370 research outputs found

    Temporal summation in a neuromimetic micropillar laser

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    Neuromimetic systems are systems mimicking the functionalities orarchitecture of biological neurons and may present an alternativepath for efficient computing and information processing. We demonstratehere experimentally temporal summation in a neuromimetic micropillarlaser with integrated saturable absorber. Temporal summation is theproperty of neurons to integrate delayed input stimuli and to respondby an all-or-none kind of response if the inputs arrive in a sufficientlysmall time window. Our system alone may act as a fast optical coincidence detector and paves the way to fast photonic spike processing networks

    Nonlinear mechanics with photonic crystal nanomembranes

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    Optomechanical systems close to their quantum ground state and nonlinear nanoelectromechanical systems are two hot topics of current physics research. As high-reflectivity and low mass are crucial features to improve optomechanical coupling towards the ground state, we have designed, fabricated and characterized photonic crystal nanomembranes, at the crossroad of both topics. Here we demonstrate a number of nonlinear effects with these membranes. We first characterize the nonlinear behavior of a single mechanical mode and we demonstrate its nonlocal character by monitoring the subsequent actuation-related frequency shift of a different mode. We then proceed to study the underlying nonlinear dynamics, both by monitoring the phase-space trajectory of the free resonator and by characterizing the mechanical response in presence of a strong pump excitation. We observe in particular the frequency evolution during a ring-down oscillation decay, and the emergence of a phase conjugate mechanical response to a weaker probe actuation. Our results are crucial to understand the full nonlinear features of the PhC membranes, and possibly to look for nonlinear signatures of the quantum dynamics

    An acoustic black hole in a stationary hydrodynamic flow of microcavity polaritons

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    We report an experimental study of superfluid hydrodynamic effects in a one-dimensional polariton fluid flowing along a laterally patterned semiconductor microcavity and hitting a micron-sized engineered defect. At high excitation power, superfluid propagation effects are observed in the polariton dynamics, in particular, a sharp acoustic horizon is formed at the defect position, separating regions of sub- and super-sonic flow. Our experimental findings are quantitatively reproduced by theoretical calculations based on a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Promising perspectives to observe Hawking radiation via photon correlation measurements are illustrated.Comment: 5 pages Main + 5 pages Supplementary, 8 figure

    Accurate measurement of a 96% input coupling into a cavity using polarization tomography

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    Pillar microcavities are excellent light-matter interfaces providing an electromagnetic confinement in small mode volumes with high quality factors. They also allow the efficient injection and extraction of photons, into and from the cavity, with potentially near-unity input and output-coupling efficiencies. Optimizing the input and output coupling is essential, in particular, in the development of solid-state quantum networks where artificial atoms are manipulated with single incoming photons. Here we propose a technique to accurately measure input and output coupling efficiencies using polarization tomography of the light reflected by the cavity. We use the residual birefringence of pillar microcavities to distinguish the light coupled to the cavity from the uncoupled light: the former participates to rotating the polarization of the reflected beam, while the latter decreases the polarization purity. Applying this technique to a micropillar cavity, we measure a 53±2%53 \pm2 \% output coupling and a 96±1%96 \pm 1\% input coupling with unprecedented precision.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Definition of the stimulated emission threshold in high-β\beta nanoscale lasers through phase-space reconstruction

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    Nanoscale lasers sustain few optical modes so that the fraction of spontaneous emission β\beta funnelled into the useful (lasing) mode is high (of the order of few 101^{-1}) and the threshold, which traditionally corresponds to an abrupt kink in the light in- light out curve, becomes ill-defined. We propose an alternative definition of the threshold, based on the dynamical response of the laser, which is valid even for β=1\beta=1 lasers. The laser dynamics is analyzed through a reconstruction of its phase-space trajectory for pulsed excitation. Crossing the threshold brings about a change in the shape of the trajectory and in the area contained in it. An unambiguous definition of the threshold in terms of this change is shown theoretically and illustrated experimentally in a photonic crystal laser