64 research outputs found

    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Multiple Sclerosis Overlap: A Case Report

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    The concurrence of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and multiple sclerosis (MS) is extremely rare. We reported the case of a 33-year-old woman with a past history of paresthesias at the right hand, who developed progressive quadriparesis with muscular atrophy of limbs and, finally, bulbar signs and dyspnea. Clinical and neurophysiologic investigations revealed upper and lower motor neuron signs in the bulbar region and extremities, suggesting the diagnosis of ALS. Moreover, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis demonstrated 3 periventricular and juxtacortical lesions, hyperintense in T2 and FLAIR sequences, and 3 liquoral immunoglobulin G (IgG) oligoclonal bands, consistent with diagnosis of primary progressive MS (PPMS). This unusual overlap of ALS and MS leads to the discussion of a hypothetical common pathological process of immunological dysfunction in these two disorders, although the role of immune response in ALS remains ambivalent and unclear

    Familial Polyposis Coli: The Management of Desmoid Tumor Bleeding

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    There is currently no standard treatment for desmoid tumors (DTs) associated with familial polyposis coli (FAP). Familial adenomatous polyposis in DT patients is sometimes a life-threatening condition

    Gender differences in chronic liver diseases in two cohorts of 2001 and 2014 in Italy

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    Background: Gender differences in chronic liver disease (CLD) have been partially investigated. To extend the present knowledge, we evaluated 12,263 patients with CLD enrolled in two national surveys (9997 in 2001 and 2557 in 2014). Methods: The two surveys prospectively recruited patients aged â¥Â 18 referring to Italian liver units throughout the country using a similar clinical approach and analytical methods. Results: The overall male to female ratio (M/F) was 1.4 (7138/5124). Compared with females, males were significantly more likely to be younger (52.9 vs. 58.7 yrs.), with HBV infection alone (13.2% vs. 9.2%) and with alcoholic liver disease alone (11.4% vs. 6.9%), but less likely to show HCV infection alone (48.0% vs. 67.9%). A male preponderance was observed in HBV-related cases (1.99) and in alcoholic-related cases (2.3), a preponderance observed both in the 2001 and in 2014 cases. In HCV-related cases, however, females predominated in 2001 (M/F 0.9) and males in 2014 (M/F 1.5).The rate of cirrhosis in alcohol-related etiology was close to 36% in both genders, a finding much higher than that observed for both sexes in HBV and HCV etiologies.Both males and females enrolled in 2014 were older (p < 0.001) and with a higher rate of cirrhosis and/or HCC (p < 0.001) than those investigated in 2001. There was a remarkable increase over time in the proportion of male abstainers (36.7% in 2001 and 64.3% in 2014). Conclusion: This study highlights important inter- and intra-gender differences in the characteristics and etiological factors of patients with CLD in Italy

    Gastroenterological complications in kidney transplant patients

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    Kidney transplantation is the surgical operation by which one of the two original kidneys is replaced with another healthy one donated by a compatible individual. In most cases, donors are recently deceased. There is the possibility of withdrawing a kidney from a consenting living subject. Usually, living donors are direct family members, but they could be volunteers completely unrelated to the recipient. A much-feared complication in case of kidney transplantation is the appearance of infections. These tend to arise due to immune-suppressor drugs administered as anti-rejection therapy. In this review, we describe the gastrointestinal complications that can occur in subjects undergoing renal transplantation associated with secondary pathogenic microorganisms or due to mechanical injury during surgery or to metabolic or organic toxicity correlated to anti-rejection therapy. Some of these complications may compromise the quality of life or pose a significant risk of mortality; fortunately, many of them can be prevented and treated without the stopping the immunosuppression, thus avoiding the patient being exposed to the risk of rejection episodes

    Gastroenterological complications in kidney transplant patients

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    AbstractKidney transplantation is the surgical operation by which one of the two original kidneys is replaced with another healthy one donated by a compatible individual. In most cases, donors are recently deceased. There is the possibility of withdrawing a kidney from a consenting living subject. Usually, living donors are direct family members, but they could be volunteers completely unrelated to the recipient. A much-feared complication in case of kidney transplantation is the appearance of infections. These tend to arise due to immune-suppressor drugs administered as anti-rejection therapy. In this review, we describe the gastrointestinal complications that can occur in subjects undergoing renal transplantation associated with secondary pathogenic microorganisms or due to mechanical injury during surgery or to metabolic or organic toxicity correlated to anti-rejection therapy. Some of these complications may compromise the quality of life or pose a significant risk of mortality; fortunately, many of them can be prevented and treated without the stopping the immunosuppression, thus avoiding the patient being exposed to the risk of rejection episodes

    Clinical features and lifestyle of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Campania: brief overview of an Italian database

