13 research outputs found

    Stabilitas Permintaan Uang di Indonesia Sebelum dan Sesudah Perubahan Sistem Nilai Tukar

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the stability of money demand in Indonesia before and after the change of exchange rate system, from managed floating exchange rate to free floating exchange rate in the middle of 1997. And also to analyze the role of exchange rate on the money demand in Indonesia. The result shows that there are no change in stability of money demand for M1 and any change in stability for M2. The role of exchange rate is very significant in money de¬mand in Indonesia not only for M1 but also for M2. Because of right now, the exchange rate system is free floating exchange rate, where no government intervening, so that the govern¬ment should to maintain the exchange rate market more efficient. Keywords: Money Demand, Managed floating exchange rate, free floating exchange rate, stability of money deman

    The Creative Economy Agency Support for the Micro and Small Industries Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The creative industry grows from the micro, small and medium industry (MSME), thus the creative economy agency should alleviate the burden MSME have due to the COVID-19 pandemic impact. Hence, the main purpose of this research is to determine the relief actions the creative industry agency should do by observing the micro-small enterprises (MSE) performances that related to the creative industry.The framework of this research is based on the national competitiveness of Porter's and the world economic index developed by Adamkiewicz. The secondary data is taken from the MSE survey conducted by BPS and followed by the GLS cross-section weights method, which allowed to make the estimation assuming heteroscedasticity exists.      This study finds that (1) the social competitiveness is the weakest foundation of MSE; (2) high institutional competitiveness offsets the low competitiveness of other factors; (3) the competitiveness of infrastructure and micro dimension remain be the MSE's competitiveness weakness. In order to reduce the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, the efforts may need to be done; Bekraf should take its supporter role, the optimization of Credit Guarantee Schemes for financing the MSMEs, opening up the technology which affordable and easily accessable (depot technology), and raising the entrepreneurs awareness to emphasize the cooperation in a business network.Keywords: Bekraf; MSE; Competitiveness

    Inter-bank Call Money Market Transaction in Indonesia

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    This study analyzes the effect of Indonesian Bank loan, the amount of demand deposits, and the Indonesia economic crisis in 1997 on the interbank call money market transactions in Indonesia using a multiple linear regression method. This study finds that the variables influencing the interbank call money market transactions are the interest rate of interbank call money market and the check money. Both variables have positive effect on the interbank money market transactions in Indonesia.Keywords: Loans, Interest Rate, Check Money, Monetary Crisis, Interbank Money Market TransactionsJEL Classification Numbers: G21, G28AbstrakPenelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh pinjaman Bank Indonesia terhadap tingkat bunga pasar uang antar bank, jumlah uang giral, dan krisis ekonomi Indonesia tahun 1997 terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank di Indonesia menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank tersebut adalah tingkat bunga pasar uang antar bank dan jumlah uang giral. Dua variabel tersebut berpengaruh positif terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank di Indonesia.Keywords: Pinjaman, Tingkat Bunga, Uang Giral, Krisis Moneter, Transaksi Pasar Uang antar BankJEL Classification Numbers: G21, G2


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    Abstract This study analyzes the effect of Indonesian Bank loan, the amount of demand deposits, and the Indonesia economic crisis in 1997 on the interbank call money market transactions in Indonesia using a multiple linear regression method. This study finds that the variables influencing the interbank call money market transactions are the interest rate of interbank call money market and the check money. Both variables have positive effect on the interbank money market transactions in Indonesia. Keywords: Loans, Interest Rate, Check Money, Monetary Crisis, Interbank Money Market Transactions JEL Classification Numbers: G21, G28 Abstrak Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh pinjaman Bank Indonesia terhadap tingkat bunga pasar uang antar bank, jumlah uang giral, dan krisis ekonomi Indonesia tahun 1997 terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank di Indonesia menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank tersebut adalah tingkat bunga pasar uang antar bank dan jumlah uang giral. Dua variabel tersebut berpengaruh positif terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank di Indonesia. Keywords: Pinjaman, Tingkat Bunga, Uang Giral, Krisis Moneter, Transaksi Pasar Uang antar Bank JEL Classification Numbers: G21, G2


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    Abstract This study analyzes the effect of Indonesian Bank loan, the amount of demand deposits, and the Indonesia economic crisis in 1997 on the interbank call money market transactions in Indonesia using a multiple linear regression method. This study finds that the variables influencing the interbank call money market transactions are the interest rate of interbank call money market and the check money. Both variables have positive effect on the interbank money market transactions in Indonesia. Keywords: Loans, Interest Rate, Check Money, Monetary Crisis, Interbank Money Market Transactions JEL Classification Numbers: G21, G28 Abstrak Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh pinjaman Bank Indonesia terhadap tingkat bunga pasar uang antar bank, jumlah uang giral, dan krisis ekonomi Indonesia tahun 1997 terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank di Indonesia menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank tersebut adalah tingkat bunga pasar uang antar bank dan jumlah uang giral. Dua variabel tersebut berpengaruh positif terhadap transaksi pasar uang antar bank di Indonesia. Keywords: Pinjaman, Tingkat Bunga, Uang Giral, Krisis Moneter, Transaksi Pasar Uang antar Bank JEL Classification Numbers: G21, G2

    Validity Test of Purchasing Power Parity Doctrine: an Indonesian Case Study

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    The goal of this study is to analyze the doctrine purchasing power parity (PPP) in Indonesia with the case study of the rupiah exchange rate to U.S. dollar. The autoregressive is used to estimate the relationship between the change of exchange rate and the difference Indonesia–USA inflation rate. The data used in this study are quarterly data obtained from the International Financial Statistics (IFS) and Bank Indonesia (BI) with the period 1997Q4-2013Q4. The exchange rate that used in this study is using the rate on rupiah to U S dollar. The price data used consumer price index in Indonesia and the United States with a base year of 2000. The results of this study show, that rupiah to the U.S. dollar is undervalued during the free floating exchange rate system and, the PPP doctrine to the case of the rupiah to the U.S. dollar is not valid in the period of this study

    Validity test of purchasing power parity doctrine: An Indonesian case study

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    The goal of this study is to analyze the doctrine purchasing power parity (PPP) in Indonesia with the case study of the rupiah exchange rate to U.S. dollar. The autoregressive is used to estimate the relationship between the change of exchange rate and the difference Indonesia–USA inflation rate. The data used in this study are quarterly data obtained from the International Financial Statistics (IFS) and Bank Indonesia (BI) with the period 1997Q4-2013Q4. The exchange rate that used in this study is using the rate on rupiah to U S dollar. The price data used consumer price index in Indonesia and the United States with a base year of 2000. The results of this study show, that rupiah to the U.S. dollar is undervalued during the free floating exchange rate system and, the PPP doctrine to the case of the rupiah to the U.S. dollar is not valid in the period of this study

    Validity test of purchasing power parity doctrine: An Indonesian case study

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    The goal of this study is to analyze the doctrine purchasing power parity (PPP) in Indonesia with the case study of the rupiah exchange rate to U.S. dollar. The autoregressive is used to estimate the relationship between the change of exchange rate and the difference Indonesia–USA inflation rate. The data used in this study are quarterly data obtained from the International Financial Statistics (IFS) and Bank Indonesia (BI) with the period 1997Q4-2013Q4. The exchange rate that used in this study is using the rate on rupiah to U S dollar. The price data used consumer price index in Indonesia and the United States with a base year of 2000. The results of this study show, that rupiah to the U.S. dollar is undervalued during the free floating exchange rate system and, the PPP doctrine to the case of the rupiah to the U.S. dollar is not valid in the period of this study