845 research outputs found

    Tri-bimaximal Mixing and Cabibbo Angle in S4 Flavor Model with SUSY

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    We present a flavor model of quarks and leptons with the non-Abelian discrete symmetry S4S_4 in the framework of the SU(5) SUSY GUT. Three generations of 5ˉ\bar 5-plets in SU(5) are assigned to 3{\bf 3} of S4S_4 while the first and second generations of 10-plets in SU(5) are assigned to 2{\bf 2} of S4S_4, and the third generation of 10-plet is assigned to 1{\bf 1} of S4S_4. Right-handed neutrinos are also assigned to 2{\bf 2} for the first and second generations and 1{\bf 1}' for the third generation. We predict the Cabibbo angle as well as the tri-bimaximal mixing of neutrino flavors. We also predict the non-vanishing Ue3U_{e3} of the neutrino flavor mixing due to higher dimensional mass operators. Our predicted CKM mixing angles and the CP violation are consistent with experimental values. We also study SUSY breaking terms in the slepton sector. Our model leads to smaller values of flavor changing neutral currents than the present experimental bounds.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, some references are added, with minor modificatio

    Getting to the heart of the matter: long non-coding RNAs in cardiac development and disease

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    Cardiogenesis in mammals requires exquisite control of gene expression and faulty regulation of transcriptional programs underpins congenital heart disease (CHD), the most common defect among live births. Similarly, many adult cardiac diseases involve transcriptional changes and sometimes have a developmental basis. Long non‐coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a novel class of transcripts that regulate cellular processes by controlling gene expression; however, detailed insights into their biological and mechanistic functions are only beginning to emerge. Here, we discuss recent findings suggesting that lncRNAs are important factors in regulation of mammalian cardiogenesis and in the pathogenesis of CHD as well as adult cardiac disease. We also outline potential methodological and conceptual considerations for future studies of lncRNAs in the heart and other contexts.National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Bench to Bassinet Program U01HL098179)National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (Bench to Bassinet Program U01HL098188

    Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Produk Agrowisata (Studi pada Desa Wisata Gubugklakah Kecamatan Poncokusumo Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur)

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    The purpose of this research is to focus on agro-tourism product development strategy in Gubugklakah Tourism Village.This research tries to describe and know the general condition of Gubugklakah Tourism Village, the potential of agro tourism owned by Gubugklakah Village, and the strategy of agro-tourism product development in Gubugklakah Tourism Village. This researcher is descriptive research type with qualitative approach using three stages of reducing data, presenting data, and data analysis. The results of this study concluded that Gubugklakah village increase in every year.The potential of agro tourism in Gubugklkakah Tourism Village is very potential to be developed.Tourism product development strategy, especially agro-tourism, has several strategies, ranging from product development, development of facilities and infrastructure, market development and promotion, human resources development, partnership development with related parties.Implementation of these strategies leads to various impacts, whether expected or not.The strategy implemented also has an impact in its implementation as a supporting and inhibiting factor in the implementation of the strategy.Based on the description, this study provides recommendations for the creation and development of strategies that can be targeted and cover all sectors and can anticipate unexpected impacts

    Väestön ikärakenteen kehitys ja huoltosuhde Suomessa

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    The Online Sales Application of Black and White Print Based on Yii Framework on Higher Education E-Commerce Website

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       Raharja Internet Cafe as a facility in Raharja College which is provided for Personal Raharja in helping provide the need for lecture activities. Raharja Internet Cafe has a problem that the system of selling black and white print products that apply consumers must come directly to the RIC room at LV-002 at Raharja College, but Raharja Internet Cafe cannot accommodate many consumers because of the limited area. These problems are the background for the establishment of an electronic sales system (e-commerce) based on Yii framework with the aim of facilitating the sale of black and white print products for consumers and staff of Raharja Internet Cafe. E-commerce website at Raharja Internet Cafe is a web-based application with a structured programming concept. The e-commerce application development Shop Copy Nicky uses 4 (four) stages according to the steps that exist in software development, including the stages of observation, analysis, literature study consisting of 10 (ten) literature and implementation. The conclusion of the e-commerce website development on Raharja Internet Cafe is that the website built can make it easy for consumers to make transactions, and Raharja Internet Cafe can get comprehensive and real time reports about sales data, and payment systems for consumers that are easier because they use payment system that is done online.     Keywords: E-Commerce, Black and White Print, Raharja Internet Caf

