity are offered.The potential of logistics of foreign trade activities of pharmaceutical enterprises consists of the potentials of logistics in the field of export and import. The system of indicators for measuring the logistics potential of a foreign trade activity of a pharmaceutical enterprise contains indicators selected through content analysis and questionnaires.The method of estimation of logistics potential in foreign economic activity of pharmaceutical enterprise is offered

    Risk Assessment of Logistic Activities in Foreign Economic Activity as a Component of Efficient Management by a Pharmaceutical Company

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    Aim. The aim of the study is to develop a methodology for assessing the level of risk of the logistic component of foreign economic activity (FEA) of the pharmaceutical company (PhCo).Materials and methods. The study used methods of synthesis, analysis and synthesis, content analysis. To determine the risks of logistics in the foreign trade of pharmaceutical companies, an expert survey method was used. The survey was attended by leading specialists of departments of PhCo, whose functional responsibilities are related to the implementation of FEA. The total number of experts was 50 people. 100 % of respondents have a higher education, they are divided into the work experience: 0-10 years - 11 %, 11-20 years - 27 %, 21-25 years - 53 %, over 25 years - 8 %. According to the gender, 83 % of women and 17 % of men participated in the survey. Experts' conclusions are grounded.Results. It is determined that under the risk of logistics in the field of foreign trade of pharmaceutical companies it is appropriate to understand the likelihood of occurrence of events in the field of foreign trade of PhCo in relation to the management of all types of flows when they pass through the country's borders, which leads to certain consequences in space and time, namely, loss of part of the company's income, foreign partners, delays in fulfilling obligations to other partners in the untimely delivery of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API), fines, penalties, etc. It is proved that the risks of logistic activity in the field of foreign economic activity on the basis of the species include the following subspecies: the risk of partnership, information, transport, innovation, organization, procurement of imported API, main and auxiliary materials, sale (export) of finished medicines, storage and loss of profit.Conclusions. The conducted research has led to the conclusion that the effectiveness of the functioning of PhCo is also influenced by the risks of logistics in the field of FE

    Study of Medical Kits From Passenger Trains

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    Aim of the article is to study the composition of the medical first aid kit, which should be equipped with trains.Materials and methods. The study used methods such as content analysis, analytical, comparative and logical, expert surveys. The study applied the expert survey, which was attended by the heads of the trains, and conductors, a total of 453 people. The survey involved specialists of the regional branches of the Ukrainian Railway, namely, Lviv, South-Western, Southern, Odessa, Prydniprovska Railways. Conclusions of the respondents are reasonable and convergent, which is confirmed by the concordance coefficient and Pearson criterion based on the number of freedom, with regard to the number of freedoms that exceed the normative values. Content analysis was used to study the regulatory framework for the staffing of trains with medical kits.Results. The questionnaire determined that all respondents were convinced of the need for a medical kit in the train, but a significant part of the respondents are not aware of its presence and location in the train. 75.70 % of respondents believe that there should be two types of first-aid kits in the train – from the train manager and the conductor. Only 53.70 % of the respondents are well-known for the medical first-aid kit, many of whom consider it necessary to improve the composition of the first-aid kit and regular attendance of the respective courses for the first medical aid and obtaining certificates.Based on the content analysis, it was determined that a carriage should be equipped with one medical first aid kit and one additional first aid kit train in case of an accident. When staffing first-aid kits, it is recommended to orient the first-aid kits for automobiles.Conclusions. The composition of first-aid kits for medical personnel, which are equipped with trains of Ukraine, Russia, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus, has been investigated. The advantages and disadvantages of these first-aid kits are determined. The directions of perfection of the medical first-aid kits, which are equipped with the trains of Ukraralizytsia, are also offere

    ДослідженнЯ соціально-псиХологічниХ хараКтеристиК фахіВціВ фармаціЇ

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    The purpose of the article is to study the socio-psychological characteristics of Ukrainian pharmacists.Methods: methods of psychodiagnostic analysis, expert assessments, analytical, comparative and logical. The survey involved 352 pharmacist practitioners from all regions of Ukraine.Results. In the context of introducing the proper pharmacy practices in pharmacies and aggravating the socio-economic situation in the country, pharmacy specialists face the issue of providing pharmaceutical assistance to pharmacy visitors at an appropriate professional level, for which they need a certain set of socio-psychological characteristics. Evaluation of these characteristics was carried out using the methods of diagnostics of systemic-characterological relations, resistance to conflicts, level of subjective control, MPI (G. Aysenck), SSB-98 (Self-regulation style of behavior), volitional qualities by N. Stambulova. The proposed methods allowed us to identify the inherent qualities of specialists, namely, the average level of indicators of self-control and endurance, initiative, creativity and independence. At the same time, pharmacy specialists overcome obstacles to achieve the goal, but show a certain softness, they are also not always confident in making decisions, they are prone to doubt. The willful sphere of the interviewed pharmacists is characterized by a tendency towards uncertainty and lack of initiative. Most pharmacists have poorly defined leadership qualities and an average level of conflict resistance. 22,03 % of pharmacy specialists have a high level of conflict, 8,48 % of respondents have a pronounced conflict level.Conclusion. The socio-psychological characteristics of pharmacy specialists were studied using psychodiagnostic methods. According to the test, the system-characterological relations of the individual determined that tactics, integrity, responsiveness, organization, diligence, self-criticism, self-confidence, accuracy, frugality and moderation in needs are characteristic of most pharmacy specialists, but there is a definite need to develop or improve these qualities. Pharmacy specialists are also characterized by an average value of the level of subjective control. The willful sphere of the interviewed pharmacists is characterized by partial uncertainty and lack of initiativ

