63 research outputs found

    Efficacy of azimsulfuron against complex weed flora in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa) under rainfed shallow lowland

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    A field experiment was conducted during the wet seasons of 2010 and 2011 at ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack to study the efficacy of azimsulfuron for controlling broad spectrum of weeds in transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) field under rainfed shallow lowland. The present study consisted of 10 treatments which includes seven doses of azimsulfuron, viz. 12.5, 17.5, 22.5, 27.5, 30.0, 35.0 and 40 g/ha each with 0.2% surfactant along with recommended herbicide, pretilachlor at 625 g/ ha, weed-free and weedy as check. Yield attributes of rice were significantly (P<0.05) affected by weed control treatments. The highest grain yield (5.72 tonnes/ha) and N-use efficiency (57.2) were obtained in weed free check, realizing 76% increase in grain yield of rice over weedy check. Azimsulfuron at 35 and 40 g/ha applied 18 days after transplanting was found to be very effective (weed control efficiency 92.8 and 95.5%, respectively) in controlling the complex weed flora and produced comparable grain yield with weed-free check. There was more than 45% reduction in the grain yield of rice due to competition with weeds in weedy plots. The negative effect of weed competition in weedy check plot was reflected in significant reduction in crop growth rate (4.66 g/m2/day) and total biomass of rice (6.89 tonnes/ha)

    A comparative study of intrathecal levobupivacaine-clonidine and bupivacaine in the quality of anesthesia for patients undergoing hernioplasty

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    Background: Bupivacaine is most commonly used amino-amide drug for subarachnoid block in hernioplasty. Levobupivacaine has similar pharmacological activity to that of bupivacaine with minimal cardiotoxicity. Clonidine, an α2 adrenergic agonist, potentiates the action of local anesthetics when used intrathecally and enhances post-operative analgesia. Aims and Objectives: This prospective, comparative, observational study was aimed to compare the effects of 0.5% levobupivacaine with clonidine and 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine in patients undergoing hernioplasty for the quality of surgical anesthesia and hemodynamic changes with any significant intraoperative complications. Materials and Methods: After receiving approval from the institutional ethics committee and written informed consent, 80 male patients aged between 18 and 60 years, BMI 150 cm, and American society of anesthesiologists physical status1 and 2 posted for elective hernioplasty were enrolled into two equal groups of 40 patients, group LC and group B. Patients in group LC received 15 mg 0.5% isobaric levobupivacaine with 30 μg clonidine and patients in group B received 15 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine intrathecally. SPSS version 20 was used for analysis, and P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: In group LC, onsets of both sensory and motor blocks were delayed, whereas durations of motor and sensory block with analgesia were longer. Tachycardia, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, and shivering were observed greater in numbers in group B, whereas incidence of bradycardia was more in group LC. Conclusion: Prolonged duration of sensory and motor block, prolonged analgesic effect, and hemodynamic stability without any significant adverse effects may make this combination a better alternative to hyperbaric bupivacaine for hernioplasty

    Vaginal Rhabdomyosarcoma in a patient with advanced cervical cancer; a case report and review of literature

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma is very rare in adults accounting for less than 5% of all soft tissue tumours and less than 1% of all malignancies. Vagina is one of the least common sites for occurrence of Rhabdomyosarcoma in the genital tract. We present a case of a 53-year-old woman who is a follow up case of cervical cancer stage IIIB, managed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. She was doing well till 5 years of her treatment for cervical cancer when she presented with complaints of pain lower abdomen and discharge per vaginum for 10 days. On examination she was found to have an abdominal mass of 18 weeks size and on local examination there was 4X4 cm fixed mass on lower third of vagina arising from left side. MRI abdomen and pelvis was done. Biopsy from the vaginal mass showed features of Rhabdomyosarcoma. Further follow up of the patient was not possible due to lockdown in view of the pandemic. She was last contacted telephonically on 25th March 2020; she said she was waiting for the lockdown to be lifted so that her further management can take place. This is just one patient; there are many more with other medical conditions all over the world who are losing their lives because of not being able to access medical care due to the present pandemic. New growth in the region of local recurrence in a known malignancy cannot necessarily be the recurrence of the primary tumour. It is important to keep our mind open to other differentials apart from the recurrence of primary malignancy, sometimes it can turn out to be a very rare tumour as we encountered in our case