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    Background. Physical activity and occupational exposures appeared to play a relevant role in pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a neurodegenerative disease of unknown origin. Materials and methods. We aimed to make an overview of the clinical characteristics and life - style (occupation and sport) of a population of 395 patients with ALS from campania, in southern Italy. Results. ALS onset resulted anticipated of about 11 years in industry workers, whilst the more frequent site of onset among farmers was upper limbs. compared to non-athletes, athletes, particu- larly soccer players, showed a 7 years anticipation of ALS onset, with higher mortality after 5 years. Discussion and conclusions. We suggest that subjects genetically prone to abnormal response to hy - poxia during strenuous physical activity or exposed to neurotoxic agents, such as athletes, farmers or industry workers, might present increased risk to develop ALS. Future case-control and follow-up studies on our population should be implemented to deepen the present results. Riassunto (Caratteristiche cliniche e stile di vita di pazienti con sclerosi laterale amiotrofica in Campania: breve panoramica di un database italiano). Introduzione. Attivita fisica ed esposizione professionale a sostanze tossiche sembrano svolgere un ruolo rilevante nella patogenesi della sclerosi laterale amiotrofica (SLA), una malattia neurodegenerativa di origine sconosciuta. Materiali e metodi. ci siamo proposti di effettuare una panoramica delle caratteristiche cliniche e dello stile di vita (attivita lavorativa e sport) di una popolazione di 395 pazienti affetti da SLA provenienti dalla regione campania, in Italia meridionale. Risultati. L'insorgenza della SLA e risultata anticipata di circa 11 anni nei lavoratori dell'industria, mentre il sito piu frequente di insorgenza tra i contadini era caratterizzato dagli arti superiori. Rispetto ai non- sportivi, gli sportivi, soprattutto i calciatori, hanno mostrato un'anticipazione di 7 anni nell'insorgenza della SLA, con maggiore mortalita a 5 anni. Discussione e conclusioni. Abbiamo ipotizzato che i soggetti geneticamente predisposti a risposte anomale all'ipossia durante l'attivita fisica intensa o esposti ad agenti neurotossici, come gli sportivi, gli agricoltori o i lavoratori dell'industria, possano presentare un aumen - tato rischio di sviluppare la SLA. Futuri studi caso-controllo e di follow-up sulla nostra popolazione dovrebbero essere effettuati per approfondire i risultati attuali

    Non-neural phenotype of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy: Results from a large cohort of Italian patients

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    Objective: To carry out a deep characterisation of the main androgen-responsive tissues involved in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). Methods: 73 consecutive Italian patients underwent a full clinical protocol including biochemical and hormonal analyses, genitourinary examination, bone metabolism and densitometry, cardiological evaluation and muscle pathology. Results: Creatine kinase levels were slightly to markedly elevated in almost all cases (68 of the 73; 94%). 30 (41%) patients had fasting glucose above the reference limit, and many patients had total cholesterol (40; 54.7%), low-density lipoproteins cholesterol (29; 39.7%) and triglyceride (35; 48%) levels above the recommended values. Although testosterone, luteinising hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone values were generally normal, in one-third of cases we calculated an increased Androgen Sensitivity Index reflecting the presence of androgen resistance in these patients. According to the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), 7/70 (10%) patients reported severe lower urinal tract symptoms (IPSS score >19), and 21/73 (30%) patients were moderately symptomatic (IPSS score from 8 to 19). In addition, 3 patients were carriers of an indwelling bladder catheter. Videourodynamic evaluation indicated that 4 of the 7 patients reporting severe urinary symptoms had an overt prostate-unrelated bladder outlet obstruction. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scan data were consistent with low bone mass in 25/61 (41%) patients. Low bone mass was more frequent at the femoral than at the lumbar level. Skeletal muscle biopsy was carried out in 20 patients and myogenic changes in addition to the neurogenic atrophy were mostly observed. Conclusions: Our study provides evidence of a wide non-neural clinical phenotype in SBMA, suggesting the need for comprehensive multidisciplinary protocols for these patients. \ua9 2016 Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited

    Phylogeography and genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Italy and Europe with newly characterized Italian genomes between February-June 2020

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    Naturally occurring mutations associated with resistance to HCV NS5B polymerase and NS3 protease inhibitors in treatment-naïve patients with chronic hepatitis C

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    BACKGROUND: The detection of baseline resistance mutations to new direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) in HCV chronically infected treatment-naïve patients could be important for their management and outcome prevision. In this study, we investigated the presence of mutations, which have been previously reported to be associated with resistance to DAAs in HCV polymerase (NS5B) and HCV protease (NS3) regions, in sera of treatment-naïve patients. FINDINGS: HCV RNA from 152 naïve patients (84 % Italian and 16 % immigrants from various countries) infected with different HCV genotypes (21,1a; 21, 1b; 2, 2a; 60, 2c; 22, 3a; 25, 4d and 1, 4k) was evaluated for sequence analysis. Amplification and sequencing of fragments in the NS5B (nt 8256–8640) and NS3 (nt 3420–3960) regions of HCV genome were carried out for 152 and 28 patients, respectively. The polymorphism C316N/H in NS5B region, associated with resistance to sofosbuvir, was detected in 9 of the 21 (43 %) analysed sequences from genotype 1b-infected patients. Naturally occurring mutations V36L, and M175L in the NS3 protease region were observed in 100 % of patients infected with subtype 2c and 4. CONCLUSION: A relevant proportion of treatment naïve genotype 1b infected patients evaluated in this study harboured N316 polymorphism and might poorly respond to sofosbuvir treatment. As sofosbuvir has been approved for treatment of HCV chronic infection in USA and Europe including Italy, pre-treatment testing for N316 polymorphism on genotype 1b naïve patients should be considered for this drug