    Development of RP HPLC Method for Aminocaproic Acid Determination in A Complex Nasal Drug

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    The aim of this work was to develop a method of RP HPLC for the quantitative determination of aminocaproic acid in a complex nasal drug.Materials and methods. A solution of aminocaproic acid and a solution of a complex model mixture containing aminocaproic acid were used for the study purposes. A method used for sample preparation was derivatization of aminocaproic acid with dansyl chloride. A method of quantitative determination was RP HPLC analysis with UV detection at 288 nm.Results. The obtained data confirm the specificity, linearity, and correctness of the method proposed for quantitative analysis. Therewith, the correlation coefficient, limit of detection, limit of quantification and relative standard deviation (RSD) are R=0.9998, LOD=4.6·10-5 g/mL, LOQ=1.4·10-4 g/mL, and RSD=1.16% respectively.Conclusions. A method of RP HPLC for the quantitative determination of aminocaproic acid in a complex nasal drug has been developed and its validation assessment has been carried out according to the following validation parameters: specificity, accuracy, linearity, and precision (repeatability). Statistical processing of the obtained results shows that all the validation parameters studied are within the acceptance criteri

    Sociometry as a Method for Assessing the Socio-psychological Climate in Pharmacies

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    Aim. The aim of the study is to adapt the sociometric method of assessment of socio-psychological climate in the pharmacy due to questionnaire design, the construction of sociometric matrix and development of sociogram.Materials and methods. The study used methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis, content analysis. A sociological survey was used to determine the level of the socio-psychological climate in a pharmacy institution. The survey involved all team members who work in an institution. The study covered all regions of Ukraine. The total number of pharmacies that participated in the sociological survey is 92 pharmacies. There were 51 valid questionnaires. Some pharmacy experts chose incorrect answers - "I choose everyone" or "with everyone". Such answers are explained by the indifference and amorphousness of the relationships within the team or by providing deliberately incorrect answers.Results. Theoretical bases of estimation of social-psychological climate are investigated. The relevance of the study of interpersonal relationships and conflict situations that have developed in the team is substantiated. The expediency of using the sociometric method for estimating the socio-psychological climate in the pharmacy institution has been proved. An algorithm for conducting a sociometric study in a pharmacy institution is proposed. A sociometric card has been developed that can be used to evaluate the socio-psychological climate of a pharmacy institution. The form of the final socio-matrix and the target sociogram are given. It is suggested to determine the magnitude of sociometric status and emotional expansiveness of pharmacy pharmacy specialists.Conclusions. The study allowed to conclude that it is advisable to use sociometric method adapted to the conditions of pharmacy to evaluate the socio-psychological climate in the pharmac

    Setting the Equation of Regression to Determine the Technological Factors Influence on the Content of Flavonoids in the Extract

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    The aim of the article is to establish a regression equation that determines the influence of technological factors on the content of flavonoids in the extract for further use in optimizing the technology for obtaining an extract based on horse chestnut. The task of the research was to identify a mathematical model to describe the effect of technological parameters of extraction on the target quality indicators of a given dosage form, in particular, on the quantitative content of flavonoids. Materials and methods. The proposed approach is based on mathematical processing of experimental results obtained according to plan 23 using the computer program Mathcad 14 and MS Excel. To establish a mathematical description, an analysis of the separate influence of technological factors on the target indicator was carried out and the possibility of forming a geometric mean function was determined using the corresponding linear regression equations. Results. The general problem of identification was solved, when it was necessary to reveal both the mechanism of influence of technological factors on the value of the target indicator, and to give a quantitative assessment of the unknown parameters of the regression equation. Based on the results of experimental observations, an adequate mathematical model was established in the form of a linear multiple regression equation with the interaction of factors. Conclusions. The obtained mathematical description makes it possible to analyze the influence of technological factors on the quantitative content of the complex of flavonoids in the herbal extract in the range of the investigated factor space, and also to optimize the technological parameters of extractio

    Research of the Causes and Consequences of Mobing in the Lablor Team of A Pharmacy Establishment

