3 research outputs found

    Efekt interference v lipidové signální cestě na cytotoxicitu sorafenibu a funkci efluxních transportérů u buněk myšího hepatocelulárního karcinomu

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    Univerzita Karlova Farmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králové Katedra farmakologie a toxikologie Studentka: Aigul Sagandykova Školitel: PharmDr. Martina Čečková Ph.D. Konzultant: Dr. Mikko Gynther Ph.D. Název diplomové práce: Efekt interference v lipidové signální cestě na cytotoxicitu sorafenibu a funkci efluxních transportérů u buněk myšího hepatocelulárního karcinomu. Nádorová onemocnění představují i v současné době jednu z celosvětově nejvýznamnějších terapeutických výzev. Chemoterapie dosud zůstává základním přístupem v léčbě maligních onemocnění. Její léčebné výsledky nicméně komplikuje mnohočetná léková rezistence (MDR), fenomén popsaný jako ztráta citlivosti nádorových buněk vůči širokému spektru chemoterapeutických léčiv. Dobře známou příčinou MDR je zvýšení exprese a/nebo zvýšení aktivity efluxních lékových transportérů ATP-dependentní transportérové rodiny (tzv. ABC transportérů), jež byly nalezeny v mnoha typech nádorů. V posledním desetiletí stále větší množství vědecké literatury věnuje pozornost novému znaku nádorových buněk - zánětu. Zánětlivé mikroprostředí potencuje tumorigenezi a up regulaci transportérů. Navíc řada pozorování potvrzuje, že ABC transportéry zprostředkovávají přenos signálních lipidů. Tento nový pohled vede k možnosti volby protizánětlivé léčby jako nového přístupu v...Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Aigul Sagandykova Supervisor: PharmDr. Martina Čečková, Ph.D. Consultant: Dr. Mikko Gynther Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: The effect of lipid signalling pathway interference on sorafenib cytotoxic efficacy and function of efflux transporters in mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Nowadays cancer remains one of the most challenging health issues worldwide. Chemotherapy represents one of the essential approaches in the treatment of malignant diseases. However, multidrug resistance (MDR), a multifactorial phenomenon described as a loss of sensitivity of cancer cells to several diverse chemotherapeutic agents at the same time, often compromises the therapy outcomes. A well-known cause of MDR is an increased expression or/and an enhanced activity of efflux drug transporters of ATP binding cassette (ABC) superfamily, which has been found in many types of cancer. In the last decade, an expanding body of literature suggested a new hallmark of cancer cells - inflammation. An inflammatory microenvironment potentiates tumorigenesis and upregulation of transporters. Moreover, several observations show that ABC transporters mediate the transport of some signalling lipids. This new insight provided...Katedra farmakologie a toxikologieDepartment of Pharmacology and ToxicologyFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    The effect of lipid signaling pathway interference on sorafenib cytotoxic efficacy and function of efflux transporters in mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cells

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    Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Aigul Sagandykova Supervisor: PharmDr. Martina Čečková, Ph.D. Consultant: Dr. Mikko Gynther Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: The effect of lipid signalling pathway interference on sorafenib cytotoxic efficacy and function of efflux transporters in mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Nowadays cancer remains one of the most challenging health issues worldwide. Chemotherapy represents one of the essential approaches in the treatment of malignant diseases. However, multidrug resistance (MDR), a multifactorial phenomenon described as a loss of sensitivity of cancer cells to several diverse chemotherapeutic agents at the same time, often compromises the therapy outcomes. A well-known cause of MDR is an increased expression or/and an enhanced activity of efflux drug transporters of ATP binding cassette (ABC) superfamily, which has been found in many types of cancer. In the last decade, an expanding body of literature suggested a new hallmark of cancer cells - inflammation. An inflammatory microenvironment potentiates tumorigenesis and upregulation of transporters. Moreover, several observations show that ABC transporters mediate the transport of some signalling lipids. This new insight provided..

    The effect of lipid signaling pathway interference on sorafenib cytotoxic efficacy and function of efflux transporters in mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cells

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    Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Aigul Sagandykova Supervisor: PharmDr. Martina Čečková, Ph.D. Consultant: Dr. Mikko Gynther Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: The effect of lipid signalling pathway interference on sorafenib cytotoxic efficacy and function of efflux transporters in mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Nowadays cancer remains one of the most challenging health issues worldwide. Chemotherapy represents one of the essential approaches in the treatment of malignant diseases. However, multidrug resistance (MDR), a multifactorial phenomenon described as a loss of sensitivity of cancer cells to several diverse chemotherapeutic agents at the same time, often compromises the therapy outcomes. A well-known cause of MDR is an increased expression or/and an enhanced activity of efflux drug transporters of ATP binding cassette (ABC) superfamily, which has been found in many types of cancer. In the last decade, an expanding body of literature suggested a new hallmark of cancer cells - inflammation. An inflammatory microenvironment potentiates tumorigenesis and upregulation of transporters. Moreover, several observations show that ABC transporters mediate the transport of some signalling lipids. This new insight provided..