2 research outputs found

    Uporaba šišmišjega gvana za povećanje hranidbene vrijednosti niskokvalitetne slame namijenjene za hranidbu preživača u Tanzaniji.

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    An experiment was carried out on six rumen fistulated cows to determine the potential of bat guano in the treatment (GU) of poor quality roughage in comparison with the use of urea (UR) alkali from “Magadi” (MG) with untreated straws as a control (C). One kg DM of rice straws were sprayed with one litre each of either 5% Urea, or “Magadi”, or Bats’ guano suspensions. The treated straws were kept in covered plastic buckets for 14 days after this, followed by sun drying, then ground by laboratory hammer to pass through a 2.5mm screen. One gram was weighed into Dacron bags (36×36) μm pore size measuring 7.5×10.0 cm. The open ends of the bags were tightly secured on a rubber bong and incubated in the rumen of cows (in triplicates) for 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours. Samples were withdrawn according to the incubation schedule and immediately deepfrozen at -150 C. Finally the samples were manually washed until the washing water was clear and oven dried at 1000C for 24 hours. The residues in the bags were weighed as the DM left and the percentage degradation for each sample calculated. The treated straws had significantly higher P (<0.05) % DM disappearance for most incubation hours compared to the control. The cost of materials required to treat 1kg DM of straws was cheapest with bats’ guano (1.25 Tsh), moderate with “Magadi” (1.50 Tsh) and highest with Urea (22.50 Tsh). It is hereby concluded that it is possible to improve the nutritive value of straws for ruminants by using bats’ guano, which is cheap, locally available and easy to apply.Na šest goveda s umjetnom fistulom buraga izveden je pokus radi određivanja prikladnosti šišmišjega gvana kao dodatka vlaknini slabe kvalitete u usporedbi s učinkom dodatka ureje i praška”magadi”. Kao kontrola poslužila je neobrađena rižina slama. Po jedan kg suhe tvari rižine slame bio je poprskan litrom 5%-tne ureje ili pripravkom “magadi” ili suspenzijom gvana šišmiša. Tako obrađena slama držana je u pokrivenim plastičnim posudama tijekom sljedećih četrnaest dana. Nakon toga slama je dodatno bila sušena na suncu te smrvljena do veličine od 2,5 mm. Jedan gram tako usitnjene slame bio je stavljen u Dacron vrećicu veliku 7,5×10,0 cm s porama promjera 36×36 μm. Otvori vrećica bili su čvrsto začepljeni gumenim čepom te stavljeni na inkubaciju u burag u razdoblju od 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 i 120 sati. Uzorci iz vrećica bili su uzeti u točno određene vrijeme te smrznuli pri -15 oC. Nakon toga su uzorci bili ručno ispirani sve dok voda za ispiranje nije postala bistra. Potom su bili osušeni pri temperaturi od 100 oC tijekom 24 sata. Ostatci u vrećicama bili su izvagani kao suha tvar te je izračunat postotak razgrađenosti svakoga uzorka. U obrađenim uzorcima slame ustanovljen je znatno veći (P<0,05) gubitak suhe tvari u većine uzoraka uzetih u različitim vremenskim razmacima u odnosu na kontrolu. Cijena postupka obradbe slame šišmišjim guanom bila je najmanja (1,25 Tsh). Cijena obradbe pripravkom “magadi” bila je nešto veća (1,50 Tsh). Najskupljim se pokazala obradba urejom (22,50 Tsh). Zaključeno je da se hranidbena vrijednost slame može povećati šišmišjim gvanom koji je inače jeftin, lokalno dostupan te lako primjenjiv

    Seroprevalence of Bovine Brucellosis in Selected Districts of Zambia

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    Brucellosis is an infectious zoonosis that has huge economic and public health implications globally. The disease is prevalent in humans, livestock and wildlife in Sub-Saharan Africa. A cross-sectional study was conducted between 6 May 2017 and 31 July 2020 during which 1712 sera from 175 cattle herds in five districts from Southern, Western and Eastern Provinces of Zambia were collected and screened against brucellosis. The Rose Bengal Test (RBT) and competitive Enzyme-linked Immuno Assay (c-ELISA) were used in serial testing for the detection of antibodies against Brucella species. A total of 127 animals from 37 herds tested positive, giving overall individual animal and herd-level seroprevalences of 7.53% (95% CI: 6.28–8.78%) and 21.14% (95% CI: 15.0–27.2%), respectively. Namwala district had the highest herd seroprevalence (33.9%, 95% CI: 21.6–46.1%), while Lundazi did not record any seropositivity. Comparably, Southern Province had the highest individual animal (8.97%, 95% CI: 7–11%) and herd-level (28.5%, 95% CI: 20.3–36.7%) seroprevalences, although this was not statistically significant. Within Southern Province, higher seropositivity was observed in Namwala district (OR: 8.55; CI: 2.66–27.44), among female animals (OR: 2.48; CI: 1.38–4.46) and in those aged 11 years and above (OR: 2.67; CI: 1.34–5.34) as well as in gravid cows (OR: 4.34; CI: 2.08–8.92). Seropositivity was also observed among some animals with hygromas (OR: 6.5; CI: 0.45–94.08) and those with a history of abortion (OR: 1.13; CI: 0.18–7.28) although the findings were not statistically significant. Brucella seroprevalence among traditional cattle in Zambia remains high. Control programs against bovine brucellosis must be introduced to reduce its impact on human health and animal production