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    The aim of the article is to analyze the causes and consequences of mobbing, which occurs in the staff of the pharmacy. Materials and methods. The methods used in the study include methods of theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, content analysis, expert survey, correlation analysis. Results. The situation in pharmacies regarding the presence of mobbing in the workforce has been studied. 31 % of respondents in their professional activities encountered mobbing, and 47 % said that such phenomena were quite common, and 44 % often encountered insults and intimidation. The reasons for mobbing in the staff of the pharmacy and the its reasons in the staff of the pharmacy by the employee who is subjected to mobbing are formulated. The distribution of status in the workforce (9.9±0.1 points), envy of a younger or more successful colleague (A2) (9.4±0.15 points), distribution of statuses in the labor collective (A3) (9.3±0.1 points), low level of communication skills (9.2±0.1 points) and unhealthy socio-psychological climate in the workforce (9.1±0.2 points), age (9.0±0.3 points). Statistically significant relationships between the attitude of pharmacy staff to mobbing and age were identified; general work experience and work experience in a pharmacy; gender, managerial, professional, and interpersonal tolerance and its identification-group component and commitment to the pharmacy Negative attitude to mobbing is manifested in the most loyal to the pharmacy staff. The manifestations of mobbing in the staff of the pharmacy were studied, namely: boycott of the employee (9.1±0.15 points), constant and often unfounded criticism (8.4±0.15 points), unfair and offensive evaluation of work (7.9±0.17 points), etc. The consequences of mobbing in the workforce of the pharmacy were determined, which include the creation of an unhealthy socio-psychological climate in the workforce, high staff turnover, reduced productivity, disruption of communication in the workforce, disruption of communication between pharmacist and pharmacy visitor, regular visitors, deterioration of the reputation of the pharmacy, etc. Conclusions. The causes of mobbing in the pharmacy have been identified. In the perspective of the identified problems of mobbing in the pharmacy, its consequences for the pharmacy are determine

    Research of the Level of Socio-economic Development of Ukrainian Regions

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    For a long period of time from 1991 to 2016, the socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions was characterized by enhanced differentiation and persistent inequality. Permanent preservation of the gap between the maximum and minimum values of indicators of socio-economic development of regions, in particular, the GRP per capita (8.8 times in 2014); disposable income of populace (10.3 % in 2015); unemployment rate according to ILO methodology (in 2.8 times in January-September 2016), the volume of realized industrial products (38.9 times in January-September 2016) indicate of the persistence of centre-periphery relations between regions in the economic space of the country. This situation reduces the overall efficiency of the economy, which is reflected by the decline of Ukraine's position in the rankings of International organizations. According to the global competitiveness index in 2015 Ukraine has shifted from 76 to 79 place compared with 2014, according to the index of human development there was a slight increase from 83 to 81 place.The article examines the processes of socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions and offers analytical scheme of identification stage of problematic of the regions' socio-economic development. The article justifies system of partial indicators and on its basis calculates the integral and generalizing indicators of economic and social development of Ukrainian regions. The article offers matrix of determination of Ukrainian problematic regions in the perspective of socio-economic development. The criteria of identification of the gross regional product's dynamics of the country regions are proposed and its impact on the socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions is determined

    Research of Gender Features of Pharmacists

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    The aim of the study is to determine the gender characteristics of pharmacists. Materials and methods. To study gender characteristics, a survey of pharmacy specialists was conducted using a specially designed questionnaire and psychological methods: “Locus of control” (J. Rotter test modified by O. Ksenofontova), study of volitional personality qualities (questionnaire of N. Stambulova); Cattell test 16 PF; diagnostics of interpersonal relations (T. Leary test in modification by L. Sobchyk), express diagnostics of resistance to conflicts, methods of studying personality orientation (test of V. Smekal and M. Kucher). Results. The relevance of the study of gender characteristics of pharmacists is substantiated. The level of involvement of women in management in the economy, politics, education, in law enforcement and health authorities in Ukraine has been analyzed, which indicates gender identity. The essence of gender analysis according to specifics of pharmacy is determined. The manifestations of masculinity-femininity in pharmacists have been studied. The level of subjective control of pharmacists is analyzed. Characteristic features of men and women pharmacists are estimated. The volitional qualities of pharmacists have been studied. Conflict resistance was diagnosed. The types of interaction between men and women pharmacists are studied. Conclusions. It has been proven that women pharmacists are feminine and prone to gender stereotypes. Male pharmacists have a low level of subjective control and do not associate actions with subsequent events, as well as show themselves as independent, determined, courageous, purposeful, proactive, persistent professionals with endurance and self-control. It was found that both women pharmacists and men pharmacists show an average level of conflict resistance. The personal orientation is revealed, so at men-pharmacists motives of own well-being and aspiration to prestige prevai