3 research outputs found

    Clinical Symptoms of Minor Head Trauma and Abnormal Computed Tomography Scan

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    Bakgrunden till studien bygger på nuvarande finansieringssvårigheter svenska tillväxtföretag möter i tidiga skeden, något som påverkar Sverige negativt eftersom dessa företag kan vara en länk till svensk tillväxt och fler arbetstillfällen. Därför studeras i studien det nyligen framvuxna finansieringsalternativet “Crowdfunding” som en eventuell lösning på problemet. Vidare existerar ett akademiskt gap inom förståelsen av vad som motiverar en individ att engagera sig i crowdfunding vilket är intressant att studera givet kontexten.Background: The background of this study is based on current funding difficulties Swedish growth companies face in early stages, something that affects Sweden negatively as these companies is a link to Swedish growth, welfare and more jobs. Therefore, the relatively recently developed funding option "Crowdfunding" is being studied, as a possible solution of the problem. Furthermore, there exists a gap within the academic understanding of what motivates an individual to engage in crowdfunding, which is interesting to study the given the context of this study. The crowdfunding platform Framtidslyftet is used as a case company. Aim: This study aims to clarify motivational factors behind Swedish individuals' willingness to financially assist growth companies through crowdfunding. Method: The study combines both the qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative work among other things as a pilot study in which interviews were conducted with the purpose of strengthening the main quantitative survey. The methods are furthermore combined in order to triangulate the phenomenon. Using the theoretical frame of reference motivation is studied based on intrinsic an extrinsic motivational factors. Results: The results show that the respondents of this study's survey are primarily motivated by extrinsic motivational factors such as monetary incentives and that material and nonmaterial incentives depend on the situation. They see crowdfunding of growth companies as an investment where the internal factors are important but of secondary importance, plus they want to be engaged passively in growth companies

    Cerebral Venous Thrombosis in Neonates: Two Case Reports

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    Cerebral venous thrombosis is an uncommon disorder in children however it can be associated with serious clinical consequences. As it is a rare condition without any specific clinical presentation, it is usually undiagnosed. Clinical manifestation of cerebral thrombosis in children is relatively different from adult because of age-related differences in the vascular and neurologic systems. We present a case of a twenty days boy with a history of one-week lethargy and poor feeding and grand mal seizure. He had hypernatremia and severe dehydration. Non-contrast CT scan of the brain revealed superior sagittal and both transverse and sigmoid sinus thrombosis. The patient was treated in neonatal ICU with a favorable clinical response. We also present a fourteen days girl who presented with three days of fever, poor feeding, tachycardia, respiratory distress, and grand mal seizure. She had hypernatremia and severe dehydration. Non-contrast CT scan of the brain revealed superior sagittal sinus thrombosis and right temporal lobe infarction. She was also treated in neonatal ICU with noticeable improvement in symptoms. These cases demonstrate the importance of dehydration in neonatal and clinical suspicion of cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT). We present these two cases to enhance the awareness of clinical practitioners. CVT is an unusual and serious condition in neonates and due to its nonspecific clinical presentation often remains unrecognized. Early neuroimaging, including transfontanel doppler ultra-sonography, and non-contrast CT scan in all neonates with neonatal seizures will improve detection