    Uterine inversion during caesarean section: a case report

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    The present report aim to sensitise the obstetrician regarding risk of uterine inversion in a scarred uterus and the importance of immediate manual replacement. Represented case is of 40 years gravida five with previous one spontaneous abortion and previous history of three ectopic pregnancies with history of open left salpingectomy for ruptured left tubal ectopic pregnancy and history of laparoscopic right tubal clipping and uterine rupture repair for cornual pregnancy underwent an emergency caesarean section at 34 weeks. Since there were no signs of placental separation, controlled cord traction of placenta was attempted and uterine inversion was noticed. Manual replacement of uterus was done followed by manual removal of the adherent placenta. There was no postpartum haemorrhage. Inversion of uterus during caesarean section is a rare obstetric complication. If unrecognized it could lead to serious morbidity due to haemorrhage and shock. Prompt diagnosis and repositioning of the uterus are important measures in management

    Weedy rice: problems and its management

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    ABSTRACT Weedy rice belongs to the same genus and species as cultivated rice but with different forms. It appears as hybrid swarms due to introgression of genes between wild and cultivated species in nature. In Asian rice, it is known as Oryza sativa var. spontanea whereas in African context it is said as O. sativa var. stapfii. It grows faster; produces more tillers, panicles and biomass; makes better use of available N; shatters earlier; has better resistance to adverse conditions; and possesses longer dormancy in soil. Because of its high competitive ability, it becomes a serious threat to rice growers worldwide. Great morphological variability, similar growth behavior and high biological affinity with cultivated varieties make its control difficult. No single management technique can effectively control weedy rice. An appropriate combination of preventive, cultural, mechanical and chemical control measures is essential

    Measuring Coverage in MNCH:A Prospective Validation Study in Pakistan and Bangladesh on Measuring Correct Treatment of Childhood Pneumonia

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    Antibiotic treatment for pneumonia as measured by Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) is a key indicator for tracking progress in achieving Millennium Development Goal 4. Concerns about the validity of this indicator led us to perform an evaluation in urban and rural settings in Pakistan and Bangladesh.Caregivers of 950 children under 5 y with pneumonia and 980 with "no pneumonia" were identified in urban and rural settings and allocated for DHS/MICS questions 2 or 4 wk later. Study physicians assigned a diagnosis of pneumonia as reference standard; the predictive ability of DHS/MICS questions and additional measurement tools to identify pneumonia versus non-pneumonia cases was evaluated. Results at both sites showed suboptimal discriminative power, with no difference between 2- or 4-wk recall. Individual patterns of sensitivity and specificity varied substantially across study sites (sensitivity 66.9% and 45.5%, and specificity 68.8% and 69.5%, for DHS in Pakistan and Bangladesh, respectively). Prescribed antibiotics for pneumonia were correctly recalled by about two-thirds of caregivers using DHS questions, increasing to 72% and 82% in Pakistan and Bangladesh, respectively, using a drug chart and detailed enquiry.Monitoring antibiotic treatment of pneumonia is essential for national and global programs. Current (DHS/MICS questions) and proposed new (video and pneumonia score) methods of identifying pneumonia based on maternal recall discriminate poorly between pneumonia and children with cough. Furthermore, these methods have a low yield to identify children who have true pneumonia. Reported antibiotic treatment rates among these children are therefore not a valid proxy indicator of pneumonia treatment rates. These results have important implications for program monitoring and suggest that data in its current format from DHS/MICS surveys should not be used for the purpose of monitoring antibiotic treatment rates in children with pneumonia at the present time

    cartilage tissue engineering : In vitro and in vivo studies comparing the chondrogenic potential of different cell sources

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    Research and Review: Drugs and Drugs Development Based on Protein Drug Delivery System

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    Protein Drug Delivery System is raising pharmaceuticals in the Health Care Systems and Allied Health Sciences in bearing of better treatment. A noteworthy test defying pharmaceutical researchers later on will be to plan fruitful measurement shapes for the up and coming age of medications. Protein and Peptide sedate conveyance framework are the Novel medication Delivery System. Protein and peptide upgrade the effectively conveyance of the medication to the coveted site of activity. Proteins and peptides are the richest segments of natural cells. They exist working, for example, compounds, hormones, basic component and immunoglobulin. The twenty diverse normally happening amino acids join with each other by peptide bonds and manufacture polymers alluded to peptides and proteins. Despite the fact that the refinement amongst peptides and proteins are peptide contains fewer than 20 amino acids, having a sub-atomic weight less than 5000, while a protein has at least 50 amino acids and its sub-atomic weight lies over this esteem. This field of treatment is ceaselessly refreshing for the medication conveyance framework and restoratively dynamic course to recuperate different sicknesses. The majority of pharmaceutical proteins and peptides are consumed IM, IV and Subcutaneous course of Absorption, yet the oral course is more advantageous for retention of protein when contrasted with other. Different issues related with organization of protein and peptide drugs are expected to defeat by various pharmaceutical methodologies. Besides, administrative rules must be more stringent for better evaluation of such items to place it in factor utilize. This fundamental overview is improved the situation offering learning to erupt the reasonable way to deal with Protein Drug Delivery System and to bring it into concern
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