    Kivun ja kiitoksen tarinoita:lääkäreiden ja kätilöiden kuvaukset blogeissa julkaistuissa synnytyskertomuksissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tässä tiedeviestinnän pro gradu -työssä tutkitaan synnytystä äitien kertomana. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on sosiaalinen konstruktionismi, joka katsoo, että todellisuutta rakennetaan ja muovataan kielen avulla. Kun äidit muistelevat synnytyksiään, he paitsi kertovat tapahtumista myös konstruoivat kulttuurista kuvaa synnytyksestä. Tutkimusmetodina on sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, millaisia synnytyskertomukset ovat rakenteeltaan ja miten äidit kuvailevat lääkäreitä ja kätilöitä. Taustaoletuksena on, että äidit ovat oman synnytyksensä parhaita asiantuntijoita. Tutkimusaineistona on 19 äitien kirjoittamaa ja julkisissa blogeissa julkaistua synnytyskertomusta. Synnytyskertomukset ovat rakenteeltaan hyvin samanlaisia. Kertomukset etenevät pohjustuksen ja latenssi- ja avautumisvaiheen kuvailujen jälkeen synnytyksen aktiiviseen vaiheeseen ja ponnistukseen. Henkisten ja fyysisten ponnistusten jälkeen syntyy lapsi, jonka äiti saa rinnalleen. Lopuksi äiti kuvailee vointiaan ja synnytystään ja kertoo olevansa kiitollinen kätilöille, lääkäreille ja tukihenkilölleen. Aineistoon sisältyy kahdeksan keisarileikkausta eli sektiosynnystä (noin 42 % aineiston synnytyksistä). Vuosittain noin 16–17 % lapsista syntyy Suomessa sektiolla. Sektiosynnytykset ovat siis tässä aineistossa yliedustettuja. Aineistoon kuuluu yksi kaksossynnytys. Lääkäri-ilmauksia on aineistossa 81 ja kätilöilmauksia lähes kaksinkertainen määrä, 154. Ilmaukset on koodattu sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Analyysi etenee alkuperäisestä ilmauksesta pelkistettyyn ilmaukseen ja sen jälkeen ala-, ylä- ja pääkategoriaan. Sekä lääkärit että kätilöt esiintyvät kertomuksissa kahdessa roolissa; aktiivisina toimijoina ja toiminnan kohteina. Heidän roolinsa kuitenkin eroavat selvästi toisistaan. Kun lääkäri esiintyy aktiivisena toimijana, hän yleensä joko saapuu paikalle (28,4 %) tai kommunikoi (28,4 %). Kätilö puolestaan kommunikoi (52,6 %) tai tekee työtään (25,3%). Kätilö saapuu paikalle vain neljästi (2,6 %). Lääkärit ja kätilöt kommunikoivat hyvin eri tavoin. Lääkäri keskustelee synnyttäjän kanssa vapaamuotoisesti vain kolmessa lainauksessa. Muut keskustelut liittyvät synnytyksen edistymiseen ja hoitotoimenpiteisiin. Lääkäri ei kannusta tai tsemppaa yhdessäkään lainauksessa, mutta hän toteaa, sanoo ja rauhoittelee. Kätilö puolestaan kertoo tapahtumista, ehdottaa kivunlievitystä, kysyy lupaa, kannustaa ja vitsailee. Kätilön ja synnyttäjän välinen kommunikointi on tasavertaista ja kahdensuuntaista. Lääkäri esiintyy toiminnan kohteena useammin kuin kätilö, sillä lääkäristä puhutaan silloinkin, kun hän ei ole paikalla. Häntä myös konsultoidaan, tai hänet pyydetään paikalle. Kätilöä ei tarvitse kutsua paikalle, sillä hän on jo läsnä. Kun synnyttäjät kuvailevat hoitohenkilökuntaa, he käyttävät lääkäreistä adjektiiveja reipas, rempseä, sympaattinen ja komea. Kätilöitä kuvataan muun muassa sanoilla ihana, fantastinen, taitava ja huippusympaattinen. Lähes kaikki lääkäri- ja kätilökuvaukset ovat myönteisiä

    Functional MRI of the Reserpine-Induced Putative Rat Model of Fibromyalgia Reveals Discriminatory Patterns of Functional Augmentation to Acute Nociceptive Stimuli

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    Functional neuroimaging, applied to pre-clinical models of chronic pain, offers unique advantages in the drive to discover new treatments for this prevalent and oppressive condition. The high spatial and temporal resolution of fMRI affords detailed mapping of regional pharmacodynamics that underlie mechanisms of pain suppression by new analgesics. Despite evidence supporting the translational relevance of this approach, relatively few studies have investigated fMRI abnormalities in rodent models of chronic pain. In this study, we used fMRI to map the BOLD response in a recently developed putative rat model of fibromyalgia to innocuous and acute nociceptive stimuli by applying a step-wise graded electrical forepaw stimulation paradigm, with comparison to healthy controls. We observed discriminatory functional signatures (p < 0.001) to 2 mA electrical forepaw stimulation, found to be innocuous in the control group. As such, this translational approach provides sensitive and quantitative neural correlates of the underlying chronic disease. The regional patterns of functional augmentation were found to be concordant with previous studies of nociception in the anaesthetised rat brain, supporting the specificity of this approach in the study of altered central pain processing in reserpine induced myalgia. The methodology introduced in this work represents a novel platform for emerging treatment evaluation in highly experimentally controlled conditions

    Combination of Cold Atmospheric Plasma and Vitamin C Effectively Disrupts Bacterial Biofilms

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    Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) is increasingly used in medical applications for eradication of bacterial and tumorcells. CAP treatment devices, known as plasma jet pens, produce reactive oxygen and nitrogen species atatmospheric pressure and room temperature. The produced reactive species are concentrated in a small andprecisely defined area, allowing for high precision medical treatments. CAP has been demonstrated as very effectiveagainst planktonic bacterial cells. Unfortunately, bacterial cells in biofilms are typically aggregated and protected bydense exopolymeric matrix, synthesized and secreted by the bacterial community. The main limitation in using CAPagainst bacterial biofilms is the thick protective matrix of extracellular polymers that shields bacterial cells within thiscomplex architecture. CAP has also been shown to effectively eradicate tumor cells, but the main current limitation isthe susceptibility of the surrounding healthy tissues to higher doses. We have recently demonstrated that vitamin C,a natural food supplement, can be used to destabilize bacterial biofilms and render them more susceptible to theCAP killing treatment. Here we discuss the possible impact that a pre-treatment with vitamin C could have on CAPapplications in medicine. Specifically, we argue that vitamin C could enhance the effectiveness of CAP treatmentsagainst both the bacterial biofilms and some selected tumors